>Nazis considered Jazz "degenerate music" just because it was made by Black people
Why were they so autistic? Imagine if they had lived to see Rap then.
>Nazis considered Jazz "degenerate music" just because it was made by Black people
Why were they so autistic? Imagine if they had lived to see Rap then.
Other urls found in this thread:
Jazz is shit regardless.
The Nazis saw art, religion, and really everything as an expression of racial characteristics. Therefore e.g. jazz is an expression of savage and animalistic African mating desires and will corrupt German youth. It was extremely autistic, but when you keep in mind that they were always viewing things through that lens, it becomes easier to understand them.
>mommy why doesn't everyone like rap and jazz and jigaboo music in general mommy why everybody must love rap and jazz and jigaboo music mommy why are they not liking things i like mommy WHYYYY
Who are you referring to right now? It sounds like you're talking to yourself
They weren't autistic.
They were just so far ahead of the curve they saw rap music coming while a generation of cucks were falling for the enlightened jazz man meme.
>wtf people don't like things I like they must be racist bigots!!!!!!!
Jazz is extremely dissimilar to the kind of Wagnerian music the Nazis preferred. The real bizzare thing was banning works by Mahler, Mendellsohn and Copland which weren't aesthetically too different.
>The U.S.A. has no poets, no painters, no architects or composers of world stature. Whatever culture it has is borrowed from Europe. The land lacks its own language, culture, and civilization. It has borrowed everything, generally debasing it by Americanizing it, never improving it. Americanization is a kind of kitschification that gives every cultural value an American stamp, turning a mature language into slang, the waltz into jazz, a work of literature into a crime story.
>We therefore have no appreciation for the Americanism that can be found in certain of our circles. We fail to see why we as the leading musical nation in the world should borrow even a single note from the U.S.A. We have a level of culture and civilization that is denied to most Americans.
t. Joseph Goebbels
I mean, was he wrong?
I was listening to Russian WW2 songs the other day and checked Wermacht's greatest hits. What drivel. Apart from Lily Marlen, it's some of the worst music known to man. Even the most popular ones, like Panzerlied consistently fall out of rhythm. It's amazing how Nazi Germany did not manage to produce a single great musician, writer, painter or filmmaker in 12 years of its wastrel existence.
>muh rhythm
Subhumans lack the capacity to appreciate Aryan time signatures.
The Nazis were shitty thugs but in fairness they did have Carl Orff.
Sounds like he's masterbaiting to his new uniform he got from uncle adolf. Then again he has a few valid points.
>no poets
What about Ralph Waldo Emerson and Walt Whitman?
literally who
>no painters
fuck you goebbels, its better than your faggy fantasy rpg LARP art
>no poets
Poe, Emerson, Whitman, Thoreau.
>no painters
Hopper, Cassatt.
>no architects
What a joke. He comes from a country where the bleeding edge is just stripped down classicism and concrete.
Looks like a fucking comic book illustration
Wew lad
What would actual Nazis have thought of skinhead punk?
>meme shows from Faggotopia
Get lost.
there's a difference between not having a taste for something and calling it degenerate
t. butthurt jazzfag
That's not even completely true, but America's appropriation of other cultures is the best thing about it. Fuck yes let us take all the best shit and cram it together, that's the marketplace of ideas. That's memetic evolution.
>Fuck yes let us take all the worst shit and cram it together
if it truly is the worst then why does it spread everywhere? our memes are beating your heritage-based spooks
Because it panders to the lowest common denominator and the most popular things are almost universally trash? Might as well ask why is Nick Jonas and Miley Cyrus more popular than Liszt and Berlioz.
What an absolutely childish mindset. It seems he believed nations had some kind of claim of ownership to culture, and that once you passed beyond an arbitrary border you were "borrowing" or "stealing" it. As though the Germans who left their homeland for America ceased to have any claim on German art and history when they became American citizens. What absolute rubbish.
t. Tyler Gonzalez
I know it doesnt live up to the art of A Wyatt Mann, but its actually a great work of American realism
He's not wrong you know
The fact people outside of America don't know them might tell you quite a lot.
Please explain how a Frenchman who was inspired by the French masters as a child and then moves to America and grows up to be a painter in the vein of the French masters is somehow "borrowing" French culture while his neighbor from when he lived in France is not.
It tells me they're remarkably ignorant.
>A Wyatt Mann
Hero of our time.
This is a jazz music thread now.
Its even dumber considering all nazi art was was just shitty neo-classical stuff so they could LARP as rome
>>Nazis considered Jazz "degenerate music" just because it was made by Black people
wtf? i hate adorno now
Blacks BTFO lmao
Because, back then, jazz was seen as being (comparatively) more decadent. The more eager rhythm was overwhelming to some back then who were more used to traditional/folk music as well as classical. And yes, jazz music was also associated with sex, drugs, movies, hedonism back then as well. If you want to go with a race angle, then yes there is connection to blacks, as well as jews who wrote a modest amount of showtunes in that era.
Regardless, jazz definitely had a sizable following in Nazi Germany. Watch this video if you want some insight on the era (recommended):
Jazz has way too many origins to possibly pin down a correct beginning. Some people even believe that Ludwig Van Beethoven started jazz as a thing with his 32nd Piano Sonata.
nobody called it degenerate, the guy just called it shit.
>Ralph Waldo Emerson and Walt Whitman
5 years old paint
literally who: the list
I just listed some very well known American artists and writers, its not my fault you're ignorant. Also their architecture was both terrible and guilty of the same thing that gremlin complained about.
America has gotten worse.
They're not Nazis. They're degenerate garbage. Richard Spencer and David Duke are okay though.
By comparison it was, although modern hop hop may make it seem better than it was.
Like punk music? They'd have hated it. Of modern music I think they'd only like Adams and maybe Rihm.
>no architects
Frank Lloyd Wright
Kikes did it too and they both are simply not popular.
friendly reminder
It was allowed as long as it was properly "cleansed". There is such a thing as Nazi Jazz.
>As though the Germans who left their homeland for America ceased to have any claim on German art and history when they became American citizens.
When they dropped that stuff and dully assimilated then yeah.
>screencapping your own posts
Which is garbage.
Who is this Wald Emerson you talking about ?
Okay Adorno
as always there is a propaganda level and real life. In propaganda and general attitude Göbbels has it right. In practice there were the Swing Kids and generally an opener mind towards modern music. Even the Leibstandarte had a jazz formation.
While nazis weren't supportive of jazz, they surely didn't ban, nor did they persecute people who listened to it. "Jazz is degenerate" was the opinion of some nazis, but not everyone thought that and jazz wasn't banned
This pic was literally just Zieglers opinion, not the position of the state
>The dry knock of an idiotic hammer penetrates the utter stillness. One, two, three, ten, twenty strikes, and afterwards a wild whistling and squeaking as if a ball of mud was falling into clear water; then follows a rattling, howling and screaming like the clamor of a metal pig, the cry of a donkey or the amorous croaking of a monstrous frog. The offensive chaos of this insanity combines into a pulsing rhythm. Listen to this screaming for only a view minutes, and one involuntarily pictures an orchestra of sexually wound-up madmen, conducted by a Stallion-like creature who is swinging his giant genitals
- Maxim Gorky
It always baffles me that there are whites who listen to rap music by groids when it's 95% ooga booga bix nood muh diqq fuq whitey werdawhytewomenat. Even in my European country I have younger cousins and a brother who listen to it and I hear niggers talking about gang shite and prison and fucking each others girlfriends - what's the appeal?
Literal, audible cuckoldry.
t. nazi
well that would be cultural appropriation, wouldn't it?
nation =/= country
By this logic all the music that Nazis enjoy today (metal) is degenerate because it originates from blues.
Nowadays every listens to a bunch of degenerate nihilistic white/black rappers with a xanax addiction producing "sadboy trap". Those dopeheads tend to have face tattoos because wow random and artsy.
Example: Lil Peep
I think most of the White kids imagine themselves as that gangster guy.
So they sort of imagine themselves being some gangster.
Not JUST because it was black, but because of its lack of repetition, its strange melodies, etc.
>tfw Goebbels cried about muh cultural appropiation
was he the first sjw?
You guys are on the level of a highschooler
You're shit.
>It always baffles me that there are whites who listen to rap music
some decades ago:
>It always baffles me that there are whites who listen to rock n roll music
and before
>It always baffles me that there are whites who listen to jazz music
the same with tango, blues, reagee, and so on and so on.
blues is dead