Daily reminder that G*rmany has never had a successful empire and they are eternally envious and butthurt about other...

Daily reminder that G*rmany has never had a successful empire and they are eternally envious and butthurt about other countries that did.


Not an empire.

>2nd Reich

Lasted less than 50 years.

>3rd Reich

Lasted only 12 years.

Well what exactly is the minimum amount of years an empire needs to exist before it becomes acceptable to call it an empire? Both Alexander's and Napoleon's empires lasted only a decade.

Ignore him user. This is called a "bait post"

I said they never had a SUCCESSFUL empire. Successful empires last for at least 200 years.

Why that number in particular?

Minimum amount of years to leave a strong impact/legacy. G*rman empires only left autism and destruction behind.

So you don't think Alexander's and Napoleon's empires left a strong impact/legacy?


I am really enjoying how you're publicly embarrassing OP right now.

Alexander's empire didn't vanish out nowhere, it fragmented itself into various kingdoms that continued to influence the Middle East with Hellenism. Napoleon... well, you can say that wasn't really his empire that left a legacy, but Napoleon himself, that being comparable to Hitler, but Hitler left a bad legacy of destruction and autism

The Napoleonic Code is the single most influential law code in history and remains widely used even today, over 200 years later. He completely overhauled the French education system, and laid the foundations of German and Italian nationalism and unification.

This is abutthurt Frog's post I'm betting 10 bucks

How does that contradict what I said?

Silence, g*Rmanoid subhuman.

Well first of all it contraDICKted the fact that "muh empayaas hav tu bi old tu bi infwuuenshal" claim, which is pretty fucking stupid to begin with and second I'm Slavic you dipshit lmao

I fucking hate this movie

I don't even know what it is

>OP getting BTFO THIS hard
>In his OWN thread no less

>Persian Empire
>Roman Empire
>Chinese Empire

He is an American


it was a joke

stop taking memes seriously

Everyone here jerks off to centralized empires, but look at what germans got in exchange for being >H>R>E.
Every german province is developed, germany has several cities that flourished as trade centers, instead of just the capital.
Meanwhile UK and France have a big capital where all the economy is centered, and everything that isn't the capital is a 2nd rate irrelevant town or village

Gee, I really wonder who could be behind this thread?

>I was only pretending to be retarded

mooooom I posted the
meme again xDD

>OP get rekt in a eu4 mp match
>comes to Veeky Forums to sperg out over da ebil prussian/teutonic order player.



Butthurt Pole confirmed as OP


about as much time any French "empire" lasted