What’s with this board and Indo-Europeans?
What’s with this board and Indo-Europeans?
Polish people mainly and one Finn who thinks of himself as a Pole/Russian because he's R1a
Urheimat WHEN
Wypipop are a plague. Its all "WE WUZism".
they are basically ancient white people, so subhumans use haplogroup autism and a mystical belief in bloodlines to wewuz
>ancient white people
Why you classified them as white?
What is white?
Fuck off
/pol/tards shirposting
Literal master race, and the protagonists of all history, ancient, modern and contemporary... forever.
The haplogroup autism bothers the shit out of me. Bunch of people with a pop sci understanding of the genetic history of Europe (and genetics as a field itself) all pretending to be fucking professors in the subject because they read a couple shitty blogs.
Haplogroups bother you probably because you're a race denialist who bought into the "race has no basis in biology or genetics" meme
I think it's pretty fucking clear from my post that I'm not denying the existence of haplogroups, I'm bothered by the drooling autists who wank about them on Veeky Forums and /pol/ (of whom I assume from your post you're one).
Population genetics isn’t as complicated as sentimental idiots such as you make it out to be.
It’s a mixture of genuine interest but low understanding, Naziboos who believe the wagon riders were blonde haired blue eyed demigods, and Poo nationalists who can’t tell the difference between a parent/daughter culture
Literally what? There isn't a shred of sentimentality in my post. Anyway, while it's certainly not string theory, it's complex and specialized enough that laymen (which is what virtually all of you are) make asses of themselves when they try to school people on it when their understanding of it comes from Wikipedia, blog posts, and the skimmed abstracts of papers.
This board is kinda shit. I really hate the word but it really is far too eurocentric.
Europe isn't THAT interesting
>Naziboos who believe the wagon riders were blonde haired blue eyed demigods
Somebody here said that Northern Europeans have the most Indo-European blood
But they literally were, at least compared to f*rmer subhumanoids
Bitch shut the fuck up
If you dressed a PIE in modern clothes you’d call him a non-white. They had dark hair, dark eyes, and darker skin than modern Europeans.
So you're saying that the uninformed shouldn't be educated because you don't like the idea?
Why not just avoid those threads instead of getting triggered?
>it’s far too complex for anybody here to comprehend duuuuuuuude
Yamna were you mean, they were a late offshoot of PIE that were exclusively R1b-Z2103 (very rare in modern Europe) and not true PIE.
So you predict that the Yamna in Hungary and Carpathia were exclusively Z2103 with 0 samples?
Not anybody. Just you and people like you. You'll notice I haven't said a word about my politics or beliefs on race, and I don't know what yours are, although I bet I could make a pretty good guess. This isn't about politics, although not for lack of trying on your part (that's the general you, natch).
Anybody who really has a background in genetics - defined as having received significant formal education in the subject - won't have taken offense at my post. You obviously don't fall into that category.
No, I'm saying you're the uninformed, naively believing you are the informed.
The people who discuss population genetics here, what precisely are they uninformed about?
Most likely you are the uninformed one if you don't subscribe to the modern scientific consensus about European origins that population genetics has uncovered largely through the sequencing of ancient individuals.
If you want to get educated a good place to start would all the papers that the Reich lab of Harvard has released but it seems like you either subscribe to some nonsense theory you are very emotional about or just want to feel like no one should be allowed to read genetics papers without being geneticists themselves and all members of the public should stay uninformed about what happened in the distant past.
>Not anybody. Just you and people like you.
Do elaborate.
>You'll notice I haven't said a word about my politics or beliefs on race
Neither have I.
>This isn't about politics, although not for lack of trying on your part
What isn’t?
>Anybody who really has a background in genetics - defined as having received significant formal education in the subject - won't have taken offense at my post. You obviously don't fall into that category.
You don’t have to have a degree to have extensive knowledge about some subject these days, you fail to point out how people talking about genetics here are uninformed but you claim them to be anyway because they hurt your fee fees.
How about the people who wantonly conflate linguistic taxonomy with genetics? I see people doing that in literally every thread about population history, and that's not an exaggeration. The spread of the original PIE/Uralic/etc-speaking populations can be traced with genetics - imperfectly - but Proto-Indo-European is a purely linguistic term. You'll frequently see threads where people talk about the Proto-Indo-Europeans (defined by the language they spoke), the Corded Ware culture (defined by their pottery style, i.e. archeology) and the R1a/R1b haplogroups (defined by their genetics) as though they were one and the same, which they flatly aren't. They're certainly correlated with each other, but they're not interchangeable. That's not "ackchyually" autism, they just aren't, shouldn't even be treated as interchangeable when you're speaking casually on an image board, if you want to be taken seriously. And that isn't an error that anyone with more than a passing understanding of the field(s) would make.
That's not the only example I could bring up of people bringing terms from linguistic typology into genetics apparently without understanding that it turns their posts into meaningless gibberish. I'm reminded of the guy a few threads ago who posted about "Uralo-Siberian genes", which literally isn't a fucking thing.
One day I hope you people will learn to stop hallucinating things in my posts that aren't there.
>the Corded Ware culture (defined by their pottery style, i.e. archeology)
Corded Ware people were very similar to the original Indo-Europeans genetically, that pots not people view isn’t taken very seriously anymore.
>as though they were one and the same
99% of modern R1a stems from Indo-Europeans, sure it was spread around by non-Indo-European speaking populations such as Turkics but its ultimate origin point was PIE.
>They're certainly correlated with each other, but they're not interchangeable
Modern R1a practically is. Same can’t be said for R1b, although most of the time wherever you find either post-PIE they have something to do with Indo-Europeans. That isn’t to say they’re interchangeable, but in certain contexts they’re pretty close to being so.
>One day I hope you people will learn to stop hallucinating things in my posts that aren't there.
You called people here uninformed without explaining your stance, now you have.
Tell me about the R1a Finn
They’re the protagonists of history
>162 cm tall
>reindeer herder boy with mostly sami blood
>grandfather a karelian from suoyarvi, russia
>mad at swedes for sterilizing a handful of sami people in the 30s
>loves russia and thinks finns would be better off becoming russian because russian culture is so rich
>makes copious amounts of finns are mongols memes
Search for Ruskataival in Google images there's even his family tree there.