Why is Veeky Forums stupid enough to fall for a blatant scam?
Why is Veeky Forums stupid enough to fall for a blatant scam?
I thought he wasn't going to talk about Bitcoin anymore...
>tfw stupid enough to x50 my initial investment
>Also said his daughter bought bitcoin
Only a matter of time until SJWs attack Jaime Dimon
please stop making jamie threads, my blood pressure can only take so much
dirty jew
I'm pretty far from one but that even upsets me. What kind of father goes on international news, talks about how only idiots would do something and then says that their own child did so?
says the increasingly nervous man
Isn't Jamie a girl's name?
I call my child an idiot all the time, fucking sjw
I'm sure they'll turn out just like you
A bitter fucktard on an anonymous chan website
You're a bad father then, if you let the whole world know that you think they'really an idiot what do you think that tells potential employers who will now know that their own parents have zero faith in them?
He's right, Bitcoin is worthless, it's the proof of concept that will actually be useful in the coming years.
Buy Ark while you still can.
This, can't believe more people aren't seeing the potential in Ark
It's still very underground
He's right.
I'll pay the price of 2 bitcoin to buy a 51% stake in his shitty bank so I can fire his ass.
he's stupid enough to break his arm in his age, not a surprise though
apparently he says blockchain is legit according to op. he is a shitcoin investor like the best of us
Calling the roaches that live in your filth your children doesn't actually make them your children. That requires having sex user.
In the same interview, he also said "BTC could hit 100k before it goes to zero, it doesn't matter."
A market prediction with no timeline is meaningless.
>if you buy it, you'll pay the price
Makes sense. That's how buying works.
He's not a Jew, he just married one, smart man
he's just mad now cause bitcoin is bigger than goldman sachs and morgan stanley
Not all were meant to make it my son.
>bitcoin is highly efficient, therefore it's a scam
jamie dimon is like the Paul Krugman of investment advice
I thought he said he was done talking about it
He only had one point that really activated my almonds.
What if Bitcoin does get so big, that governments feel threatened and they decide it's illegal? Isnt it possible that one day the US will go "this Bitcoin meme is out of control, it's now illegal to exchange bitcoins"
I know it would be super hard to implement, but he's not wrong when he says governments like control of their money
"they will pay the price in the future" by all means necessary even if it means killing everyone even if thats what we already have in plan
>he fell for the children meme
What with that gay sling lmao
>activated my almonds
the government made it illegal to own gold at one point
super hard to implement? a bullet to the brain is easy.
your father had a son.
his father had a son.
and his father had a son.
x1000000 all the way back to fuckin monkies
and your autistic retarded shitstain self is going to break that chain going back hundreds of thousands of years
oh look its the head of one of those banks that got bailed out by taxpayer money saying bitcoin suuucks.
Wall Street is meme tier that was rescued in its entirety by a government bailout. It's as much zombie status as the USD.
Looking forward to becoming a crypto-martyr sometime soon desu
Who cares? There's no inherent value to reproduction. Humans assign meaning, not inanimate or nonexistent things like nature or God, and you can choose to live a meaningful life without children.
Our species' survival doesn't depend on everyone having kids anymore. There are enough people on the planet that we have the luxury to choose to have them or not.
im pretty cold hearted but fuck me i couldnt even imagine saying something like that in public about family, and my family was poor as fuck and beat my ass
The same guy who has been trying to ruin our lives for weeks now :~(
>t. "I'm suffering through having children so you have to do it too"
lel fuck you
obvious fudding from a conniving jew
there is a correction coming soon though
All nihilist faggots need to be wiped from this board. Fuck off back to watching Rick and Morty and browsing Reddit you useless faggot.
He's right. BTC is a huge meme and its only value comes from being the most famous crypto and normies thinking it'll rise forever. Once an actually useful coin surpasses its marketcap, it's over for BTC. It'll stagnate and die.
Yeah, the cycle of suffering ends with me.
>an actually useful coin
Ever heard of Ethereum?
He has every reason to fud BTC, meanwhile we're making money discord.gg
You have to be 18 to browse this site
BTC has no value in the same sentence as talking about fiat this guy is a joke knows that. The only reason he talks about bitcoin is to manipulate the price.
He's a bigger fraud than any nefarious activity in crypto.
I am so fucking happy that liberals will saVE us a fortune on gas by self-terminating their shitty genes .
First, they ignore you, then they laugh at you, and then they attack you
what a cunt this guy was
but think about it, if you had to go to a haloween party as a jew banker he's completely perfect...
enjoy being alone and childless you fucking male feminist cuck
Turned my $500 into $50000 damn I'm stupid
"blatant scam" because the billionaire who's been blatantly scamming you for decades tells you so.
Maybe he's ironically pumping shitcoins so he can dump his secret $1B stake at $5,000.
Underrated post.
This guy gets it
Funny how the highest birth rates are found in the areas of the world that are developed the least. I bet you look forward to your children getting blacked.
enjoy raising idiots that will hate you one day anyway
>Win 50 dollars in btc back when eth was 50 dollars
>Fuck around
>Now at 3000 dollars
Anyone who has faith in fiat will pay the price when the debt bubble pops.
Jamie timeline
I will just let this here.