ITT: Badass paintings of historical events/historical figures.
ITT: Badass paintings of historical events/historical figures
Mindless bolshevik hordes i believe the painting is called.
I hope whoever made this is in hell by now.
P-Pls show feminine benis
Fuck off you disgusting degenerate!
What a cute gi- OwO
>burning down your own shelter and a large proportion of your supplies in the midst of the Russian winter
Didn't he lose an arm? Why paint him before that?
The French didn't burn Moscow, you retard.
This or the reproduction with more muted colors but I don't know.
Allright who is this little fuckboy,
I found the artistic, and I think I even found his name, but cant find information about him (atleast not in english) is he some royality, or son of general or fucking who
why isn't she my historical waifu?
"Ehh.... later."
There's quite a lot of them although this list has both historical and mythological examples.
You got any more like this?
It's amazing how many things are historically inaccurate with this image even AFTER you remove the furry.
Franz Ferdinand driving the car himself is the funniest part.
What is it with painting involving horses that is always so fucking badass ??
It sucked what happened to him but also fuck him. He was a vile cunt.
She was Greek, not sub-saharan African.
I don't think I ever saw something so gloriously bad/wrong, it never ceases to amaze me.
also, contirbootin
ah, classic rule of threes, op, you've done it again.
how has no one given you a you yet
like bloody hell
Anything by Don Troiani or Mort Kunstler
General Gordon's Last Stand
114 metres long panorama of a battle from the kosciuszko uprising. Survived ww 2, was almost destroyed by subhuman commies
Unless my source is wrong or I'm a dummy: Federico Madrazo y Kuntz, Portrait of Federico Florez, 1842.
I love my nigga Tintoretto
What anime is this
how do you even create shit like that
Gonna drop some stuff.
I think Cowpens was my favorite battle of this war.
French light infantrymen
when will they learn
One of my favorites
That pic reminds me of this
Source?it really captures the lifestyle of an aristocrat.The lightning in this pic is also very accurate.
Flute Concert with Frederick the Great in Sanssouci - Adolph Menzel
Because Saint Olga exists. Whom I've claimed, by the way.
But who the fuck is Federico Madrazo?
This one is probably my all time favorite.
The longer you look at it the funnier it gets.
Every person is so fleshed out and unique.
Several years of work and few extremely skilled painters working together