I hope you get in for the last mega hype bull run now
>400k LINK
Lets go baby.
Stay jealous NOLINKs
>comment FUD in this thread if you're scared of LINK
been buying every time we touch 75 today, ez money
This shit gonna dump.
Made nice profit up to next one. GG.
Metaverse fag spotted
Rumor is after SIBOS Chainlink will offer an additional crowdsale round to make up for the previous debacle
Source of gtfo
this is some hot new fud
Rory said something like that in the slack.
Evidently it’ll come from part of the remaining total supply.
Pic or GTFO
Buy my Bags then.
already did my friend :)
Yep it was rory and I’ve heard from someone else
This guy is bullshitting. Rory denied it on Slack just now.
we're all in the slack laughing at you right now.
the FUD level is so uncreative that no one even would care about it now lol
Pics or it didn't happen.
I sense a dip regardless of what is said. SIBOS is going to be lackluster.
He just said that the airdrop is fake. There might be a second crowdfunding.
no cheap LINK for you pajeet
They're not even discussing this.
#trading channel fag
Confirmed in slack. Send all Link to this address for the airdrop by end of business today Western Standard time or else your Link will not qualify.
Hahaha this is great.
i just sent 250k LINK. When will i Get the air drop ?
Very good, soon friend. Stay posted sirs.