>Mom is making me buy my own food, pay for gym membership, cellphone bill, and other things
How the fuck is this fair?
>Mom is making me buy my own food, pay for gym membership, cellphone bill, and other things
How the fuck is this fair?
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My parents pay for everything including my schooling expenses :^)
Both of you are failures
How old are you?
im only 21, i fucking hate boomers
thats not fair man fuck you.
DUDE I feel you. Just turned 28 and they keep telling me I have to buy my own stuff...
So you're a child trapped in an adults body
lol my parents still pay for my phone bills/gas/gym membership and i'm 35.
Get some gains with us then user you filthy animal
hmm, sounds rough user
Rent is free as long as i dont start blowing money on stupid shit. (just mutual trust on this one)
everything else is paid for by myself, but householditems, ie washing powder, toilet paper etc.
23 y/o
pretty fair deal imo.
fuck off its not my fault everything is expensive. God we should just mass murder boomers
>fuck off its not my fault I'm a failure and can't afford anything
hang yourself
its not fair
you can show her
better start helping around the house to get them good boy points up
Fuck off stupid boomers, not all of us could work at shoppers and afford a house, car while being able to support our wife and 2 kids in a good neighborhood.
Congrats retard, I'm younger than you and obviously making more money than you as well.
What an absolute failure you are when you have to fall back on such retarded excuses.
Moved out when I was 19, paid my own way through an engineering degree by working afternoon shift as a technician. Was a tough few years but so what that's what makes you a man. You guys are pathetic.
I got booted out of the house when i was 16 left to fend for myself with zero help and your here bitching about a gym membership? Just fucking kill yourself.
How old are you?
This, except you're not a failure yet, if you're only like 18 or something. She is definitely a failure if she can't afford to help her kid get ahead in life. Making you pay for essentials when you should be devoting your time to university or something is a waste, you need to focus on building a better future but she is robbing you of that by not being a proper provider.
They said 21
You again you whining cunt? Fml. Only time (after 18) I lived rentfree with parents was if I was
>full time student
Even then I paid for my own luxuries like the ones you mention. Get a fucking job you mooching NEET.
He. This isn't reddit.
Boomers are a scumbag generation yes. You, in this pathetic whining post expecting people to pay for your luxuries, are exhibiting a typical Boomer narcissism.
Are you autistic?
im no boomer you worthless nigger LOLOLOLOL