In the Turkish War of Independence why is the Ottoman Empire fighting against the Turkish National Movement? Won't they be on the same side? Or is it an error on Wikipedia?
In the Turkish War of Independence why is the Ottoman Empire fighting against the Turkish National Movement...
Ottoman government was a puppet of Allies. They unironically declared war on TÜRK resistance and got shrekt. After the war Ottoman family got deported from Turkey and Turkey dismantled the Empire and created a new state.
If i were Ataturk i'd have gone full Bolshevik on Ottoman family. I can't stand subhuman mongrels.
So the ottoman government switched to the sides of their enemies that conquered them after WW?
Why the hell would they do that?
I'd go*
Ottomans were pathetic subhumans.
That's a pretty amazing thing to do to side with the people that destroyed your empire...what a fucking dumb thing to do.
people need to understand that Ottomans werent Turks and Byzantines not Greek.
Both were Empires and as such were multinational. Many Byzantine Emperors werent even Greek and i think one Sultan was of Greek descent
A Turkic independence means that the nation can be whatever it wants ( a democracy or a republic) for example, sth which no emperor wants.
Wasn't the Ottoman Empire (a multinational one) in the end controlled by the Turks? Wasn't the Sultan Turk? The Caliph Turk? So then who was the Ottoman Empire (after it collapsed against the British) controlled by then? such that they wanted to fight the Turks...
Same reason the czarist government fought against the Bolsheviks. This isn't really a difficult concept.
i cant say for sure. I would suspect that the Sultan would lose all his power and that power is more important than the nation.
It would explain why Alexander the Great was in favour of interracial marriages
Except this is the Ottoman Empire siding with the people that conquered them.
Did the Czarist government side with people that conquered and destroyed them a year later?
Please do keep up.
The ottoman government basically was taken hosage by the allies after WW1 they didn't really have a choice in siding against Ataturk its still treason what they did though and Ataturk would have been in the right if he executed them all but he was more civilized than that.
Also they were a turkish dynasty but I guess after ruling several different nations over the centuries they placed more value on ottoman identity and holding power than they did on being turkish. Ataturk was pretty clear that he was out there to create a turkish republic which didn't need monarchs.
are turkish mongols or were they some sort of eurasian?
>tfw a Monkey destroyed Greek chances for domination of the Anatolia.
Like half the world invaded Russia to aid the czarist regime after the revolution. It is pretty much the exact same thing.
thanks dude...didn't know they were basically taken hostage by the allies
I don't see what the Ottoman Empire would have gained in siding with the enemies when they could have joined forces with the Turkish National Movement and got rid European occupation. It's not the same thing with Russia, similar but not the same...the Europeans did not occupy Russia.
>a governmemt accepting foreign help to try and maintain power against an insurgent force
>hurrdurr why would this happen
You really are a fucking brainlet.
Guess what, it was Russians who basically overthrew the Soviet Union too.
Hope your head doesn't explode.
We're just Turkmens with Anatolian heritage.
We're not Mongols. We're predominantly caucasoid with some Mongoloid (5-25%) heritage.
Did the Europeans occupy Russia you dumb fucking cunt? It is not the same thing. The Ottomans would have gained more by siding with Turkey to remove the occupation. Could the Czar side with the Bolsheviks to remove European occupation? That's the point of what I'm saying. Someone more intelligent already answered so do fuck off with stupidity.
Guess what? What the fuck does that have to do with anything?
Please see, and also please get a brain
fucking hate discussing the ottomans on this board because one faggot comes in here and starts talking about "european subhumans" and everything devolves from there
Self preservation was more important than a temporary occupation.
The Government had NO interest in aiding a movement that was literally trying to get rid of them.
If you don't understand this maybe Veeky Forums isn't for you
"Self preservation was more important than a temporary occupation"
Who the fuck is saying this is not?
"The Government had NO interest in aiding a movement that was literally trying to get rid of them. "
And that is why the two are not similar you fucktard. How hard is it for to you understand what I am saying?
"If you don't understand this maybe Veeky Forums isn't for you"
Yes because it is full of uneducated fucking idiots like you. I seriously don't think any of you even went past high school.
who the fuck is talking about european "subhumans"?
are you that stupid or are you a bot?
Real monarchies hate Nationalist movements for the spastic hysterics that they are.
Dumbfuck, the Turks were fighting to overthrow the Ottoman empire. It was a secularist movement who wanted the fucking sultans out.
You stupid dumbfuck the Ottoman Empire was conquered by the British and the rest of the Europeans already. It was already occupied and held hostage by the allies. Someone else gave the answer already. Read a fucking history book. Fucking stupid loser idiot.
>Being occupied
>Being completely abolished
Gee, I wonder which option the Sultanwould choose
Now you're trolling...why does it matter?
Goodbye, not falling for your stupid trolling.
The Turkish War of "Independance" is a bit of a strange name the roaches used to describe it. It wasn't the secession from another entity, but more of the abolishment of Sultanate. I think they just felt a little left out with all the independace movements happening all around them. It's kind of ironic though as after their "independance" they annexed and genocided the shit out of non-turkish lands in the Ottoman empire.
What are both different situations? I'm just describing the Sultanate's choices during the war, gaylord.
>Chiang sides with Mao to remove sushi
Yeah, it could've happened.
What is the partitioning of anatolia?