I literally learned how to cure cancer with Native American witchcraft and meditation, how should i come to the public about this?
I literally learned how to cure cancer with Native American witchcraft and meditation...
Other urls found in this thread:
You can copy and paste your post onto a word doc, call it a whitepaper, and hold an ICO for retards to throw money into. Call it Cancercoin, or whatever
You could make billions bruh
Remember the name blake and screen cap
this is going to be a good thread.
Forget about cancer, can you use your power to make LINK go up?
First kill yourself
Then resurrect with your magic
People are now aware of you and you can now start promoting your special skill
The "healer" inside me is waking upnow thru muscle memory
How to cure cancer the native American way? Die of smallpox
I can cure that too, i first learned to remove cavities. Btw im white and have no more than 20% native in me
I'm part Crow and part Cherokee. Tell me what you think you know about our culture and beliefs, if this thread isn't a joke.
Post proof of your power.
Im just a simple Patowatomi man who learned that you can remember who you were in a past life if you stare at trees long enough! Pass this message to your people
Poorfag without camera. I get a labtop soon and can post the movements by sunday
Thank you
Imagine not moving and someone moves for you
Delete this thread and never mention it again, before big pharma puts out a hit on you and you're dead within the hour.
Witch killing is over , we must go thru with this. Think of what can be done by these possessions
Babbies first Ayahuasca
People haven't been able to do this since the middle ages... Fuck them
Teach me how op
And how did you come by this information, yo-negg?
Go for it man
Stare at a tree and silence your mind to remember past life situations
Muscle memory and meditation
Don't. Limit this knowledge to you and a close circle of intellectuals and shamans. With this newfound knowledge, identity politicians across the world who have cancer and offer to cure them in exchange for political favours and wealth.
In time, your cabal will be well on its way to ruling this world from the shadows.
Make the information available in an ebook, for example.
Whatever you do make sure to add lots of disclaimers because it seems that is one of the main ways that they try to come down on the alternative medicine crowd is by saying that you are practicing medicine without a license.
I wouldn't bother. Big pharma will alert the shadow government and they'll dispatch a hit squad to take you out and then confiscate all your research to use for themselves.
What you do is open up a betting market in some third world hell hole. Or do it with crypto on the dark web. You allow people to place bets on cancer patients. Like bets on how quickly they go, and if they die or not, and how many years they can stay in remission.
Now you bet in favor of some of the worst cases making it. Then you go to these lost causes, cure them, and collect on the bet.
The trick is not to get greedy. Don't save so many people that the market starts to catch on.
Okay. Thanks for confirming that you are full of shit.
Please stop coming up with weird ideas about other cultures, and stop trying to be somebody you're not. You have no idea what you're talking about.
Its not right. People will still die from disease
I had to double check that I wasn't in /x/. Get the fuck out of biz you faggot. Try /x/ or GLP.
kid...if you think the (((they))) aren't aware of these powers you are mistaken.. It is how they got to their positions in the first place. For your own safety, please keep it to yourself. You are not the only one. The others who tried... they're missing.... Please....save it for your loved ones. ..
The witch doctor is a oldfag remember this
post it on pastebin before some company that sells anti-cancer drugs will suicide you.
>he thinks (((They))) don't control pastebin
oh boy
I dont want to die over this shaman shit
Go take your meds white boy. Your schizo is showing.
Try soul chanting music
well he can just upload to several sites in same time.
to mega...
to pastebin
to youtube
to facebook cancer groups.....
trying to sell it will be "deadly" thats for sure.
I mean like Tom Ogle or like Jan Sloot...
there is only (((one))) hope to save (((you))) from (((Them)))
you must travel the land to harness your powers in geological hotspots, collecting the seven ancient power balls which will grant you a single wish
you may use this wish to protect yourself from (((THEM)))
purchase (((GEOCOIN))) and collect the coins through their unique and fun (tm) way of mining by going to different locations with friends or family and collect the manually buried coins! contact (((your))) regional leader for more information
Did Charlie Sheen bang Corey Haim behind a trailer in 1985?
maybe even on piratebay unironically.
who knows.
more places in same time = better
Write a note with the healing steps.
Shove said note up your ass.
Proposition a dude.
When he pulls out, the note will be affixed to his shlong.
He will be astounded and tell the world of your genius.
CNN will soak this story up for months
This, unironically.