Is this the worst sequel of all time?
Itt bad sequel
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I guarantee you haven't even read it
They kinda jumped the shark in the scene where the prophet goes to Jerusalem, takes flight and travels the universe on his flying horse, all in a single night. that and stealing judeochristian stuff and calling it muslim.
>literally Jesus in da Hood
That's a low budget spin off with wewuz native americans n shieet. The mythos is scientology tier.
You should have called it a Disney style direct to video sequel.
The Koran is poorly written. Look at what people consider to be the most "beautiful" passages
>Say, ‘Should all humans and jinn rally to bring the like of this Quran, they will not bring its like, even if they assisted one another.”
Let's compare with various translations of the New Testament and maybe even some apocrapha:
> My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? why art thou so far from helping me, and from the words of my roaring? My God, I cry in the daytime, but thou hearest not; and in the night season, and am not silent.
Or perhaps the Book of Wisdom from just before Christ will show the literary skill of that era of Roman, Greek and Jewish culture:
> Our name will be forgotten in time and no one will remember our works; our life will pass away like the traces of a cloud, and be scattered like mist that is chased by the rays of the sun and overcome by its heat. 5 For our allotted time is the passing of a shadow, and there is no return from our death, because it is sealed up and no one turns back.
Translators can add much to the merit of a work but I'd argue that there are no translations of the Koran that have any verses approaching a mediocre narrative bible passage. Honestly there are autismal, robot-like translations of Confucious's Analects and Aristotle's work that have at least some beautiful passages.
I want to learn to read Arabic just so I can argue with religious scholars who say "you have to read it in the original Arabic bro".
The idea behind the Koran is that it rhymes. That's it, that's the "miracle".
But it sounds silly anyways, the bible seem to be ten thousand times more poetic.
It's more like a shitty fan fiction or a remake
Did anyone take a look at the Bonus Features?
No wonder people does not like religion.
t. Brainlet
The Bible is kino
Do you all have autism or something?
Read through that thread, and wow. I don't know if it's because they have to translate it word for word or something (and still tell you "bruh read the Arabic") but anything from the Old or New Testament is surpassingly beautiful
I'm back again fuck Islam. Fuck Poophummad poop be upon him and fuck Pisslam. I don't want to learn about Islam I'm proud to be ignorant about Islam and I rather not learn about Islam and the Muslims all Muslims are terrorists I hate them. They are all pedophiles and they support terrorism. Fuck Pisslam. I hate Islam, I hate Muslim culture and I hate Islamic culture in the history I don't even know about the history and I don't want to learn about the history because the history is just stupid. It's plain stupid I hate their history I hate their culture and I hate them as a people.
25 year rule
[spoiler]You're not wrong though[/spoiler]
The fact that the koran is only truly the koran when it's in Arabic really makes me suspect as to their intent, because it gleans towards an excuse for Arab supremacy even though the koran explictly states that that ALL humans are equal in relation to god
I understand your frustration.
Another pathetic Anti-Islam thread by Christcucks, Ex Muslims and Zionist Kikes. Keep whining on this site while we win the culture war with demographic warfare. Now go back to your beds and dream about ''deus vulting'' us someday while we build mosques and convert people in Europe. Take it from your own pope
The Qur'an is supposed to be perfectly preserved word-for-word, just the same today as it was taught to Mohammed. Any variations and innovations to the literal word of God through Gabriel would be the highest level of blasphemy and a disaster. The Muslims take pride in their claim that the Qur'an is perfect in that sense.
Your specious argument is flawed, comparing a man's translation of the Qur'an to English, wherein the eloquence is lost, with a man's translation of the Bible to English, with which he has taken many liberties in making it sound more appeasing and based on his interpretation, thus breaking the status of the text as the literal word of God.
For these reasons, translations of holy text cannot hold the same status as the original. That is why they say that one should read the Qur'an in Arabic.
Anyways, here's a recitation of that verse you brought up in its original form:
>Any variations and innovations to the literal word of God through Gabriel would be the highest level of blasphemy and a disaster.
then why is it ever translated at all?
a translation is a form of variation.
Because the original form is preserved, and translations aren't considered "Qur'an", but "translations of Qur'an". Quite a different thing.
See a translated copy of the Qur'an, and it should always have the Arabic version alongside whatever language you got it in.
Now, what my point was, was that if the Muslims unanimously decided to translate the Qur'an so that the original form is discarded, then there would be a problem. The innovated form of the book could no longer be considered the literal word of God because, well, it really wouldn't be.
if translations are considered distinct, then what's wrong with having the passages have more flow and beauty to them? surely this would also better reflect the true nature of the book, if it's as poetic as you say.
There shouldn't be anything wrong with it, I think, as long as it recognises the boundary with innovation and doesn't overstep. I personally enjoy reading the translations in olde English.
Now, the verse mentioned earlier shouldn't reflect the capabilities of the Qur'an in translation, as the poster liked it for its meaning.
Either way, a translation cannot properly reflect, nor suffice as a substitute for the original form.