Does Veeky Forums like Jewish people
Does Veeky Forums like Jewish people
"Does Veeky Forums like the people trying to keep you poor"
Why would anyone that is trying to make money like them?
The kikes are really cute though.
Have you seen mensch on a bench?
(((They))) are in control of most of the things keeping people dumb sheep.
Veeky Forums should stop caring about muh feels and start learning about the people they hate if they really want to get into business and finance.
If there was a button on my desk made by the devil who had told me 'if you push this button all the jewish people in the world die and dissapear into air instantly upon pressing this button'... I would not hesitate for a single second.
Jews are the scum of the earth
I like boobies
I wish I was one.
I actually do because it's really easy to take advantage of the majority of the population they put to sleep
Biz does. Pol doesn’t. And pol is leaking into biz. You can spot them easily. They post pink wojaks when a coin drops 5%. Ignore them.
If I liked jews that would imply there is something different about them from other people, and that would be racist, now wouldn't it? Bigot.
fucking pedophile.
Oh shit for real? No joke?
doubt it , Jennifer Lawrence offered to fuck his brains out and he turned it down because his limit is 35.
I mean , he's George Kastanza IRL. He finds ways to self destruct at the best case scenarios.
Racist is anything that gets in the way of white genocide.
/pol/ is definitely the most Jewish part of Veeky Forums.
Veeky Forums is a /pol/ colony so no
Nah Veeky Forums is definitely the Veeky Forums jew
Jewish people are better at raising families & educating children ( in general).
The issue is that Western Christian societies ( ie if you're born and your parents don't practice anything you're still going to be part of these philosophies ) are taught values that make (many of them) poor managers of money / allow themselves to get into situations where they are satisfied with very little profit.
Investing in anything and making money work for you at a young age - even if you lose 40k - will put you above the average blue/white collar worker down the road.
Veeky Forums is a /pol/ colony. It's where the /pol/acks who are red-pilled on crypto come
It's not a /pol/ colony you're just a refugee here
das rite das rite we muney now nigga! muh dik!
They are the most successful and might go as far to say intelligent race; this said, fno.
When it comes to power and wealth they are like rats to cheese.
And rats must be exterminated.
learn to embrace the jew and you will find riches beyond your wildest imagination.
This lol
So edgy
80-90% of them. The rest though....
No, and I hope enough of you faggots become rich and help fund vanguard political movements that aren't about whites being total faggots that lay down and die.
Why do you think /pol/ is here?
This. Goyim and Normie hold the same meaning.
We need to spam /pol/ with it, really. It could change a lot. Decentralization and a shift in wealth is the only way to beat the jew and those that sold out their countries to go with them.
"Does /biz like people trying to keep you poor, shit on your culture, and fuck up your country while hypocritically not wanting these same fuck ups for their country and their people?"
I don't care if jews are smart or rich. A lot of ethnicities are smart, and rich. What I don't like is rat kikes, who were welcomed and given opportunities and refuge by Christians and in their nations while hypocritically spitting on this kindness by disrespecting their nation's religion and their people. But that's beyond the point.
This is a biz board, as far as money goes, I don't trust jews to ever have my interest at heart when it comes to money. I have never invested in jewish heavy ICOs, 99% of the time you will lose money. Every time jews have left you dumbasses holding bags I have given you the same advice: Unless they are jews in name only, like the Google founders, I wouln't put my money on jewish enterprises being funded by non jewish money. You will lose money. If you don't believe me you are either : a) naive and in need of a rude awakening or b) a shifty kike.
I have jewish (((friends))) irl. For the most part, the more liberal jews aren't complete pieces of shit (I am a mormon, have slight jewish ancestry given my last name, so maybe that helps blending with these "people").
I am fine with the few rare jews like David Seaman an incredibly courageous man that like a few jews before him has managed to put the well-being of ALL humanity above being some kike blooded tribeman, but most jews aren't David Seamans. Most jews act like zerglings for the jewish over-mind, and such a low moral backstabbing culture will end up fucking them up in the end (these fags don't realize that if they keep at it one day their ultra elite will end up shitting on them and making them cogs of THEIR machine one day too).
I like many Jewish people, but I think Judaism itself is literally the worship of evil as a god.
>poisons your well
>clips your coins
>david seaman
he got unpersoned hard for going after pedokikes
I got the mensch on a bench for my /pol/ friend's birthday, he didn't seem to appreciate it that much
I really don't know enough to have a broad opinion. Jewish chicks are fucking hot though. Have had the good fortune to be with a couple.
>tfw they tell you straight up their family would never accept a non-Jew
He is pretty courageous regardless of ethical heritage. He has even called out the rothchilds by ethnicity and spoken against it. Quite a brave man.
that's complete bullshit. any kid with a jewish mom is a full jew. non-jew dads are basically a silent genocide of gentiles.
surprised podesta never had him killed
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