Why doesn't this shared history tie people in the middle east and europe together?
They converted into several different religions after their empire was destroyed. At the very least, they all invaded germany twice.
Because Arabs.
Would've been great, the romano-moorish kingdoms were pretty Europe-tier but islam happened.
How large of an ethnic impact did the Islamic invasions have on the Middle-East and North Africa?
>tfw Bactria died before it could achieve absolute greatness
Imagine what we could have had.
I've always kind of thought that they were all closer to what the turks look like today so mostly white. The swarthy skin definitely comes from the more southern parts of arabia (i.e. mecca, medina). Makes you wonder what kind of people from that area would kill and rape their way across the middle east and north africa?
Not heavy since Islam itself based much of its culture off of MENA culture as a way to spread to the masses similar in a way the Rome used its culture to spread Christianity. But I'm being very brief. The large impact that islam had was that is split itself from Christianity and thus outcasted itself from ever being a formidable ally to any christain kingdom. They were just too different. Christendom is the actual basis of Europe and the EU. Every nation in the EU was one way or another a Christian state during the middle ages where the ME is still divided from Europe because of the long standing dispositions about religion, among other reasons of course.
would've been pretty neat desu
It seen as European imperialism.
Obviously if the region was still Christian, it would be pretty united
It wasn't united when it was under Christian control.
Have you fucking people never opened A book?
Levantines are almost gray.
Almost none at all. Like most invasions.
would have been pretty fuckin nice
Why do people keep using maps of Europe from during Trajan's campaigns? Most of that territory in the Middle East was immediately seceded by Hadrian for the sake of keeping the empire stable.
Europe, North Africa, and the Eastern Mediterranean countries used to be one cultural continent
because modern nation states in Europe are based on the Germanic medieval kingdoms
not the Graeco-Roman sphere of influence
bacteria didnt die out you idiot it evolved into humans
This. It's European imperialism no different to how Europeans whine about the Islamic invasions
Unironically, Islam.