This shit just got on bittrex, check for yourselves if you don't believe. Hurry the fuck up though, it's still at 50% ICO price and we are going back to ICO price right now!
Other urls found in this thread:
People don't want VR 2nd life in 2017. Not yet.
nobody is selling
Its a piece of shit sonnyboy.
Who cares? It's below 50% ICO price and will go back to it within a couple hours. Get in for quick profit.
>using bittrex
enjoy getting your account shut down
Already up 50%, too late.
But this means that Bittrex is adding coins again.
Why the fuck is it twice the price on Bittrex compared to Liqui?
Pump addicts
Looked into Mana. This is some stupid shit. "Use virtual money to own virtual real estate"
What was the ico price?
lmao there are unironically people that still use bittrex
there are like 5 coins worth owning on there and you can buy 3 of them off coinbase
>all in liqui
>send to bittrex
Can't be arsed registering for a bit of arbitrageness.
are you gonna explain why or just throw your shill out there
Half ico price because it is fucking shit.
Also was sold out in 3sec no joke.
Massive whale ready to fucking dump on your ass is HOLDing tight
wooo weee, someone knows his shit
I dunno why anyone hates on bittrex.
Its the best site around is a cesspool
Buy CND!
Watch this garbage and tell me if this is worth investing real money into or not
Concept seems decent but the product judging based on that video looks pretty shit.
wait, this shit is seriously half ico price? I think Ill actually buy
Great concept, atrocious execution. Get in for the pump if you're brave, but their tech is really bad. I've developed VR stuff before - and their tech is beyond garbage. Good luck.
if it taps into second life users, anyone who buys has a nice investment
Graphics looks like ass. Gameplay will have to be solid otherwise even the minecraft group wouldn't touch it.
Sold last night
LOL dont tell me you're gonna invest in this pnd
user. Thank you. Your alert brought a tremendous arbitrage opportunity to my attention and I quickly doubled my money.
To all of the suckers who bought my overpriced bags: thanks for your money.
Arb between Liqui and Bittrex?
Binance has started a bunch of chink FUDing to get customers to come over to chink exchange so they can fake a hack next year and steal monies
I can't believe I just bought this turd, immediate regret
Based on FUD either it's going to have a pump because nobody really knows wha'ts happening or the coin really isin't that hot. i'm considering putting dosh in right now. which is it lads?
I stopped buying coins with such huge circulation. Too slow too much anxiety when it dips below wondering if it will be able to climb back up..
Already over when you saw thread with >30 replies, buy the rumour sell the news
I'm in , just going to ride this bitch out
okay so i posted this earlier and sawresponse and i just want to let you know that I did a bit of research. And the idea is genuinely cool. Second life although I never played it, does generate 100ml a year, i just googled it. So clearly the market is there. And apparently this is the real estate of the crypto world if I understand this???
She's going now fuck yea