>Henry VIII spent almost an entire year's tax revenue celebrating Christmas in the first year of his reign, National Archive files reveal.
>Expenses for 1509 show the 19-year-old king spent the equivalent of £13.5m on a series of lavish events. Total revenue for the year was £16.5m.
>The money went on food, entertainment and gifts - including generous individual presents for staff.
>Beneficiaries included choir boys, musicians, actors and servants.
>The king paid his blind court poet, Master Bernard André, £5 - the equivalent of £2,400 in today's money, and another £1, now £483, to a woman who brought a perfumed ball to the palace residences to keep the air fresh.
>One goldsmith was also offered £83 for gifts by the monarch, worth £41,000 in the present day economy.
Anyone else starting to hate Protestants now?
Henry VIII spent almost an entire year's tax revenue celebrating Christmas in the first year of his reign...
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1509 was before he “reformed”
>Anyone else starting to hate Protestants now?
Henry VIII did.
>Total revenue for the year was £16.5m.
>reducing taxes isnt a priority anymore
CoE wasn’t founded as a Protestant Church, even.
Initially, he just wanted to be the head of the English Church, with no theological changes, but then, Cromwell, the second worst man to bear that name, goaded him into introducing Prod shit
And yet the tax rate was below 10% and they were levied in fewer than half the regnal years.
>excessive feasting and spending is the hallmark of Catholicism
>excessive feasting and spending makes OP hate protestants
Well yeah. He had a break up with the Pope but hated the reformation. Edward VI on the other hand was a Protestant.
Edward VI was whatever his protector told him to be.
Did Cromwell ban Christmas to one-up him?
He did it because he was an unimaginable faggot
But he also had all his fathers hoarded cash to spend
Yep, nothing like them frugal catholics
Christmas was a pagan roman festival
if I was king I would just make girls have sex with me all the time
What an absolute Chad
It's almost as if you have to buy up the entire courts in your first few months to keep the power.
>The virgin catholic vs. the chad protestant
It's his money.
What in the hell does this have to do with Protestants?
I've been wondering myself. Looks like breaking up with the Pope makes you a Lutheran automatically.
>there was only 3 million pounds left over for the military, roads, ports, poor relief, universities, etc.
The European Catholicism vs the nigger Protestantism.
seriously wtf
I live within walking distance of his palace. I sit in the gardens sometimes with a paper and eat a sandwich. The view towards the palace from the kitchen gardens is, for the first time in centuries, completely clear from any construction work or scaffolding at all.
Hampton Court is truly breathtaking.
>Henry VIII was a terrible king
Wow, what a shock.
Anglicans are not protestants, they're Catholic just with the king of England instead of some fish hat pastanigger as the church head.
>Queen is head of the Church. Paul says not to give women authority over men
What do Anglicans mean by this?
Thats pretty cool though
puritans banned everything like plays and art becuase "id isnd skriptural therefore id is paghan"
>expecting Christians to stay 100% true to scripture
You either get a great King who advanced your country massively, or a total shithead who does this.
This is why the Roman Emperors were better, for the most part, not being hereditary, it meant the guy who was emperor actually competed for that position and so wanted it to do things with.
The fact that Commodus was the worst abuser only strengthens my point because he inherited the position.
Sorry user you’re writing in a pagan alphabet
>kings are all hereditary
Living is contradiction.
That's in today's money? How much did Britain take in last year?
See, this is one of the advantages of monarchy: lower taxes.
Who cares if he was too liberal with his money? It was his money, and he was 19.
At least he didn't use the money to go to war with France.
If they're not then they're not given the title king.