Veeky Forums fucked my shit up
>As a woman, it's been a very trying time
stay in the kitchen then
>fancy car
Bancor is a really good idea that was so badly executed it deserves to tank like hell.
lol fucking jews every time
kek, I knew this place was evil
>Rumors of a Bancor Jew
wow what a fucking entitled cunt
"Buy my coin Goyim!"
still posting on this? post some up to date fud
Basically. That and the uncapped ICO and coordinated shilling rightfully pissed people off.
>Veeky Forums
I like how the same reporter keeps popping up. It is best to ignore the MSM when researching crypto.
Learn to trade and stop throwing away NEET bux friendo.
Thank me when you 10x an actual worthy alt.
man i was having a shit day thanks for this
>Bancor is a really good idea
How much BNT to nut deep inside of her while staring into her soulless jew eyes?
Yeah, the uncapped ICO started it all.
The liquidity problem is by all means important, Bancor just proposed one of many possible solutions. The lack of liquidity is one of the biggest reasons why institutionals won't touch crypto even with a ten foot pole. By the way, Friedman in fact predicted the existence of functional digital currencies in the late 90's, so I don't know what's the point of your picture.
Lolz holy chit good stuff Veeky Forums!
The fuck are Veeky forums
I never laughed harder.
something a newfag will never have to worry about
Serves you right race traitor