What's the hate with Byzantine Empire?
What's the hate with Byzantine Empire?
Other urls found in this thread:
byzantine = reddit
ottomans were way better
It's like the Nikola Tesla of Empires. Among people interested in the subject of long-dead empires, it used to be rather forgotten. However, at some point this did a complete 180, and it suddenly became hyper popular, to the point that it went from being onscure to being cliched in an instant. There's just not much point for doing anything with it. It's been done in videogames, it's been done in alternate history, it's been done in professional histories.
Because Byzaboos are cancer just like Byzantine Empire?
soy post
nobody hates them besides the retarded roach posters
Because they were a highly-overrated weak empire occupying a region they couldn't defend. They are directly responsible for the Ottoman invasion of Europe and almost the Umayyad 700 years earlier if it wasn't for Bulgarians bailing them out
This is Rome.
This is Rome on Christianity.
Any questions?
This. Contrarians like to put on a cringe fest so they can brag about more niche history instead of how interesting they really were
There was a lot of problems with Rome and none attributable to Christianity
what the fuck
>mfw I see a confirmed roach
purified of any bacterium and prepared for consumption?
This tbqh
What a retarded post
Turks for obstructing them and western euros because they are either crusaderboos or because they hate the idea of the last romans being swarthy greeks who were closer to the middle east than to themselves.
t*rks who get eternally triggered and and catholicucks who are obsessed with DOOS BOOLT crusader larpers.
People pretend that it's Roman.
Roman culture was born in Greece, it died in Greece.
Veeky Forums is full of historical illiterates whose hobbies are shitposting and playing computer games. Anybody arguing for common sense gets called a "byzaboo" by /v/tards that strictly subscribe to the rule of cool above else. Whether that be a poster that points to some historiography more recent and relevant than some enlightenment butthurt over christianity, or somebody simply pointing out how retarded the notion that a state with administrative continuity is somehow a successor to itself. There's so many actual -aboos doing mental gymnastics they drown out anybody with an earnest interest in history beyond the most casual and shallow.
Literally just T*rk subhumans who all should have been gassed post-WWI.
>Veeky Forums is full of historical illiterates whose hobbies are shitposting and playing computer games. Anybody arguing for common sense gets called a "byzaboo" by /v/tards that strictly subscribe to the rule of cool above else. Whether that be a poster that points to some historiography more recent and relevant than some enlightenment butthurt over christianity, or somebody simply pointing out how retarded the notion that a state with administrative continuity is somehow a successor to itself. There's so many actual -aboos doing mental gymnastics they drown out anybody with an earnest interest in history beyond the most casual and shallow.
I hate them, because these greek faggot LARPers destroyed Nordic kingdoms around the Mediterrenean sea. However, they got later BTFO by both White Europe and muslims.
Forgot name :)
>Edward Gibbon is an actual historian who has views we should respect
Have you got an argument as to why personal opinion dictated by the most epic interpretation of history (no matter how loose) should trump contemporary historiographical schools of thought?
Gibbon's book addresses more than just christianity, you know.
Long Live New Rome
>why does everyone hate reddit
>everything I don't like is Reddit
>Byzantine empire was not reddit
okay kid.
In my country it's pretty well accepted that they were Roman, that's what we are taught. Maybe in the west it's reddit but not here.
>In my country
Does it matter? But it's Eastern Europe.
ok so it's a third world shit hole with no history.
Stop being mad, this isn't /int/.
Of course i'll be mad, you're defending reddit: the empire on my board.
I created this board.
you mean until 1453
Two reasons:
Alternate history role players who think they discovered something cool because they were taught the middle ages was just crusaders and Saracens in school
And the 'reddit Game of Thrones effect' as described by , where people of pop culture like TV writers foolishly try to be underground and contrarian, so they make fantasy games set in boring ass Poland, etc. Usually these people are under the influence of those alternate history people, probably nu-stormfags who don't know history and think 1453 was a blow to "Western civilization". In short, idiots.
Literally what western game is set in Poland?
Answer the question faggot.
You are so fucking dense
You're such a fucking nigger because you can't just say WITCHER outright, because you know you'd get trashed since the game isn't set in Poland but in a completely made up world inspired mostly by Western Europe (Novigrad is modeled after medieval Amsterdam for fuck's sake).
>being this mad
You're worse than byzaboos you faggot
How did I sound mad?
Not the guy you're replying to, but
>people interested in anything but the most generic, superficial aspects of the middle ages = REDDIT
sounds pretty irrational and butthurt
>nu-stormfags who don't know history and think 1453 was a blow to "Western civilization"
I think it's pretty clear that when MOST people say that, they mean a symbolic blow. And it was. It didn't radically alter the course of history but people aren't idiots for ascribing a lot of symbolic import to the final fall of the Roman Empire.
Not fresh oc.
>thread about the Byzantine Empire
>CTRL+F "reddit"
>8 instances so far in this thread
As someone who rarely browses reddit (pretty much only when an unrelated search takes me there) and doesn't have an account - so don't fucking start with me - I could not be more sick of this meme. You people are 1000x more annoying than actual fucking redditors, who are mostly ignorable. Without you people I would barely have to acknowledge that website's existence. Thanks to you, I have it in my face all the fucking time.
>byzantines = reddit
That doesn't mean anything, and you are actually fucking autistic.
You're thoroughly misrepresenting my statement.
Except the members of Western civilization themselves believed that their Roman Empire was juster and the members of Western civilization pillaged Constantinople and more or less strongly pulled it to its eventual fate and the members of Western civilization wrote for centuries afterwards about how weak, foolish and corrupt that Empire was. Greece isn't Western. Maybe the fall was a symbolic blow to the West, but they weren't Western. At the very least, the nustormfags assume total war and the complete slavery of the Christians was happening in the Middle Ages.
Byzantine Empire=reddit
back to r/Byzantium wh*Te boy
>Greece isn't Western.
This is very debatable. You could argue that it's not Western European, but Western European and Western Civilization are two different things. Western Civilization means your culture, legal and philosophical framework is based on Greek and Roman heritage. So even Russia is a part of Western Civ despite being Eastern European.
This. Subscribed to the fullest
No one ever grouped Russia in Western Civ, you fool.
I just did if you didn't notice.
Autistic retards, that's what. First, autistic retards turned Byzantium into a meme because they didn't know it ever existed, and then autistic retards jumped on the hate bandwagon because they wanted to be on the popular side.
im catholic and I think crusades were a major fuck up (instead of fighting in important places like iberia or north africa) and cry every night for my dude constantine X
>Reddit: The empire
Christian filth.
t. Christcuck
Lots of German posters.
No not really
Why is 1453 considered the point that ends the middle ages and begins the modern age? Why not the discovery of america?
the crusaders were eventually directed toward iberia, though. also, seventh crusade was directed at tunisia
Influx of Greek scholars in the west after the fall of Constantinople such as El Greco who all contributed to the renaissance
My ancestors :)
This meme never held water with me. The Ottomans were tolerant enough that even the Greek patriarch in Constantinople preferred to do homage to the sultan than ask for help from the Catholic west. Why would Greeks, most of whom had ALREADY been living under the Turks (in Anatolia and Thrace), suddenly go to Italy in a mass exodus? Even in Athens and the Peloponnese, similar story. The fall of Constantinople was an unremarkable event that wasn't even commented on in many of the letters and documents that we have from the era.
Don't post if you don't have a clue what you're talking about. The religious freedom meme was set under the condition that no new churches could be built in the capital. All the rich Greeks were executed. Nobles and landowners got fucked hard in the ass. The population experienced a massive decline in artistic innovation and stunted cultural progress, their biggest and most impressive churches were being converted to mosques and plastered over the mosaics and artworks. Many converted to Islam to avoid persecution and children served as taxes for the Ottomans. And most of the people fleeing to the west weren't anatolians, but western Greeks (Cretans, other islanders, mainlanders). You literally can't refute that fact when El Greco himself literally fled from the Ottomans to freely exercise his artistic ambition.
Wasn’t El Greco born and raised in Venetian occupied Krete?
My bad, El Greco wasn't one of them
No worries, I thought I was wrong
The division of eras are based off the falls of each Rome. The fall of Rome signifies the end of antiquity, the fall of Nova Roma signifies the end of the Middle Ages.
>fall of Nova Roma
It's merely a Gr*ek city by the time it fell
It was, and still is, widely regarded as the Second Rome. Hence why it's fall is used as a bookmark in the pages of history.
byzantine was a finnic empire
>couldn't defend
They did for seven hundred years.
>weak empire
Strongest economy and best military in Europe for hundreds of years.
>responsible for Ottoman invasion
That was the Serbs.
None of that is true pre-1204, before that they were the strongest country and economy Europe by far.
They are half the reason Europe isn't Muslim today.
Did I say you could speak, slave?
>tfw Turkish phd student studying Byzantine History
Thanks to you byzaboos I will not be unemployed
>Nobles and landowners got fucked hard in the ass.
this wasn't a bad thing, but it does explain why many aristocratic scholars would flee west. the removal of exploitative byzantine landlords peaceful and prosperous century and a half for balkan peasants.
>The population experienced a massive decline in artistic innovation and stunted cultural progress,
possibly, but this telling of events understates the vitality, cohesion and even power of the ottoman greek community.
>Many converted to Islam to avoid persecution and children served as taxes for the Ottomans.
meme. demographics of the balkans barely shifted to islam except in albania and bosnia and some other pockets like in bulgaria or urban centers.
>All the rich Greeks were executed.
what are phanariots?
>an empire that lasted 1000+ years is weak and can't defend itself
>probably posted by a Crusacuck LARPer when crusader states barely lasted a few centuries before getting BTFO
>reddit spacing
Roach post
>the largest of which was btfo by that very same 'weak' empire