Of all the religions to spread in the West, why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?
Is there a more pathetic religion than Christianity?
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Orthodoxy is the way.
Go home, Varg, you’re drunk. Nobody gives a shit about your neo-pagan LARPing
You have to be kind of crazy to be seriously annoyed by the washing of the feet.
It's a very humbling gesture that marks the dignity of human persons even where they are closest to being earth itself.
If this isn't the essential idea of world religions (that human life is in some sense holy/sacred) I don't know what is.
Try discordianism instead
Always the sensible choice.
>why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?
If mortal humans will not humble themselves before the gods and the King than the species is a failure.
"You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot."
>imperial cult trout fishing for yous
Well, here you go lad.
>that human life is in some sense holy/sacred
Last man
Nobody are bigger LARPers then Christians on fucking Veeky Forums
>Is there a more pathetic religion than Christianity?
Judaism. At least in Christianity you don't have to mutilate your foreskin, no wonder Christianity got 400 times as many converts.
>imperial cult trout fishing for yous
>Well, here you go lad.
Why don't you try responding to my content rather than just hurling insults like a toddler.
Fact: Jews challenged Pharaoh, Caesar, the King of Babylon and the gods in the name of God.
Fact: Jesus teaching a doctrine of meekness before God.
My point is the doctrine of meekness is related to the insane hubris of the Pharisees and Sadducees.
Their "prophet" has now been proved a fraud, like Jesus said he was.
Now, try discussing this content - or just say "poopy head" like a toddler - idgaf.
And a Merry Christmas to you too.
If American culture wasn’t so religious, what would American schizos latch on to rave about?
This, although we have to admit that the gesture was completely out of place. I understand why Francis did it, but humbling yourself in front of muslims, only to fit into the nonbeliever liberal agenda is not the way
The key is that he kissed and washed the feet of Muslims, telling us in clear symbols, "These too our precious feet that carry the image of God."
What else can one say, looking at Syria?
It is the answer to a wall, this washing of feet.
>people are still triggered over that pic
Early christians were literally diasporas
Imagine being this pathetic.
I remember when I truly believed in the Gospels with all my being but now, looking at your post and realising what a miserable, life-denying mutt I must have been, I am in disbelief that I ever fell for such a decadent religion.
Ha that's sarcastic black humor though right??
Catholicism is only somewhat good because its pagan.
The reinassance was pagan.
The reformation and protestants is what jewish christianity looks like. Soulless, ugly and not european at all.
I'm not a Christian. I'm a fellow traveler, I guess you could say.
This photo made me convert to coptic lmao
Aren't pagan/polytheist religions more pathetic since they were cucked and displaced by superior monotheist religion such as Christianity?
>unironically apart of an unbroken tradition
Checked and keked
>Actually monotheist aside from a few fringe Protestant cults that are Jewish copycats
The pantheon of saints send their regards.
One god - one king - useful for monarchy-building.
>following a religion of strict tenets dictating rules that literally no one on Veeky Forums follows
Everyone on Veeky Forums is going to Hell if Christianity is right. You think God approves of the shit that is said on here, the degenerate ideals and hateful banter? Not to mention Veeky Forums's obsession with weird fetish porn.
>Veeky Forums's obsession with weird fetish porn.
it's not sin, its blessing
>a high degree of discourse
Of course not. This is something I argue all the time with Christians. Jesus literally died to save humanity. He gave the ultimate sacrifice so all could be saved. He taught that you should always help your fellow man, turn the other cheek and do unto others as you would have done to you. Modern Christian rarely adhere to these values. There are plenty of well off Christians all over the world who could host refugees from war torn Islamic countries. Who could provide food and shelter to the poor of Africa. Instead they sit in their climate controlled homes, eating and getting fat while others literally starve. Yet they do not care. That is the opposite of Christ like, and modern Christians are a joke. They go to church on Sunday and pretend that they are doing all they can for their own salvation. Unfortunately Christianity is not about your own salvation, it is about the salvation of man kind. Fuck Christians.
TFW no Church of the Eternal Sun as world Religion.
Or at Least the Enlightened Hermetic Church.
People only rant about atheism in religious enviroment. If you remove religion people will stop going on about their atheism.
>I'm a fellow traveler
That's perhaps the most gay and cringeworthy shit you could've said mate.
>I understand why Francis did it, but humbling yourself in front of muslims, only to fit into the nonbeliever liberal agenda is not the way
If anything it's more poignant because a Muslim would never, could never, do the same for him. Because feet are unclean.
Grace is not about pride, it's about humility. Dump your ego, you aren't better than they are
They weren't Muslims, they were poor people. There were Christians in that ceremony as well.
Jesus literally died because he knew people mistake martyrdom for proof
They aren't people.
You're right. People are stupid and Christians even more so for believing this "proof".
This is sad. I can imagine you sitting at your computer desk and thinking "damn, I thought of a better insult after the fact". This is middle school tier posting son.
Saints are not worshipped as deities, you would have a better argument if you brought up the Trinity as evidence of Christianity as being somehow polytheistic.
I was on the toilet with my phone scrub
>hateful banter
I think heaven suffereth violence,and the violent take it by force.
Proven false constantly