Get on the next moon mission before you get left out.
I'm gonna let you enigma marines dangle in the wind on this one :^)
>next moon mission
>moon mission
Ground floor op. Literally only goes up.
LOL Instant fud on ENG...
For once do the opposite of what biz says and actually make some money.
This one is set to moon.
Looks Rather promising, Short term as well as long term
This. Volume is over $3m and the coin has been trading less than 2 days. This is easily going 4x in the next couple of days.
Nice photoshop pajeet.
Lol so hard to fake a discord chat. Sad!
>serious investors
>baby's first pump group
>xD im going to expose them!!!
Keep spreading more FUD pajeet. Your 5 espers have been deposited on your yobit account.
Trading barely above ICO price on binance.
Kek. No pump
Kek binance effect going to kick in and this coin gonna drop to 30 cents.
Listen biztards, there are two surefire ways of becoming filthy rich with crypto:
1) Invest in BTC
2) Invest in SERIOUS altcoin projects
Enigma is one of these serious projects. They are literally the Bloomberg/Thomson Reuters of crypto. Do you brainlets have any idea how much that's worth?
Get in now and enjoy the massive gains while the Enigma team continues to develop the Enigma protocol and builds more apps like Catalyst on the platform.
Orrrrr keep chasing pajeet pump and dumps and be poor forever until you KYS.
The choice is yours.
the absolute state of pnd groups
Gnoice FUD
Yea, same shit were people saying about Link when it was trading at 11 cents. ENG will easily pump once its on liqui and HitBTC.
>get kicked out for saying nigger
It's like reddit in there
>FUDing a coin because you plan to pump
>"exposing" pump groups as FUD
wew lads where does it end?
Kek reminds me of mooncoin discord. It's truly funny at how desperate some of you are.
Is it still active? I got banned so many times lmao
Literally no one was saying that about link retard
>4x in the next couple of days.
Don't know, I left it long ago. I'm already in about 40 different discords, so many messages from stupid Veeky Forums NEETS that I stopped opening the app itself.
There was a shiton of FUD about Link on the first day when it was trading at 11 cents. ENG is def getting pumped once it hits another exchange.
ENG already has a product with over 15k users. If freaking Kyber could have a market of $250m, then ENG will easily archive that too.
Who needs to FUD?
Enigma team done their own fudding during that shit show they called an ico
>comparing apples to turds
Facebook has 2 billion. Go figure
Getting hacked??
Raising cap during ico?
Critical questions in their sub reddit getting deleted?
Must be enigma. This coin deserves to die.
Kyber doesn't have shit on Enigma
all the link fud was just us having fun. the enigma fud is based on facts. it's ACTUALLY REALLY trading below ico.
ico = 0.00204
current = 0.00198
>t. was too retarded to get into the ICO
Nobody cares about your 1000 rupees pajeet. Go buy some elixir or espers with that.
Kyber is nothing more than a whitepaper with money skeleton hype. Post me a link to the Kyber prototype, I will wait.
I was whitelisted and i gladly passed. Too many red flags.
During the token distribution Enigma mods refused to release the contract address allowing 5 other tokens called Enigma to run rampant and scam links to proliferate.
Is there even a good reason to not provide the ICO contract address? I see only positives. I suspect they didn't know what they were doing since token distribution took two days.
This, among other issues with the ICO, are why I sold immediately after receiving their tokens.