How bad are sales jobs?
How bad are sales jobs?
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They're fucking amazing buddy
they're bad if you're bad at sales
they're good if you're good at sales
>don't sell anything because bad products
>starve to death
Oh yes how excellent
sales jobs are awesome if you aren't an autistic loser.
I only earn about $140k a year, so not great but good enough.
I could work harder and make more money but I'm a quality of life kind of guy.
Great but you need to be white.
>the humble brag
Yea and I make $500k a minute.
Sales doesn't always mean you pitch bad products.
Just sell shit with higher margins.
I.e. Furniture, clothing, or insurance policies.
Awesome. Are you retiring in a few hours?
He asked how bad they were. $140k seems like a lot but - once you're earning it - it isn't. House, retirement accounts, wife, kids, few vacations a year and.. poof. I'd rather enjoy my family than job hop to drive my comp to mid 200s.
Medical sales is a good industry if you've got the temperament and relationships. Otherwise it's a short and tormented existence. Still sales, though, and there's a ton of managerial performance pressure and the compliance / business landscape is constantly evolving and full of pitfalls.
poor fag, if you arent making at least 1m a minute just kys.
140k is a high income pretty much everywhere in the US.
I don't understand Veeky Forums with their standards of everyone being poor unless they're 99th percentile of income. It's even worse given that a year ago a strawpoll showed 50% of this board is unemployed and either doesn't own or isn't making shit with a business.
Just because you are poor doesnt mean 140k a year is a lot
Yeah and I bet you make $400k a year.
>be a wagecuck and have ur earnings capped by hour/week/month
>be a chad salesmen and make a wagecucks weekly salary in 1 day
$140k a year. Let's break it down. My base is 90k. I get paid 26 times a year. I'm bonused monthly, quarterly, and annually based on performance. This year I'll hit about $140k, give or take.
This is how my base comp works:
$4000/pay period
401k - $750 / pay period (reduce taxable income basis) - Social Security won't be around for me
FSA for healthcare - $50 / pay period (reduce taxable income basis)
Dependent care $238/ pay period (reduce taxable income basis)
Taxable income: $2962
30% off the top for the man and the cheese eaters
Employee stock purchase plan - $400
Take home - $1700ish / twice a month
Monthly bonus is about $1000
Quarterly bonus is another $4-5k
Annual bonus (stock and sometimes cash) works out to be another ~$20,000.
Bonuses are generally taxed at about 50% because.. fuck me, right?
Makes my monthly working budget about $4400 take home with an extra $2k - $2.5k every few months. Let's average it out to $5.1k/month.
Mortgage - $2300 (15 year note, fuck interest)
Electricity / Gas / Water / Sewer / Trash - $200
Television / Internet / Cell service - $200
Food for four - $400
Cars / car insurance / gasoline - $1200
You get the fucking idea.
$140k sounds like a lot and it is a decent chunk, but it spends mighty quick - particularly if you're young(ish) like me and know you'll have to self-fund retirement because all the fucking boomers are going to rape this country for everything its worth and then shit on its corpse on their way to the grave.
$140k a year with 3 dependents is not even remotely a lot. Let alone if he lives in an area with a high cost of living.
Are you guys fucking retarded?
Cold calling was fun when you were successful but awful if not. My sales were worth $2400-12,000 but were few and far between.
I shadowed a direct salesman (sold tractor trailers for a mid size company) and yea that was something I immediately noped out of. Being on the road everyday, walking up cold to businesses, talking to their ceos who are boomer memes x10. No thanks!
>hey, wanna buy a tractor?
>o-ok, sorry, good bye
140k still a lot, doesn't matter if you spend with shit and whine that you have no money left.
>1200 per month with a car
Lol what the fuck.
Heres how part of the convo went while talking about trailers.
>I gotta let ya know, the Chinese, they approached me last month at the Vegas show and they're saying they can get me wheels about 5% less than what you're given me.
>Chinese wheels? Jim, let me ask ya this, when's the last time you ever had an issue with Alcoa?
>::folds arms:: never.
>even if the driver curbs em, right?
>You really want to risk quality for 5%?
>Wellll now it all comes down to the dollars and cents.
>Let me ask ya, have ya priced in dealing with their customer service? With their shipping times? When's the last time you ever had a service or timing issue with Alcoa? Plus, they're made here America.
>5% cheaper
as if its ever that easy
>medical sales
If you're driving to the location of the sale then...
Safe to assume it's a nice lease or financed ~ $400/month
Safe to assume full coverage for the nice car ~ $200-$300 depending on vehicle and if declared for work
Safe to assume gas for work if driving a regional salesman ~ $50/week = ~ $200/month.
This is on the high side $900 and is far from realistic, especially if the car is a "luxury" car. Sales is appearances so it wouldn't surprise me if he drove something nicer.
Now look at it as if he was also paying for his wife. He doesn't need to have a nice car but if he's paying for two (he mentioned fronting the whole mortgage so I assume this is the case as well) them insurance goes up and there's two leases to pay.
Meant "isn't far from realistic". I'm surprised it's so cheap. My family's car insurance bill is $1000/month (6 vehicles) and only 2 have full coverage.
Im sure more went into it then just a quick hey ill give ya 5% less. It was a Vegas trucking event
Your mortgage and car payments are pretty high user.
Are you really surprised that living in an expensive house and driving expensive cars is... expensive?
im saying people dont buy china shit cos its 5% less.
they buy it cos its 50% less
To bring in the kind of money he does for sales, he needs to live in an area that is financially well off and most likely a large city - or just outside one. This increases the cost of housing. As for the car payment, I previously mentioned that sales is largely an image thing so I'm sure he has a nice car to represent himself well when meeting purchasers. Then the insurance on that nice car will drive his category of car payments up too
Shut up you narcissistic faggot
Ur a fucking asshole m8
>To bring in the kind of money he does for sales, he needs to live in an area that is financially well off and most likely a large city
>I base this on absolutely nothing
As if the only place anything is sold is big, rich cities. Your logic is fucked, he's broke making 140k because he finances two brand new cars and bought a 400k house, he's the ultimate normie meme
That's two cars purchased with sub 2% interest rates (Lexus for the wife, Chevrolet for me). Plus insurance ($2k/year). And gas (company buys my gas and provides a $600/mo vehicle stipend). Even as middle-aged adults, for decent coverage, we're paying about $2k/year for insurance... fucking retarded.
Mortgage is high because its a 15 year note. Not surprised at all. House was about $350k when I bought it. Probably worth near 4 now, and have about 175k in equity to date.
Smoking hot wife, two kids, nice house. Reasonably well-to-do middle class lifestyle. Regular vacations. Ultimate normie meme is pretty fucking /comfy/, faggot.
Can't believe you got deluded into believing being a normie is a meme, actually. I hope you enjoy watching your weebo cuck porn while mom brings you tendies and the world passes you by. Stop being an orbiter and start landing.
Savage... take this post down please
You are one bad away from spraying your brains into the tub..
>Electricity / Gas / Water / Sewer / Trash - $200
How is this so low? Is your house really energy efficient or are you in a condo?
Don't listen to the meme, you can get good at sales even if you're bad at it, but like any skill, some people just have it.
Sales job actually pulled me out of being introverted, sometimes I even forget how much it changed how I approached almost everything. The beginning will suck if you are a poor salesman though.
How hard are you allowed to fuck up before they fire you?
Own 115% offset solar system and it's paid for, built the house in 2013 and I live in a place with a moderate climate.
lol fuck off cuck
Define fuck up? The general rule of thumb for sales is that if you're hitting your number they leave you alone. In my industry there are some must-fire things, misconduct and compliance stuff mostly (strip clubs are immediate termination, for instance)...
If you have absolutely no sales experience and want to get into the space, assuming you're young and in college / plan to go to college / and aren't hideously ugly or stupid then affiliate with some athletic group, get relatively fit, and go work for a company like Stryker that hires college athletes with no experience and a lot of ambition. Copier sales, electronics recycling, any other technical or capital sell all create pathways into medical sales as well.
Anyhow - you'll likely be able to negotiate a 6 or 12 month guarantee with any respectable employer for a sales role. A guarantee means that - no matter your performance - you'll get paid. Very useful at keeping the bills paid while you launch your territory. If you don't launch, after the guarantee period, you basically don't get paid (much) and are likely to be put onto a plan (performance improvement plan = "we're going to fire you soon, find another job") before being terminated for performance.
Hope that helped.
I found a sales job, and got hired. Problem is I have no sales experience and am honestly worried about how hard it is. It's freight brokering do you know anything about that?
I'd hate to just make the base pay for weeks before they tell me to get the fuck out because I make no sales.
>2010+7 not owning personal solar system and living on the goldilocks planet
never gonna make it, user
(Also if you have a conscience, sales jobs aren't for you)
No idea about freight brokering, but freight seems like it's a commodity and there's minimal product differentiation. So... you're going to compete on:
The nice thing about commodity sells is that, as long as you're willing to work really hard to service customers and are also willing to remain price competitive, you'll likely cultivate return business. Starting is often the most difficult so make sure you're spending time actually working and not just waiting for shit to happen. Generally, in sales, shit doesn't just happen. You've got to earn it / fight for it / maintain it and the other guy (think: me) is out to steal your lunch money and knock your sandwich out of your hand by doing a better job and working harder than you are.
You are making it sound intimidating.
Show up, put in work, find out if you're good at it. Get paid either way. If you're good at it, you'll get paid more. Have a thick skin and be ready to get rejected / lose business / etc. Customers will call and scream at you. You'll eat shit sandwiches from every direction.
It's sales man, why do you think it pays well? The job sort of sucks if you don't have the personality for it (and very few people have the personality for it).
I own my own moon.
How hard is it to quit if I try my hardest but fail? I didn't think I was getting myself into so much...
just like the moon, the joke went over your head
It's a service job. Do your best to keep your customers happy and fight to get them good prices. It'll work out as long as you actually do the work.
The problem is that most people take sales jobs thinking it's a fucking money fountain and forget that earning money requires diligent effort. If you show up and work hard to learn your industry, your customers, and your job every day you'll do great.
Spell it out for me. I'm somewhat autistic.
I dont want to do sales anymore user. I'm scared now
sales will make you a man.
doorknocker for solar company here. made me a superb communicator. helps with many things
Good. Go back to your basement and as MAM for more goodboy points and tendies. Let someone else have the job. Quit now. While you're behind. Don't even try. You might fail if you try... but if you don't try you'll definitely fail.
How do you handle getting the door slammed in your face tho
Look normie it's not that easy for some of us
u said u built a solar (panel) system in your previous post, so i took it out of context
i man the fuck up and go the next door. its like dealing with women. and believe me it made me better at it. life is a short experience and what some old geezer says at the door doesnt matter. winning takes sacrifice and i dont fucking care what some fag has to say about my company. onto the next until i make bank
I'm a kissless virgin so I don't understand the analogy
You're a nice guy. Let me give you a secret. I'm actually a high-functioning adult that spent time in special education classes as a kid.
You won't know until you try and - by try - I mean really fucking working hard at it and facing your fears.
well you decide right now if you want to succeed. dont hate those that have what you want. respect them and try to befriend and learn from them. learn to despise those who are too pussy to try to be winning. change your mindset.
But what if I fail? I'm scared of them being mad at me or attacking me for taking the pay without making any sales
They're great if you have the skillz to sell things. But they take time to develop. Good salesmen spend 90% of their time goofing off or sitting on their ass, then leap on an opportunity when it comes up.
Great salesmen look for opportunities on their own. But at that point you start to become more than just a salesmen.
$140k a year is not some incredible sum, user.
What if you get hit by a car? Or a falling tree branch? Or a meteorite? Are you going to stop going outside because you're afraid of something happening? What if aliens abduct you? What if rapists abduct you? What if a gang of Japanese virgins abduct you and force you to have sex with all of them in a satanic orgy until you die of dehydration?
How about this. Let's make a deal. Show up. Work hard. Really hard. Go home and think about what you did / what you did wrong / what you want to improve on. Do that every day. Every. Single. Day.
You'll do great if you do the work.
Like said, sales skills take time to develop. Gotta start somewhere. Being afraid of your own shadow isn't a good place to start.
Basically, quit being a little bitch and shut the fuck up.
At what point am I allowed to call it quits? Two weeks no sales?
Never, you spineless bitch. You never quit. You look "No" in the face and wait until it decides it wants to be yes, and then you tell it to pay more.
I don't think I'm cut out for it user. You are scaring me.
i live by your word man
Watch out we got a badass over here. You don't happen to sell copy machines, user, do you?
Nah. Implantable device / OR.
>Smart enough to make 140k per year
>Dumb enough to pay $1200 per month on auto
>Dumb enough to not have income earning wifu
I never said my wife didn't have a job (she does. registered nurse @ union hospital, ~$84/hour. she's not full time..
Buy, maintain, and insure two new vehicles for under that. You must also drive 40k miles / year on one of them and they both need to comfortably seat 4 and be appropriate for physician customers to ride in.
One of my bosses died of a cocaine overdose. He was nuts just like you.
To make it in sales, you need chad tier communication skills.
>work with someone named Chad
>he's actually a pleasant guy
If you enjoy dealing with angry assholes that are willing to report on you to your menager because you had the audacity to not suck their dicks or didn't know something they asked then yea go for it. Just remember that your boss will never defend you because muh customer service. Good luck with that
Why are you worried about how hard it is?
Don't want to fail
Well have you done this thing before?
You can't expect to succeed ever time you try let alone the first time you try.
You are focusing on the results in worrying about failure but you should focus on the process and you will develop and achieve the result you want. You only fail if you don't make your next attempt because the last one didn't offer you the success you were looking to find. The given is that you won't succeed in every attempt to sell. Calling that failing reflects results-focused mindset. Calling that a learning opportunity reflects process-focused mindset.
When people here give you the emotion laced pep talk that scares you, the underlying rational message is what I've stated in the paragraph above.
In other words, with every attempt to sell you are testing your sales skill. Whether or not you make the sale, you should look at the process of performing the test as a way of gathering data about your sales skill. You should proceed to take the lesson from that data, integrate it into your sales process, and make your next attempt to sell. Repeat until your success rate satisfies your goals.
not too bad if you re willing to S my D
>I only earn about $140k a year, so not great but good enough.
Fuck off