>spend next few years getting rich
>finally able to retire
>retard millennials vote in a actual communist
>doesn't even pretend he's not a communist like Sanders
>get forced to redistribute my wealth to Jamal's 6 kids he abandoned
>starve to death in a bread line
is there even a point to trying?
Spend next few years getting rich
that would be so fucking funny
>Veeky Forumsraelis are rich
>suddenly, communism
>finally able to retire
How old are you OP?
>spend next few years getting rich
>finally able to retire
>move to another country
>live like a king
Why aren't you planning to leave the US user? Fuck this place.
The millennial dream
tech already made a bunch of people rich and we don't have communism.
This is honestly one of my biggest fears.
this is not so far away from to be true. here in western europe it is exactly like that.
i will move as soon as i can.
Slightly different note, but doesn't it feel good that we all have a (very likely) chance to get rich just from investing now? Pretty much most of the money I make I put into crypto, some short and long (btc, eth, xmr), and the profits from my shorts go back into my long.
In 5 years, the prices of coins like the ones I hold long will most likely be well and truly greater than todays prices. Very /comfy/.
I figure I need about 10 million for that Tokyo penthouse and a qt Japanese wife for citizenship.
>Buy land
>Buy gold
>Buy guns
>Buy ammo
>Live innawoods until the party collapses, 8 years tops
they cant touch your crypto breh
it would be like being blackmarket rich
youd have 1100x the power if gvnt commied
>Implying the internet would work under a communist regime
Rolling blackouts would be the norm
>cut corners for shitcoins
>bleed for shitcoins
>things are gonna moon soon
>rise from the ashes of wage cuckery after successful moon missions back to back
>go to the actual moon with your hard earned moon money
>bask in the glory of the new frontier with fellow Veeky Forumstards drifting our lambos on lunar turf
I believe user.
>live innawoods
pick one
That's why you put yoyr money in crypto. It's the second coming of Jesus who will whip the money changers out of the temple for the final and last time.
Mark my fucking words, Satoshi Nakamoto's whitepaper will be the bible in a hundred year's time.
This. Thats why Veeky Forums is so different now compared to 2016. all of them got rich and are now trying to get out of the country. they dont have time for Veeky Forums anymore. They are makin international plays
>not leaving well before that point.
They will vote in a communist too if they can. Fucking Sanders was close enough and would have one if it weren't for hillary.
Reminder that your taxes go to neets on /r9k/ to buy trap hookers
As someone that has lived innawoods I can tell you, you can get internet out there nigga.
Generator + Satellite internet through a dish.
lmao at you getting rich, nah won't happen dumbass
I'm pretty rich (not just off crypto) and I'm only getting richer.
I'm Canadian, but I DONATE to my leftist party (NDP).
I remember where I came from. I've taken a lot. I have a lifelong serious illness and my socialized health care has helped me tremendously. I wouldn't even be here to get rich if it weren't for the government helping me out like that.
I'll redistribute my wealth to Jamal's 6 kids. Maybe they'll get rich too and grow the economy even more.
>start giving people money just for existing
>men start abandoning there kids on mass since they know they wont starve to death
>kids raised without proper families are much more likely to drop out, work shit jobs, commit crime and go to jail, have more kids they abandon.
>cycle continues until it collapses
Socialism is bad in almost all forms.
People think there is a hunger problem in African but its really a dependence problem. We've created generations of Africans dependent on white people to survive.
Everyone agrees that rich parents that give their kids money for free are shitty parents and they grow up to be degenerates while parents that make their kids work for allowances are good.
In every situation where communism is trying to creep up, smart people and businesses got out before.
We simply have to leave the country before getting harpooned. We have the means and the wealth to do so after all.
Who cares.
>I figure I need about 10 million for that Tokyo penthouse and a qt Japanese wife for citizenship.
Oh, you're one of _those_ guys.
I lived a few years in Japan, life ain't so different there mate.
Also, Japanese women, like all Asian women, have no soul.
If you can find one that lived abroad a good chunk of her life etc, it might pass, but still an empty husk compared to a nice western woman.
But maybe you like your women without much of a personality, I dunno.
This is disappointing to hear.
The women I've liked the most were born in Asian countries and move to the US and learned English as kids.
>finally have enough BTC to live the dream
>funnel BTC through your offshore company via an offshore financial service like mossak fonseca
>live the dream
already got the account set up boys, i cant wait.
>not proactively investing in a dual citizenship
>marry western woman
>divorces you and takes all your money and your kids away
>marry Asian woman
>has no soul
>marry any other woman in the world
>gold digger
the true answer to marry super religious girl
>marry western woman
Who the fuck would be stupid enough to marry nowadays? It's a legalistic trap.
Have someone you love, make a ceremony if you want to, go to church if that's your thing, but never marry before the law.
There is simply no reason to, only risks.
which country is wisest to be securing a second citizenship in?
>nicely settled in a working country
>gets invaded by the us
>which country is wisest to be securing a second citizenship in?
Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Hong Kong.
I'm the CEO of a shit coin so I hope I blow up and go offshore.
Because people dont want to die alone? Why does this confuse you virgin shut ins.
Vanuatu. You can buy a citizenship with bitcoin directly.
>there is no other possible way of not dying alone other than filling in a government form that allows the other person to legally steal half your stuff at any moment
>calls others confused
>is confused by a simple post
Nowhere did he say never to be with anyone, just to never get legally married. You can have a wedding ceremony without having everything official under law. Of course you'd still get fucked over in a common law state.
A lot of those people are now openly advocating for communism.
Not for themselves, of course.
geoarbitrage is completely saturated. every time a good opportunity exists to move, immigrants fuck that country back into mediocrity.
i thought it was because their soil was depleted.
What link is there between marriage and dying alone? Do you think marriage prevent a woman from leaving you? Do you live in 1517?
Have a happy life with someone you love, without putting legal shackles on you.
there's actually a causal link between being single and life expectancy but as you've already realized, you can get dumped at any point. people divorce after 50 years of marriage, it happens.
>i thought it was because their soil was depleted.
>Boers can farm just fine
>whites in Zimbabwe could farm just fine
>kick whites out and take land
>fail to be able to farm
>beg for whites to come back
>they refuse, instead rely on gibs from overseas
No, its not the soil.
Weird perspective.
You already got PLENTY just for existing.
You have a country that has roads, police, a military to defend your borders, schools, all sorts of shit that you benefit from just for living in that country, before you even pay a dime as an adult.
What socialists and more capitalist-minded people disagree about is where that line should be drawn, what the minimum essential services should be to allow people to lift themselves up on their own.
Worker productivity and GDP has drastically shot up in the west, but many of the most basic things that older generations could get with their first job are all but out of reach for hardworking people. Adjusted for inflation, the average price for a house in the United States was $40,000 in 1940. Now it's well over $100k. That has nothing to do with lazy millennials, it has to do with boomers being shitty. People just don't have the same chances anymore.
Canada is a far more socialist country than the United States but has drastically lower crime and poverty rate, has a higher life expectancy. They have very different histories, I know, but don't pretend there's a direct correlation between socialism and hellish conditions.
What is the Sahara?
Caused by changes in temperature due to movement of the Earth's axis. Nothing to do with farming.
I never said I was ancap. I just think giving people money for nothing traps them in dependence and it's hard to get out of.
most of the crime in America is committed by poor black people and those people probably wouldn't be poor if their dads stuck around to raise the properly. culture plays a huge roll in a countries success. not a surprise that all the developed countries are western European and East Asian.
can some one explain this hating on baby boomers meme to me?
are you actively thinking about how you are going to affect the economy of the baby's being born 20 years from now?
There is a reason why most rich families have property in different countries dude.
Why do you think the rich jews got private airplanes and shit out of nazi germany?
They had property in america and asia dude.
this is what bitcoin and crypto is for. you cant steal what doesn't exist outside of your own head.
>Live innawoods when your communist government has heat seeking drones and satalites
Yeah, good luck with that buddy. Off to the gulag with ya.
What if I have no soul either?
Its a perfect match.
If there is a reason behind failing marriage, it certainly isn't socialism. Go look at countries which are a lot more socialist than america
>geoarbitrage is completely saturated
I remember something about some rich russian building a superyacht he could live off.
That must be the next step I guess, being your own country.
Then again if you are a billionaire you can probably think about orbital space homes. or even interstellar arks.
And you still don't understand why crypto is so valuable...
Well single mother education not failling marriage
marriage isn't the real issue it's broken families and it's just a way of generalize it
As much as I am in favor of crypto to end corruption and nepotism I can't avoid to see its downsides, extreme individualism that crypto enable has downsides, we are social beings, in some cases the collective has to have power over the individual, the idea of individuals having access to weapons of mass destruction and no oversight over them other than that person's discretion is pretty fucked up.
well by that point if you arent a complete tard you would have renounced your citizenship and protected your gains from the "democrats"
>i thought it was because their soil was depleted.
holy fuck what good goy redditor sold you that line
they are literally too fucking stupid to farm, they have some of the most fertile farmlands on the planet. But they are cursed with being niggers so they just cant farm.
If they elect a bolshevik that means it's time to buy a shitton of guns and rope with your BTC gains.
Also there is always the opportunity to move elsewhere but why would you considering you have the 2nd amendment.
Leftist attacked relentlessly the nuclear family with gay rights and feminism, this is just the result of their policies.
>i thought it was because their soil was depleted.
This outline is for cucks and really breaks down at the square with him mowing the lawn, trimming the hedges, walking the dog and other bullshit, implying the woman does nothing on her end.
You're likely 18 or something but if you know anyone in real life with this kind of workshare, tell me.
Also, find not a crazy bitch and sign a prenup and you'll be good.
Another flaw that you'll notice, in this thing it implies she divorces him because he was sad-angry about her cheating and confronted her. Like, What.
Fucking cucks, I can't stand these guys.
How does warning against marriage imply someone's a virgin? Are you actually retarded?
>Have someone you love
You love them, but you don't trust them enough to not steal half your shit?
what did they mean by this