Does anyone miss old Veeky Forums?

> H > R > E posting
> Finno Korean Hyperwar
> Zhukovposting
> The eternal kraut/anglo shitposting
> No rampant political posting (of either side, both of you can fuckoff)
> Threads weren't derailed by political fighting
> People made an effort to be informative and helpful

The beginning of Veeky Forums was super comfy

What happened?

Other urls found in this thread:

wow this is an exact description of the current Veeky Forumstorical situation

Old Veeky Forums was cancerous with 90% of the threads being Marxist shills or poltards. Current Veeky Forums is unironically better

A botched attempt of /pol/ colonization and an incursion of /int/.

Current Veeky Forums is what boards like /k/ say they had back in the day. Culturally, this is probably the best board on this site at the moment.

>hurr the board used to be better in the olden days

stop daydreaming about this shit, you're just playing off some tangent on your mind that because this board evolves means that it's shit
get the nostalgia crap outta your head and if you truly believe in it go contribute on something that you believe stands up to whats there in the pass

Shut up and let me tell you about marxism

This is 80% of what I see on this board and I use it all the time. What are you going on about?

Brave New World Revisited is all you need.

Essential reading to understand this. Whats going on. Its literal retardation (retard: to delay or inhibit progress).

I know exactly what op is talking about

There were tons of commies and /pol/ since day 1.

>> The eternal kraut/anglo shitposting
>> No rampant political posting


I too really miss all those content derailling cancerous forced memes imported from other boards.

Pretty much. Every board on Veeky Forums save for the super niche ones are shit, but every now and again we have good and informative threads, which means we're basically the best.

>> Threads weren't derailed by political fighting
>> People made an effort to be informative and helpful

this board is like a year old, there was no old Veeky Forums.

before all the trump newfags and the influx from /pol/

literally everything gets derailed by political fighting these. It's just part of the current social climate. Besides, radical centrism is part of Veeky Forums culture. /pol/ and tankie colonists just come off as cringy here

Basically what this user said. You need to filter out the garbage vomited by radicals and just enjoy the real discussion of history. Once you learn to ignore it, it's like it isn't even there.

I... I miss old Veeky Forums.

> H > R > E posting

Most of those were part of why the actual good posters of Veeky Forums left and tumblr and /pol/ stayed

>I miss old Veeky Forums.
Kill me anytime


>old Veeky Forums
>new Veeky Forums

this board is not even two years old for fucks sake

I don't miss your kobold threads

>I... I miss old Veeky Forums.
We didn't even need the other boards back then.

Pregnant Anne Frankposting is literally the greatest thing to ever happen to this site. Especially when combined with Confederate States of America and Spanish Hapsburgboos

this desu

read the most fascinating fucking things on this board; and usually they amount from simple discussions like weird/spooky shit in history.

The story of the second baltic fleet is something that inspired me to read into the Russo-Japanese war in its entirity; AND the lasting effects it had on both countries.

truly the patrician meme

Veeky Forums is back baby


Pregnant Anne Frank marked the turning point from lighthearted jests to obsessive-compulsive ADHD repetition


As opposed to now where 100% threads are either communist or fascist shitposting?

Maybe the hobby-oriented boards (like Veeky Forums) or the ones used just for imagedumping (like /c/), but sure I'd say Veeky Forums of the larger boards.

Literally just made a HRE post. Is it out hat?

Aaaaaaaaaaah, those were the days.

I couldn't agree more

I remember when the Christian Roleplayers and Byzantine fanboys would at least put up a fight before having their arguments demolished.
They must be passing out of vogue, the brightest bulbs on those shelves disappeared a long time ago.

Sorry senpai it don't check out

Shitty, unfunny memes (and H>R> E shit is included on that) makes this board worse.

I remember one guy starting a thread asking which of Cicero's book is the best for a beginner and the responses were shit like "DURR HURR, NAILING HIS HAND HAHAHAHA".
Or someone asking about interesting samurai stories and getting "HAHAHA, every samurai sucked, weeaboo" by edgy contrarians.
So, nothing informative, nothing funny.

I would say we are about as bad as /sp/ right now.

we should like, document what old Veeky Forums was like, for you, know, historical purposes

The fucking Turks ruined Veeky Forums. They call for genocide in half of their threads while at the same time denying the Armenian, Greek, and Assyrian holocausts. They ruin each and every thread about the Byzantine empire. They constantly spam porn with black dicks everywhere. There is no evidence of any Turk ever posting anything worthwhile on Veeky Forums.

>implying it wasn't always like that
>what are Holocaust denial threads
>what is that one tripfag who spells out his name with spaces between every letter

Frankly, pregnant Anne Frank is an improvement simply because it's something to bash /pol/ with.

> H > R > E posting
That was never funny, fuck off.


>le old Veeky Forums
>board is like a year old
Literally what. There's still plenty of good threads. Just ignore /pol/tard baiting.

/pol/ stuff is the least of the problems here.
Unfunny shit like > H > R > E posting is worse.

>Finno-Korean hyperwar
The new is real.
>Doesn't even mention glorified cheerleader posting
Literally new.

t. Hans Schicklgrüber

Over 2 years actually. Still pretty young.

Culturally this is nothing but an unholy fusion of poltards and actual redditors.
Not even a hint of the Veeky Forums i used to love. You have to go to extremely autistic boards to find that.

t. Isha Moonwolf

Fuck off to

t. """"oldfag""""

Veeky Forums was never fucking good.

I hated old Veeky Forums so much.

An endless circlejerk of quests, made up stories, shitty Warhammer memes, and neckbeards talking about their favorite fantasy creature to fuck.

It's fucking shit now, swamped with generals and full of thin skinned faggots who react to /pol/ or /int/ posting like the Chinese react to a dissemination in ideology.

This site isn't getting better. The fucking retards off in /pol/ drew the eye of the megacorporations and now their agents are freely working within our midst. Soon the "silent majority" of the site will begin to target other boards in an effort to colonize them with their boring shitty political dialogue.

I wish North Korea would have the balls to launch their VX stockpiles and wipe the world clean of life. It's the only happy ending we can hope for in all this mess.

>old Veeky Forums
but that's literally describing what Veeky Forums is like now. You just have to sift through shit threads (just like "old" Veeky Forums)
>Soon the "silent majority" of the site will begin to target other boards in an effort to colonize them with their boring shitty political dialogue
what? peak attempted /pol/ colonization was in 2014/15, /pol/ has turned into absolute /b/ tier shit since the election and is irredeemable (and dying desu), and I say that as someone around for the whole ride. If anything I've seen the /pol/ tide recede from most boards

>What happened?


I'm proud of Turks on /his.
This board is literally réddit and we're gonna crush you wh*Te boi.

This feels like fighting an insurgency, dealing with these /pol/ cucks

Fuck you, boring unfunny piece of kebab shit.

You've contributed nothing to civilization and your empire died a shitty irrelevant death.

Nah get fucked. /hwg/ is one of the best things to happen to that board, consistently good oc, fantastic resources, reasonably resistant to shitposting

Probably not a fantastic way to deal with roleplaying shitposters. Don't be a fat-tongued shitpainter and take the bait.

They're basically the Wehrmacht in a way, except they're in the 1944-45 stage where after they nearly conquered the other boards they've been pushed back towards the ruined husk that is their homeland.
Kinda sad the board is dead though, I really miss having sane political discussion and the Space Elevator threads

Post yfw pregnant Anne Frankposting is basically Operation Bagration