I'm sorry that blacks fell so hard.
I'm sorry that blacks fell so hard
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At least those thin, steeply-sloped pyramids is actually accurate to Nubian architecture.
>a high degree of discourse
What makes you think a sub-human race was ever "on the top" or even higher than another entity, other than themselves.
Stfu nigger
We aren't talking about europeans. This thread is BLACK.
Can I post through my uni's wifi or are all public networks permabanned?
No-one in your uni has posted pedophile nor illegal content, so you still can post from that public network.
its kinda sucky that europeans have no idea about african history. Thinking that they only lived in mud huts and shit is incorrect. Africa was a diverse land with many different empires not only egypt (which was a black nation. get triggered fuck boys). Africa was systematically dissasembled by europeans, its amazing what you'll find when you actually study the continents history instead of being hurr durr niggers.
Egypt was not black not much how you niggers screech "we wuz shiet".
The problem with what you wrote is that even if Africans had some basic history or diversity on which fetihistic or animistic god to worship (before bowing down to Islam or Christinaity), their history is the most incequential in the history of humanity. It is on the level of microcosm, like two tribes of Bonobos fighting each other. Western history on the other hand is on the furthest other side of Macrocosm of history and destiny.
Africa has never had a major civilliation, even Mexicans have had one. They are left-overs of a past-humanity that has long evolved beyond them.
The main point of the thread is that people think poorly about africans from africa, yet they seem to be "better" than european people.
A single african baby is worth more than the entire european population
They never were better lmao
Even today the very existence of niggers depends on the judgementor or mercy of whites.
Of course they seem better. They are literally replacing european people.
please keep your cuck fantasies to yourself.
>higher self-replacement statistics than europeans in the same country
>already dominating in all kinds of media revolutioning dominant cultures from all countries
>"kip yarr C.U.C.K fanta-seas to yarr-self"
I'm just describing reality, my friend. African people seem better than european people.
Egypt was a black nation it finally fell to fully to Assyrian control after the 25th dynasty after its nubian ruler taharqa entered a war he couldnt handle and the assyrians overan egypt. even your shitty christian texts is a source to that. its like youre saying America has always been a white country. thats a dumb racist assumption that some faggot like you willpresent as fact 300 years from now im sure. empires existed all along the coasts of easts and west Africa, tanzanian empires with both infrastructure and texts were torn down and destroyed by the Portuguese. An example is the trade city of Gedi that facilitated trade with the chinese and india. if youre gonna be an armchair historian read wider. you're the exact type I was talking about the hurr durr niggers crowd that have no idea what theyre talking about. the continents history is rich and diverse. You had people living in huts you had people living in cities in buildings. look outside of your biases
Just because tehy breed like cockroaches and they are token characters by sjw virtue signalling producers, doesn't mean they are better in any way.
And African-Americans are not really Africans.
>just because (excuses)
They replace european people, they are better.
Their culture overwhelms others'.
Even their countries are target of sexual tourism.
It's no use to keep avoiding reality.
>african americans
The european component seem to be inferior though. The african component is the maximum exponent of racial domination. That's why africans seem superior.
whites have an inferiority complex, that they need to remind everyone everyday that they are supposedly "superior". With birth rates plummeting and cuck fantasies becoming more of a thing its not a surprise to see why. Whites have always been a scared insecure creature that were the result of inbreeding and genetic mutations. its no wonder most of them are fucked in the head.
Egypt was never black, even genetic testing disproves the afrocentric theory.
The Kushite dynasty came very late in Egypts history and was incosequential in Egypts history. I don't get what you are trying to state here.
Yes Africans were diverse and interesting but inconquential in the long run, there is nothing of note there untill the arrival of Europe.
whatever you say cuck
Well, you may be right. It seems that the cromagnon, neolithic middle-eastern farmer component, the hunter gatherer savages from the northern uralic zones and the inbreeding have surely fated them to be like that.
>what evarr ya s-"a" C.U.C.K
No wonder your brainlet cannot even construct a single argument against reality.
I don't debate with cucks and niggers
Low intelligence and mental illness are not good elemnts for good debate partners, good day to you.
>more excuses
>you are low x and mental illness
It seems that africans are superior, it's probably you that have that sort of illness and problems tho.
Taking remains from one section of a place is a bad way of doing anthropology and any type of scientific testing. Also you do realise that the DNA of all peoples in the region is similar, there was constant mixing of the different ethnics groups in the area, nothing was constant. 50 years ago we were told by "scientists" that they were white, 30 years ago we heard that they were black caucasian, now to strike a balance your'e calling these people Assyrians. The very people they depict in their art they were constantly at war with.
Like I grew up outside the US in a black majority nation and never really experienced people with mental illness or disabilities. I go to the US and its prevalent everywhere, like you cant go a day without seeing them. Shit was a culture shock for me man. But yeah it does explain there love of violence that they try to associate to other races.
I never calles them Assyrians, you did, Egypt existed way before the Assyrian empire, genetic testing does not reveal indo-european dna but a middle-eastern asiatic one. Hell the British can lay claim more to Egypt genetically than niggers do.
>>I don't debate with cucks and niggers
This is always the argument when outplayed. Whites are funny
You do realise that whites have done everything in their power to try and associate themselves into Egypt right? Egypt was a mix of cultures their art for generations have depicted the presence of white slaves they got in trades from Europe. My very favorite depiction is of Thutmose III slaying slaves with a white dude in the mix. So are you gonna say Tut had no black in him right?
The we wuzzing itt, amazing
How do you know he is european when there is no colour in there?
This on the other hand...
the facial structure of those being slain. All that picture shows is as the name suggests Ramses charging the nubians. What alot of racists love to not see in this picture that some of the nubians are the same colour as the ramses and some even lighter. Why would the egyptians do that Mr armchair historian?
Because Gyppos weren't race-obsessed Murimutts.
Yes, Africa was/is a very diverse continent full of many diverse cultures for example in west Africa they use human shit to build their huts instead of regular cow shit.