>promises to give you money
>actually takes your money
Promises to give you money
get cossed, fags
Shit exchange
p-pls just go to 30 cents so i can get my 2x and leave pls pls.
Ahahaha we're on the same boat user
Just wait until the dividends are actually paid out, then everyone will go to their coss wallet, make lots of trades, dividends will go up even more, fomo and we’ll probably hit $0.5 in 24h after the payout
Hopefully next week everything will be smooth and our dividends for this week will be paid
i really hope you are right user
they are never going to release the dividends, huh
Has anyone had their KYC get confirmed? waiting 5 days here, i just want my damn btc
They're focusing on the DAO at the moment, read the slack pls
Yeah. I applied for it 3 days ago. Got verified today.
>business model based on volume
>trading limits
really bakes my noodles
I got verified the next day. If you're from US, they said on slack that there are delays due to regulations.
I got verified in like 30 minutes. Took a week on kraken and only after emailing them constantly.
as if you move to singapore to scam people. this alone lets it seem legit, the law and prisons there arent nice to scammers
Just wait for the 2nd split, everyone here wants gains in 30 minutes
How do you know theyre actually in singapore
they said it
they have the registry there too
Honestly, the only reason I’m holding this is because dividends will make every sunday feel like christmas
true at least some gains
>pic not related
2nd split later today, funds transferred to wallet in a couple days. Paying out in coss/erc20 tokens and Eth. It’s a no brainer, people don’t realize how many whales are just going to park their money and get free money every week. This thing isn’t going to $2 easy by the end of the week
The genuis move is paying out in all different tokens, because whales will have to sell them, which means it will draw in buyers, driving the volume up massively.
Once the payouts actually start hitting wallets I can see this snowballing a bit
there is a coin by which u can get dividends everyday and the payouts actually work ... so I dunno man. I prefer everday christmas.
It's the same kind of logic that trade fees are given out but it actually already works and the site is not a total bullshit either.
name it
So you’re in the club and this guy slaps you asian gfs ass and offers you some crypto, guaranteed returns. What do you do?
All in.
Just bought 20k worth - sea otter
20k coins? or $20k
if the first, good
if the second, very good
>a running exchange with dividends [in beta]
>3 million market cap
Anyone who doesn't think this coin won't x2 by next payout is retarded. Screencap this. It won't be massive moon but you'll get that double.
Grab him by the neck, push him up against the wall and scream "WHERE MY DIVIDENDS AT FAGGET??????"
how many you got ?
i am sitting on 200k coss now, man i need 1$+ since i got no job lol
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