Who was the most brutal general in history?
Who was the most brutal general in history?
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hulagu khan maybe?
Vlad Tepes maybe?
Me invading her pussy.
Cadorna was a bit of a cunt
Inflicted far more damage to his men than the Austrians ever did
Genghis Khan/his top lad Subutai
This works too
Tamerlane is up there too.
General Mycock in the Battle of OP's Mom's Vagoo
Subotai did nothing wrong.
Tsaristyn was the only time he even acted in that capacity and it was relatively tame for civil war standards
The destruction of Khwarazm didn't happen
but it SHOULD have!
Dont know about Genghis. He has been portrayed both as a wise ruler and a cruel warlord.
He was extremely ruthless to his foes, but those who bent the knee willingly were treated extremely well by the standards of the time.
Veeky Forums SIG
2000 crunches now cunt
my fucking abs
I feel like an idiot for laughing at this
shaka zulu he wasnt just a dick to his enemies but his own men. he made them forego wearing shoes so that the soles of their feet would harden so they could run faster without shoes or sandals grtting in the way
Accidentally the greatest austrian general ever.
Actually I'd say it's Hitler for ordering the German soldiers to not retreat no matter how many times Paulus begged him
killing even after death
How the fuck does this work?
Who executes the executioners?
Other executioners who don't know who or why they're executing.
Oskar Dirlewanger
Gona need a source on that one
Like most pre-enlightenment history, the source is some guy's friend's ass
Have the first group of executioners go and kill the people at the site. Tell them to rendezvous at a location. Have the other executioners there waiting for them to show up.
The thought that a fucking illiterate reindeer herder from the forests of Siberia raped so much of the world is mind-blowing.
>one of the first executioners shouts out the location of the tomb
>now you have to kill the executioners of the executioners too
aww shieeetttt
if he was dead why not just be like fuck this let totally not do that
Brutally-effective or just brutal?
Brutally-effective to me has a lot of candidates.
A lot of them are horselords.
He was brutal to his enemies. The historical meme "killing a Mongol diplomat" is mostly because Genghis would 'destroy' your whole civilization if you were dumb enough to do it. Cities that bent the knee weren't treated perfectly but the alternative was annihilation to serve as an example.
Adolf Hitler
hitler wasnt a general
>Adolf Hitler
>He has been portrayed both as a wise ruler and a cruel warlord.
yes, one does not exclude the other, being wise dosent mean youre a nice person, it could easily mean the exact opposite, there was a simple wisdom to mongol logic, and it worked
Roman Empire was always really cruel towards conquered people. Still it was a model for modern civilization.
William the Bastard
Charles VII
Although the question is pretty stupid.
Charles Pepe the second he ordered the deaths of over 2 million normies (people from Normandy were called normies back in 17888)
Zhang Xianzhong
Heaven brings forth innumerable things to nurture man.
Man has nothing good with which to recompense Heaven.
Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill.
This guy
This guy right here
Dmytro Klyachkivsky
Who was the most brutal general but still cared of the well being of his soldiers?
>Zhang Xianzhong
Explain please?
>The events surrounding Zhang Xianzhong's rule and afterwards devastated Sichuan, where he was said to have "engaged in one of the most hair-raising genocides in imperial history".[20] Lurid stories of his killings and flayings were given in various accounts. According to Shu Bi (蜀碧), an 18th-century account of the massacre, after every slaughter, the heads were collected and placed in several big piles, while the hands were placed in other big piles, and the ears and noses in more piles, so that Zhang Xianzhong could keep count of his killings.[21] In one incident, he is said to have organized an imperial examination ostensibly to recruit scholars for his administration, only to have all the candidates, which numbered many thousands, killed.[22] In another, to give thanks for his recovery after an illness, he was said to have cut off the feet of many women. The severed feet were heaped in two piles with those of his favorite concubine, whose feet were unusually small, placed on top. These two piles of feet were then doused in oil and set alight to become what he called "heavenly candles".[18]
>He was reported to have ordered further massacres before he abandoned Chengdu in advance of the invading Manchus.[17] The massacres, a subsequent famine and epidemic, attacks by tigers, as well as people fleeing from the turmoil and the invasion of the Manchus, resulted in a large-scale depopulation of Sichuan. The worst affected areas are believed to be Chengdu and its surrounding counties, and places on the path of Zhang's retreat from Chengdu to Shaanxi
>Seven Kill Stele
>A popular account of his life has it that he erected in Chengdu a stele, which came to be known as the Seven Kill Stele (七殺碑), with the following inscription:[24][25][26]
Heaven brings forth innumerable things to nurture man.
Man has nothing good with which to recompense Heaven.
Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill.
Standard for Mongolian and Chinese generals is ridiculous. China used to cause routine famines for rowdy populations. Mongols would kill tens of thousands per siege when they got to the major cities in central Asia. But I wouldn't mind serving under them. I'd hate to serve the average modern communist because they bring that cruelty to their own men.
>"If we come to a minefield, our infantry attacks exactly as it were not there." - Zhukov
Basil II the Bulgarslayer
Kim Jong Il
Maybe you're right, user. Perhaps this board does need an Adolf Hitler general.
I mean he's not really a general though, technically speaking he never got past NCO
Actually, while he was dictator he technically had the Red Army rank of first Marshall, and then Generalissimus.
those are dead Germs tho
So are the executions still happening in some backwater shithole village in mongolia or something?
MacArthur if he had been able to use nukes
>I want you to cross that river in the dead of winter.
>But they're waiting for us!
>Do it.
Józef Piłsudski
>poland doesn't exist for 123 years
>gains independence in 1918
>within 2 years under leadership of Piłsudski they make land grabs in Ukraine and Lithuania in two separate wars
>defeats the largest empire in Europe, the Soviet Union (Ukrainian People's Republic, Soviet Russia and Soviet Ukraine) over the control of an area equivalent to today's Ukraine and parts of modern-day Belarus and chases them back to their hohol fields with their tails between their legs
>so feared/respected by the time he dies that Hitler has a large funeral for him in Germany
Adolf Hitler attending memorial service of Polish First Marshall Józef Piłsudski in Berlin, 1935.
Unironically Cadorna.