Why is there a gold stripe in the German flag?
Why is there a gold stripe in the German flag?
It represents the freely flowing urine of the German warrior when faced with an adversary who can and will fight back.
The colors stand for coal, blood, and gold. These are the three thing G*rms hunger for, and why they continually try to invade other people's countries.
It represents the endless amounts of remorse payable only in gold to the poor, oppressed jews.
it´s not gold at all
>schwarz rot gold
>not gold
find me a German who says schwarz rot gelb
If you actually want to know, the reason is that the current German Tricolor was made by Großdeutschland revolutionaries in 1848.
Black and gold are the colors of the House of Habsburg, which ruled Austria, while the Red represented the Hanseatic League of North Germany. The colors represented a union of North and South Germany.
This is also why the Imperial German flag has black/white/red. It has the black and white of Prussia to the exclusion of the gold that represents Austria. The red still represents the Hanseatic League.
Because of these guys. The flag's colours are those of the Lützower Jäger.
Habsburgs have nothing to with the flag. Black White Red are the colours of Prussia (Black and White) while Red represents the Hanseatic League. Black White and Red are the Norddeutscher Bund.
If it's supposed to represent Austria, then why is it in the German flag?
He just pulled the Habsburg bit out of his arsch.
This is the only correct answer. The Lützow'sches Freikorps was a "partisan" group, consisting out of mainly lower class workers, and was later romanaticized as a student/middle-class movement. It played a very minor role in resistance against Napoleon, in the 2nd half of the 19th century it was celebrated and exagerated.
Because they were so poor, the Lützow'sches Freikorps had black uniforms, red lining and bronze ("gold") buttons.
What do you mean?
This is absolute Bullshit.
Okay, so what's the real reason?
Why the single quote? 's in English doesn't work the same in German.
> Black White Red are the colours of Prussia (Black and White) while Red represents the Hanseatic League.
Wow it's like I said exactly the same thing if you could read more than a sentence.
During the Revolutions of 48, the German states elected their first Pan-German parliament. This parliament then declared the Black-Red-Gold to be the flag of Germany. This Parliament was later dissolved and the Revolution quashed, but the Weimar Republic would later see itself as a continuation of the 1848 Frankfurt Parliament, and largely adopted the '48 constitution, as well as the flag.
The modern German republic sees itself as a continuation of the Weimar Republic, so they use the same flag.
Except didn't Weimar Germany see itself as a continuation of the Empire, to the point that they still called themselves "The German Empire"?
This is standard German spelling. Using an apostrophe in German is only correct if it is used in conjugation with a name.
For example Einstein'sche Relativitätstheorie; Koch'sche Postulate Pasteur'sche Theorien etc. this is how you write in German.
>Wow it's like I said exactly the same thing if you could read more than a sentence.
Except you add a load of horseshit to the actual story.
Yeah right. At that time, Pan-German would have included Austria at the very least.
>is only correct
also in abbreviations: "Wer war's" instead of "Wer war es"
>Yeah right. At that time, Pan-German would have included Austria at the very least.
And it did in 48/49
My bad, I remembered differently.
That makes them sound incredibly badass
Grammatikalisch ist das nicht richtig. Das ist nur eine Abkürzung in der Bellatristik, bei Gedichten oder so. Im Deutschen gibt es ansonsten keinen Apostrophe (außer dem Fall, den ich beschrieben habe.)
That is absolute bullshit.
Duden says differently
They called themselves the Weimar Republic, but the official name of Germany was still "Deutsches Reich" -> German Realm.
Interestingly the German constitutional court ruled in the 70s that the Federal Republic is partially identical with the Reich. This in turn means that the DDR was also partially identical. Now history showed that the DDR joining the BRD practically made the BRD identical with the Reich. Minus some territory.
>Interestingly the German constitutional court ruled in the 70s that the Federal Republic is partially identical with the Reich
Well it is, because Nazi-Germany never changed the official name of Germany, so there is continuity. Even though Nazi-Germany was a vastly different political entity.
Ich weiß nicht ob du tatsächlich Deutsch sprichst, oder ob du nur Streiten willst. Alle Einträge in der angebenen Quelle sind Dialekt, und kein Hoch-Deutsch, es bestätigt sogar nochmal meine Ausage, im Hoch-Deutschen gibt es nur den Apostroph in dem Fall den ich angegeben habe.
>Enjoying being the living caricature of an antimoral concernfag
Why though
Not him, but I agree with you. Apostrophes used like the ones in the thread doesn't seem like High German, it seems like dialect to me.(Even though I'm no expert in German grammar).
Dann mag's daran liegen, dass ich Beispiele wie "So'n Blödsinn" noch für Hochdeutsch halte und Du nicht.
t. Niedersachse
I find it quite funny, that a thread on the colours of the German flag has devolved into a fight about German grammar.
Ich wollte doch nur verteidigrn wieso ich "Lützow'sches" schreibe, ich bin davon überzeugt Recht zu haben.
>They called themselves the Weimar Republic
Except I heard that this was a term invented by historians to identify it as different from the current "Federal Republic of (WEST) Germany", much like the term "Byzantine Empire".
Da kann ich hervorragend mit leben. Lützow'sches Freikorps finde ich sehr hübsch und auch korrekt. Mir ging es in einem Anfall von Autismus nur um die nicht erwähnten Buchstabenauslassungen. Einen bunten Abend noch.
Alles Gute, mein neuer niedersächsischer Freund.
Bin übrigens Badener
Gelbfiaßler sagen die Schwaben zu Euch, richtig? Warum eigentlich?
"High German"? I think you mean "Standard German".
Auslassungen sind legitimer Bestandteil von Standarddeutsch, damit ist die Verwendung von Apostophen in diesem Fall ebenfalls Bestandteil von Standarddeutsch.
t. Saupreiß
Also ich hab einig Erklärungen gehört, wieso mir Gelbfüßler heißen. Meistens hängst damit zusämme dass wir scheinbar gegen den Wind pissen, und dann halt gelbe Füße bekommen.
In Baden ist SCHWABE schon Schimpfwort genug, was anders brauche mir net
>German autism intensifies
Ein Baum ein Strick ein Badensergenick
t. Schwabe
Yellow bellies.
>Dat impotent and obvious invalidation/trivilization attempt of national heroes
Kys leftycuck/frogfucker
Manletpoleon literally got BTFO by them at Waterloo et al
it is as black as Malevitch square
the cold furnace in which we stare...
The Freikorps were notoriously bad and ineffective even by militia standards.
From a golden past through bloodshed into a dark (black) future.
What the Hell is that?
Footie trainer, weird excuses for politicians and a drag queen. Why do you ask?
gold they stole from jews to fix their economy
the history of germany: shit, blood and piss
Erzähl mir doch bitte mehr von diesen Nationalhelden, ihre Heldentaten wirst du doch Aufzählen können.
Wrong. It represents stolen gold. Along with spilled blood and their black hearts.
The real question is: WHY IS THERE A RED STRIPE?
That's a good question. German beer is vastly superior.
>triggered by beer
Hi Abdullah.
>triggered by someone calling his potato juice piss
>beer is made from potatos
Muslim education
>calling this beer
Iam a Slav atheist you 56%
The german flag has a hidden esoteric meaning. It represents the g*rman people's higher sexual fetishes, namely urine (yellow), menstrual blood (red), and shit ("hidden" in the black color to avoid being explicit in brown)
>they called themselves weimar republic
WRONG! The term Weimar Republik after the city where the constitution was signed started being used by Hiter as a derogatory term of the country which still called itself Deutsches Reich
>if it is used in conjugation with a name
lol wrong. All your examples are wrong. You use it when the term you are referring too is not established and widely used
So it's
>Einsteinsche Relativitätstheorie
>Einstein'sche Realpolitik
Because it was made back when austria was seen as part of Germany
It represents the pee coming out of Hitler’s big hypo cock.
Nina Hagen's final form
They had to do something with the leftover tooth fillings.
from the darkness through bloodshed comes the bright future
Because Germany SUCKS and I wouldn’t have any man who claims to be even 1% German.
Right! Bright future, huh? Like anything is bright about that shitty country today???
best economy in europe by far
deal with it subhuman
Gold= Number 1, baby
>all these jealous faggots itt that dont even have gold in their flags
"""heroes""" of a cuck nation
These are the same colours used in the Coat of arms of Germany. A black eagle with a red beak, tongue and feet on a golden field.
This goes back to the medieval coat of arms of the Holy Roman Emperors.