The creators of the Great War series are going to make a WWII series and invited Lindybeige to their team because apparently he's an expert.
Lindybeige to take part in WWII youtube documentary
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>Random youtube guy to take part in random youtube video
25 years rule?
I mean as long as they only ask him about the British aspects of the war, he should be fine. Just don't ask him what the French did.
Wow they didn't even get a quarter of the way to 500.000
I guess that's what happens when you don't advertise on your biggest channel
>tfw lindy will post the dresden vid
my dream has come true
>lindybeige and karl
will these two -aboos be able to contain their autism?
STFU if you don't know what you're talking about.
Apparently they couldn't, because the Channel belonged technically to Mediakraft. Those D**kn***ets even deleted Youtube comments advertising Time Ghost or the Kickstarter on their own.
*technically belongs
On this episode, how Britain won WW2 and the Americans were there or something who cares, also let's laugh at the French again.
The Royal Navy and RAF basically did just that though, the soviets would have been fucked without the royal navy blockading Germany and bomber Harris levelling German tank production to the ground.
>tfw based Lindy will redpill the normies on the Hunnohoax
Without the Red Army, Britain could never have gotten anywhere.
>edit: In fact, even with the Soviets, the Brits themselves wouldn't have gotten anywhere without Uncle Sam.
What exactly is Lindys expertise in WW2?
I'm sure he will be objective
Subscriber count and a British accent.
You faggots memed him a proper job
Well done
It's all part of his master plan to expose the dresdohoax for once and for all. Bomber harris was dropping teddy bears and bars of chocolate on the poor starving German children.
What Dresden vid?
He made a video defending the firebombing of Dresden, and of massacring/destroying non-military targets in general to demoralize the surviving population. Some Nazis complained about it, so he took it down.
Ian's Ouiabooism will bring balance to the force
they honestly need a Pastaboo to cover that side though
also inb4 reddit harris
Where the fuck did they say he was an expert? Nowhere. He was invited for the express reason, that HE STATES IN THE VIDEO, that he can ramble and is good at creating a story, he is and would be a presenter.
Why do you spend your precious time lying you pathetic autist.
Apparently he's supposed to be the teams "rambler".
>Lindy's presenting with possibly good research
Huh, that will actually be a fun video.
reminder that Lindybeige claims:
>no one used swords, axes
>no one used horses
>no one used throwing knives
>no one used double strap arm shields
>no one used scythes
>no one used mail coifs
>no one used torches
>Pikemen didn't fight each other
>no one spoke French during the French revolution
>no one spoke Latin during the Roman Republic
>battle of Zama didn't happen
>Romans carried one pilum
>Vikings weren't real
>berserkers weren't real
>climate change isn't real
>stagnant social mobility isn't real
>castles were defended by three soldiers
>butted mail is better than riveted mail
>operation market garden was a success
>Napoleon was literally Hitler
>The Churchill was the best tank in WWII
>The English won the Hundreds Years' War
>British naval guns on Malta could launch projectiles into space
>brodie helmets were superior
>English accents are superior
>English is the best language
>Normans weren't French
>imperial system is better
>dunkirk was a british victory
>british officers don't duck
>the bren gun was like a full auto sniper rifle
>boer concentration camps were refugee camps
Reminder that people claim shit like the churchill tank shenanigans while he has explicitly stated that it was just his favorite tank not necessarily the best
You forgot
>Anyone who shoots at another human in war is a psychopath in love with killing and most people didn't shoot at the enemy in ww2 only psychos
And American weapons were fantastic for actually making sure those men had guns
Surprise surprise, WW2 wasnt won by any one country.
almost all of these are exaggerations or outright lies. while he does say similar things, he doesnt say that, for example, no one used scythes ever. just that they were most likely not used very much. he even shows some sources where manuals depict scythes being used in combat
>And American weapons were fantastic for actually making sure those men had guns
Eh the brits actually stopped buying so much American stuff after the crisis of dunkirk was over.
They could build a bunch of Stens for the price the Americans were charging for a single Thompson. Then you had the fact most of their tanks and aircraft were built in the UK and Canada...
But trucks, raw materials and food you are correct.
Mainly meant the Red Army, honestly
>youtube documentary
Just say "youtube video." Kek.
Somebody's internet is dialed up to eleven!
Let me translate for the banter impaired:
>technically they didn't call him an expert, but a "rambler" - I assume that means he's capable of presenting information in a fluid, coherent, and engaging way. Regardless, since I do still appreciate your exaggeration in jest; allow me to rebut with some good-natured hyperbole of my own- cheers!
>Sten guns
They almost saved Heydrich
Just remind them that Harris was a proud Rhodesian who also bombed rebellious nignogs and Pajeets in the Interwar era. He even said in Palestine:
>"one 250 lb. or 500 lb. bomb in each village that speaks out of turn"
This usually seperates the Redditors and /leftypol/ fags from the everyone else.
Hey reddit.
I'll fuck you up, shithead. Keep talking smack I fucking dare you.
Redditors also seem to feel cognitive dissonance when praising general Sherman for BTFOing those evil racist southerners, while he was a notorious racist himself. I'm saying this as a Sherman fan.
So even shallower than WW2 in Colour, but after every line that vest guy says something like 'but it was all for nothing' and pouts?
Man who knows nothing attempts to educate based solely on his opinions.
A cancer on Youtube that is a cancer on Veeky Forums
>battle of Zama didn't happen
t. Litteral child who doesn't know what an hypothesis is, with an attention span of 6 seconds
>expecting larpers to know history
defending lindybeige
There's nothing wrong with defending him
You merely disprove of him due to his healthy respect for his own country and a good sense of humour
>his healthy respect for his own country
Half of them are actually true.
>possible Indy and Lindy collab vid talking about ww2
All we need is an appearance of Charles and we have /his summed up.
Is Lloyd Veeky Forums waifu? He keeps appearing here
Is francophobia really that important for the average english?
Have you seen the state England is in at this point?
Whining about France and Germany seems to be all they have left to keep them going.
Can you really blame them?
>half of france gets destroyed during ww1, spends ww2 by sucking nazi cock = ends up better off than uk
>germany gets bombed to the stone age, has loses shitload of its former territories, and spends half of century split in half = still ends up better than uk
>uk is on the winning side of 2 world wars and never suffers any real war damage outside of couple bombs dropped in london = reduced into an american vassal state, half of its countries have major separatist parties active that enjoy strong popular support
welsh, scottish, and cornish identity is more or less a romantic meme
If your self worth is tied up in your country, you're never gonna be happy.
Dude, you're a fucking faggot, I hope you know that. Are you fucking underage?
Nice rebuttal.
A joke, for the most part. There's a pasta floating around listing all the bs statements he's allegedly put out. "Allegedly" because alot of these are misinforming themselves.
>t. Projecting Englishman rapidly losing any sense of national identity or pride
>The creators of the Great War series are going to make a WWII series
is this real?
i fucking hope so that shit was dope
I really want it to be true also but I can't find a source or literally anything anywhere backing it up
Their Patreon goal was exceeded last time I checked.
It's happening.
Search your feelings Salmond, you know it to be true.