What does your country teach in school?

What does your country teach in school?
The Netherlands here
>Prehistory nuffin happened here except for Hunnebedden (like Stonehenge but small)
>Greeks (democracy & shieeet)
>>Claudius Civilis (Dutch-Roman centurion whom lead a quite succesfull uprising against the Romans in the days of Nero)
>"Dark Ages"
>Killing of Saint Bonifatius near Dokkum by the Frisians
>Medieval shit, guilds and Hanze get extra attention
>Fast Forward to the French Revolution
>WW1 is glossed over like you wouldn't believe. 4 pages at most and that's only to prelude the Russian Revolution. The knowledge of the average Dutch person about WW1 is abysmal.
>Nothing bad ever happened in Indonesia. Warcrimes are a hoax
>After that nothing ever happened
And we frequently forget about the misdeeds that we did. What are the Bandan-Islands for example?

>the 3rd one

but britain invited the orange army .

Here history is divided into "General History" and "Brazilian History", in some states the state's history is also a subject
>literally only general history until 1500
>ancient civilizations, mostly iranians, egypcians, greeks and romans
>split of the roman empire and the fall of WRE
>medieval times and it's society
>native americans and Pre-columbian america in general
>age of discovery and the portuguese conquests, start of colonization
>the portuguese are the bad guys now
>the various colonial systems adopted as well as colonial treaties like Tordesillas
>french failed attempts of colonization
>the 17th century, New Holland and how John Maurice of Nassau developed the colony
>the expulsion of the dutch in Guararapes
>18th century is literally just taxes, revolts and
>american and french revolutions
>rise of Napoleon
>how the portuguese royal family fled to Brazil
>The whole road to indepedence
>Pedro I is a despot now apparently
>Pedro abdicates, we regency now
>revolts again
>Second reign, prosperity but no democracy so it's bad apparently
>we kill a bunch of paraguayans and should feel bad for it
>republican coup
>now a bunch of oligarchies of coffee rule
>WW1, we didn't do shit but entering the war allowed us a better diplomatic position
>in the 30s Vargas tooks power, called a fascist for hunting the commies but no mention of his hunt for the integralists
>1929 crisis, soviet union and rise of fascism in general history
>WW2, we actually did something and were important in Italy
>soldiers come back and force Vargas abdicates
>we democracy now, some less shitty presidents, also Vargas is elected and commits sudoku
>João Goulart was a commie so he must be good I guess, he suffers a coup tho
>military dictatorship until 1985, the military are literally nazis now
>democracy again, a bunch of shitty presidents
>Lula is god
Pretty much this, now, what the general population actually knows is another story.

Do we have a Belgium version of this? I'd love to see what kinds of excuses they give for mutilating the Congo.

Elementary= foreign cultures, egypt, france, japan, germany
Middle school= state and country history
High school= broad outline of world history + country history

Funland reperesent

Later stages is sort of "how much do you wanna know?" but mandatory is:

>There wuz prehistory
>There wuz vikangz
>Some ancient history, barebones
>Oh hey the 19th century is relevant I suppose
>There was ww1
>There was ww2

Once you leave basic schooling, though, it depends where you live and what you want to study. Everything from prehistory to modern, but still relatively basic.

I imagine it's just "blame literally everything on the king"

American. My curriculum basically went like this:
>American Revolution was great for democracy but not great for women, minorities and native americans because they were almost always excluded
>Early American democracy was pretty fucked up and the War of 1812 was pointless
>The Civil War was about slavery and Abe Lincoln was the best POTUS in US history
>Reconstruction failed because Southern Democrats were authoritarian tyrants and blatantly stole a lot of elections in the 1870s
>Most of the natives were either herded onto reservations or exterminated
>The Gilded Age was super corrupt but Teddy Roosevelt more or less saved the country from corrupt business interests
>WWI might as well have not happened for all the educational coverage we got about it. We talked more about the Spanish Flu than we did WWI
>The Depression sucked but FDR rescued the country with the New Deal and lots of war spending once WWII happened
>WWII was a global crusade against fascism, Hitler, Mussolini and Tojo were evil, evil people who did evil, evil things
>Not much said about the atomic bombings, but generally agreed to be necessary
>Cold War between the US and USSR once both sides realized they couldn't get along without a fascist empire to beat up together
>The Cold War was pretty dumb and both sides did a lot of really awful stuff, though the Soviets were much, much worse
>Nixon was pretty much the devil, though he did open up relations with China

Usually we only ever made it to the immediate post-war era or Vietnam at the latest, since American schools don't tend to place a premium on history when there's more important things to do...like study for standardized tests.

The Netherlands was the worse European colonisers after Belgium that left pretty much nothing to their former colony except for chocolate sprinkles and stupid continental law

t. Indonesian

But can you imagine your life without chocolate sprinkles?

William of Orange sounded like a pretty powerful guy. It's a shame he was killed by a Frenchman, though.

During primary school :
>Neolithic presence in france
>Louis xi
>François I
>Henry IV
>Louis xiv
>Louis xvi, the revolution
>they talk a bit about the third republic
>industrial Era
>the two world wars, quickly
>European union
Then during middle school :
>the start of humanity
>the neolithic "revolution"
>first states and writing systems
>the greek cities
>birth of judaism
>the first christians
>relations between the roman empire and the Han dynasty through the silk road
>birth of Islam, stop with the mongol invasion
>byzantium and charlemagne
>the affirmation of the state
>Charles V von habsburg and soliman
>religious conflicts and humanism
>the absolute king
>merchant bourgeoisie and the slave trade during the XVIIIth century
>the lumières
>French revolution, the republic and the empire
>industrial Era and colonization during the XIXth century
>the third republic
>Europe since 1945
>The third, fourth and fifth republic during the XXth century
Finally, highschool :
>the europeans and the population of earth
>Citizenship during Athens and Rome
>medieval Christianity
>enlargement of the world (xv-xvi th centuries)
>men of the Renaissance
>French revolution (again)
>liberty and nations in europe during the XIXth century
Then after the equivalent of 11th grade, the program is different, since there is different sections, the economical section is the one with the most developed historical program :
>economical growth and globalization
>mutation of societies (XIXth century)
>World wars and hope of peace
>cold War
>colonial domination
>the republic, three republic
>muh holocaust
>muh algerian war
>socialism in Germany since 1875
>media and public opinions
>USA since 1945
>China since 1949
>the nation-state
>the continental scale
>the global scale

>Netherlands is just a fancy name for Holland
>they actually speak Plattdütsch and only call it a language because they have their own armed forces
>people make cheese but don't like it when we sing the Frau Antje song
>bredy gud footie players for such a tiny country
>live and travel in trailers
>only use motorized vehicles to tow said trailers. Everything else is done with bicycles
>then excursion to the Dutch border to see for ourselves. Everything was true.


Nazi, Hitler, Jews.
Thats it practically, there is a bit on the rise of german nationalism and creation of united germany during the previous century, a bit on the Weimar republic and the split between Eastern and Western Germany, but 80% of History Class is on the Nazi time. Which is a bit ludicrous, considering its just 13 years out of a history of 1500 years.
The HRE for example was not even mentioned

>the hre was not even mentioned
Really? You don't talk about the habsburg or prussia?

that's a lot of typing

Just for their role in forming Germany, the Klein- or Großdeutschland question and so on.

Switzerland here. At least back in our time, it varied greatly by teacher.
We basically did
>Ancients like Sumerians, Hittites, Egyptians
>Very, very briefly glossed over Greeks and Romans
>Charlemagne (briefly)
>Switzerland (1291)
>Reformation (we went pretty heavy on this)
>(most of the periods up til the Korean War)

Yeah, we basically had 35% Weimar and 65% Nazi Germany during our last 1 1/2 years. Our teacher actually had to attempt to go through the mainstream history class points ranging from the Greeks to the DDR (went about as bad as could be expected)

i probably forgot some stuff but this is how i more or less remember it
>prehistoric shit
>ancient Mesopotamian civilizations
>Egypt, Nile
>Greeks, their mythologies, culture etc
>some info on Romans and Byzantines/ split of Roman empire
>some shit about proto slavs, their early settlements etc
>966 Christianization, we will be kangz
>the period of Poland shattered into duchies
>invitation of Teutonic knights
>reunification of Poland, loss of some clay like Silesia
>Casimir the great, end of first Polish dynasty
>brief union with Hungary
>union with Lithuania and their christianization
>victory over teutonic knights
>commonwealth of both nations, elective monarchy
>16 century of relevance and golden age
>protestant/reformation autism
>17 century of wars of silver age, greatest polish extend, involvement into russian smuta, Cossack uprisings, deluge, last moment of greatness at Vienna
>18 century of decline, shit kings, corruption, late attempts at reform, constitution and partitions
>briefly some stuff on USA war of independence
>duchy of Warsaw, Napoleon, war with Russia
>Poland under partitions, people who contributed to the culture and independence movements, failed uprisings and migrations
>ww 1, independence, Piłłsudski
>chaotic interwar period, everyone is retarded
>ww 2, obvious stuff
>solidarity and fall of communism

This, its one of the easiest and tastiest breakfast things.

>The Netherlands was the worse European colonisers after Belgium that left pretty much nothing to their former colony except for chocolate sprinkles and stupid continental law

Lol. Do you really believe that?

>The Troubles in Northern Ireland started because the IRA just randomly started killing people one day in Londonderry
>De Valera wanted Ireland to be British but kept them neutral after the war to stop more conflict
>The famine got so bad because Britain was trying to feed all its colonies and saw the British Isles as secondary to the poor subjects of the empire
>The British Soldiers in the Troubles were called in by Loyalist civilians to protect them from the IRA
>The UVF didn't exist and was actually just soldiers

Northern Irish Education is a wild ride.

I thought Pedro was remembered quite fondly in Brazil, and didn't have much signficiant power?

>the famine was bad because Britain was trying to feed the empire
That's some prime battered wife syndrome, surely everybody could reconcile the famine just by pointing to the liberal economies being championed by the ruling liberal party? I mean they're basically dead now.


Also separated in world and Finnish history
>muh ice age
>ETERNAL SWEDE crusading us
>ETERNAL SWEDE not defending us from cossacks
>ETERNAL SWEDE taxing too much
>ETERNAL SWEDE sells us off to Russia
>Oh hey Russian rule wasn't too bad, at least it wasn't ETERNAL SWEDE
>Ok Nikolai II was a dick
>Civil war
>Czar is ded, we independent now
>W I N T E R W A R

World history is the regular greek/roman/nappy/etc stuff but in WWII the Germans got a LOT nicer treatment and it's pointed out that Americans also had concentration camps and Stalin was DEVIL INCARNATE

Well they left pretty good sewer system what else? All you did was pretty much taking our resources to your country. Look at Malaysia, Brits were better at colonisation and now they're more developed than us


For some reason we have barely any history from outside our borders after said borders come into place. Only WWI and WWII. And I do recall some stuff about the Renaissance.

>We Celts, Goths, Phoenicians, Romans, Moors now
>talk about how GOAT Viriathus was
>huge long ass topics about the Greeks and Romans
>fun part starts here
>God's mad at the Moors for the Peninsula
>some guy from Burgundy likes to kill Moors and settles in northern Portugal
>we County now
>still have to pay muh fees to some would be constituent part of Castille-Spain
>said guy's offspring doesn't like this
>his mom craves the spaniard cock
>she gets BTFO
>we Kingdom now
>kill moors on our way to the sunny south
>no more more
>we explorations

Then we have a fucktown about this, where we learn the Dutch hate us, the Spaniards don't think about us - at all and the Eternal Anglo is a good guy until he gets greedy - they would eventually make demands that would help the Republican cause.

According to our history books, the French are irrelevant until Napoleon shows up - Peninsular War ensues, the Germans are a nonentity, 0 mentions of Holy Roman Empire, a few words about the Reformation is all there is. Italy is just the renaissance.

As for the rest of Europe (including Sweden, Russian, Denmark, all that jazz) I do not recall a single word.

That was 15 years ago though

>where we learn the Dutch hate us
Do we?

Kinda silly how they are basically ignorant of the first English (later British) and French colonies, this is early American history that is the basis of the entire American state. But nope everything starts at the revolution...

There is literally no-one who was worse as a colonisator than the Eternal Anglo.

Besides that: we are the reason you are even a country. Without the Dutchman you would just be isolated isles.Raymond Westerling did nothing wrong.


>WE wuz HRE n shiet
>WE wuz hitlerz first victimz, send reparations Germany!
>Austria was never german to begin with lol

sums up austrian """history""" education

After the Dutch had asked the English to invite them to use the invitation as post hoc rationalisation for the invasion.

Swamp jews were operating at another level back then.

>There is literally no-one who was worse as a colonisator than the Eternal Anglo
Quality shitpost

>Swamp jews
That's Dutchies?

Who else?

Sweden. It was ten years ago since I had these classes so my memory is a bit hazy, but it went something like this
>shift from hunter gatherers to agrarian societies
>fast forward to Vikangz and their expeditions to Constantinople
>Gustav Vasa and the conflicts with the eternal Dane
>mass-emigration to USA
>WW1 briefly mentioned as a cause for WW2 due to the Versailles treaty

Everything up to this point was covered in the first half of the year with the rest of it dedicated to WW2.
>our history teacher was a jewess so all of WW2 history was focused on the holocaust
>the war itself was only mentioned in the start (with the invasion of Poland) and the end (fall of Berlin, Hitler's suicide)
>everything else was about the jewish plight in concentration camps and life in the Warsaw ghettos
>mandatory viewing of Schindler's List
>teacher tries to organize a class trip to Auschwitz but gets shut down because there's no way to fund it
>as a final task we were supposed to write an essay on any WW2 event of our liking
>chose the Winter War since I have relatives in Finland
>she gives my essay a B with the motivation that it's well written but she doesn't know much about the Winter War and that I should have consulted her first before choosing it as a topic
>even the worst troglodytes in class got an A if they wrote about the holocaust

Joke's on her though, she died of lung cancer from heavy smoking a few years later.

>>she gives my essay a B with the motivation that it's well written but she doesn't know much about the Winter War and that I should have consulted her first before choosing it as a topic
>>even the worst troglodytes in class got an A if they wrote about the holocaust

As a soon-to-be history teacher this rustles my Jimmies to an amazing extent..

What they did to Middle-East is pretty bad but overall they improved their colony quite a lot. Besides, Indonesia was a mistake

>There is literally no-one who was worse as a colonisator than the Eternal Anglo
The eternal krauts, lusos and frogs come to mind, and I'm barely even trying

Quite the contrary, blame is put on the Force publique mercenaries .Leopold 2 is seen as an overly ambitious king.

Don't you have General History and Netherlands History as separated subjects?

In Spain it is like that. Or at least it was like that when I was in the school.

First two points are accurate but in my school there was a lot of guilt tripping about WW2 and how the first victim thing is a meme.

>egyptians and ancient mythology
>early america
>world history
Then some AP stuff and then done.

>muh glorious, peaceful natives
>muh peaceful, native-loving french come and live peacefully on their stolen land
>deeerrrrr those evul anglos come and slaughter the peaceful frogs and natives
>horrible oppression of natives and frogs
>now suddenly they're the good guys becuz reeeeeeee fuck those yankee traitors god save the king
>the War of 1812 was the most important war ever and we totally won
>William Lyon MacKenzie was a damned Yankee wannabe traitor, remember to love your King kiddos, Republicans are the devil reeeeeee
>Fuck the Irish because they attacked us because the British were oppressing them; oppression is ok as long as its against white people
>Confederation was totally a brave and original act of independence and not because London didn't give a fuck anymore
>But REEEEEE those damn Brits dragged us into WW1 which was pointless
>But also we are so brave and amazing for winning some irrelevant battles in a war we hate
>Mass immigration from Italy, China and Eastern Europe was great, look at how tolerant we were even back then (pls ignore that we hated Jews)
>residential schools for the natives were worse than Hitler
>also we helped so much to defeat Hitler by keeping most of our troops back in Canada because they were conscripts and Quebec would sperg out if we forced them to go abroad, how brave and important we were
>The Battle of Hong Kong was extremely relevant
>pls ignore that our soldiers became pussies after HItler was gone and voted not to go fight the Japs
>Pearson solved the Suez Crisis
>Diefenbaker got rid of the Arrow; we don't actually want to spend money on the military but when the Conservatives do it its bad reeeeeee
>If you aren't a feminist lgbt islamic acitvist like our new lord and savior trudeau jr. you shouldn't be in Canada
>Fuck America
>Islam is great senpai

>Babylonians, assyrians, persians
>Hebrews and monotheism
>minoics, myceneans, greece
>etruscans and romans
>Christianity and barbarian kingdoms, Justinian reconquest
>temporal power of the church
>last great migrations: magyars, saracens and normans
>pope vs emperor
>city states, barbarossa, maritime republics
>decline of Eastern Rome
>Frederick II
>political doctrines of the middle ages
>decline of the universal powers: hre's interregnum and avignon papacy
>evolution of the city states
>100 years war
>black death
>golden bull
>venetian expansion in northern Italy, tensions between the city states
>the equilibrium of Lorenzo de Medici
>fall of costantinople
>discover of America and age of exploration
>Italian wars, Charles V, luther
>religious wars, decline of Spain
>thirty years war
>sun king
>war of Spanish succession, rise of the house of savoy and of prussia
>industrial revolution
>seven years war
>American revolution
>French revolution
>unification and iredentism, italian historical left and right
>German unification
>Franco German War and capture of Rome, non expedit
>colonial disputes and realigning of Italy in the triple alliance
>Russo-japanese war
>first world war
>second world war
>one or two lessons about the world post wwII

I have probably forgot a lot of stuff.

>egyptians and romans and vikings almost entirely for the purposes of fancy dress
>british history basically starts in 1066 in excrutiating detail down to the defensive tactics and fortifications of the era
>then skips immediately to Henry VIII and the break with rome
>fuck around in the later georgian era learning about politics
>also we should probably spend 10 minutes on how bad we fucked up india
>okay back to domestic politics, everyone dies by the age of 4 until we got welfare, the end
>WW1 for two years
>WW2 for two years
>maybe a quick mention of coal miners if you've still got lesson time

>Neolithic peoples
>American revolution
>French revolution

You forgot to mention how we went over WW2 every fucking year

>standard ancient history
>Romans were ok I guess
>muh Godfrey of Bouillion true christian crusader king
>Bruges wuz rich
>Spanish were evil
>reformation and counter-reformation
>art in in the low countries
>Antwerp wuz rich
>the dutch were succesful(fuck them for closing antwerp)
>united netherlands
>belgium independent, very industrial and economical, workers suffer
>internal 19th century politics
>German unification
>oh no WW1
>oh no WW2
>congo independent, imediate disaster
>internal divisions in belgium grow, federalisation
>the end

Pretty much your basic general history with emphasis on Livonia, Hanse and the Russian Empire (and France for some reason).
WW1 had a lot of
>muh latvian riflemen
>muh christmas battles
Then a significant amount about independence.
I weirdly don't even remember anything on ww2 from high school, so i'm gonna say it was unremarkable at best.
Post ww2 was almost all about economics and regaining independance.
Americas was only glossed over, same for Asia and literally nothing on subsahar Africa.

Biggest wewuz
>duchy of Courland and Semigallia held some holdings in Africa and Caribbean

don't know were you live but we only had ww2 in high school as a non mandatory class

>Catholic kings, american colonization and the austrias, centered about muh genocide and shit
>Succession war, over in one or two classes
>Ferdinand VII, Spanish war of independence
>The whole chapter dedicated to the 1812 Constitution
>Isabel II, militar rebellion, Constitution of 1837, another rebellion, Constitution of 1845, Revolucion Gloriosa, Deposition and Constitution of 1869
>First Republic and Borbonic Restoration, Carlist Wars and Constitution of 1876
>Second Republic, Constitution of 1931 and Civil War
>Francoist regime, economic boom of the sixties, second borbonic restoration and Constitution of 1878, with emphasis of Tejero's failed rebellion.

We spend literally 75% of the classes learning about Constitutions and rebellions.

>Ice age
>We wuz vikangz
>Gustav Vasa BTFOs the eternal dane
>Gustavus Adolphus BTFOs everyone then dies in the mist
>Charles X walks across some ice and fucks up the eternal dane
>Charles XI walks up a hill and fucks up the eternal dane
>Literally everyone gangs up on Charles XII which ends our glory days
>Some shit kings
>France sends us a new king
>Lose Finland in napoleonic wars
>Take Norway
>Give Norway independance
>WWI, USA joining was the deciding factor
>WWII, USA joining was the deciding factor

Reminder that all Finns were treated with great respect by the benevolent Swedish overlords

>leave local controle in the hands of the natives for the most part
>said natives don't develop country
>"it's all the Duch's fault!"

Fucking third-worlders, I swear.

Pretty much had this too. The subject wasn't history but spanish history.

America, Philadelphia

>grade school

Pilgrims n indians had a nice picnic, some stuff about pioneers out west, some stuff about the Quakers founding the city

>middle school

Discovery of the americas, columbus dindu nuffin, English colonies, revolution

Read 5 books about the holocaust in literature class

Read about how the evil bolsheviks slaughtered le innocent russian tsars who dindu nuffin

>High school

English colonies, revolution, french revolution (bad revolution), industrial revolution, ww1 (starts in 1917, american saved europe)

Read a few more books about the holocaust

Yeah thats literally all.

this always bothered me in school, there's usually short lessons on the french & Indian/seven years war and maybe something about early colonies like jamestown and of course muh pilgrims but at least 75% of colonial history was spent talking about the revolution.

Dutchbros, what do schools teach you about the American Civil War?

I guess this question applies to all all non-Americans.

Probably just that it happened.

That if you happen to live in Madrid or Castilla. Here in Galicia they teach us about Afonso X and the development of Galician-portuguese through the XII Century. Then we learn about the Castillian civil war and the """cultural oppression""" of Isabel the Catholic

they talk about jamestown and early settlements and a little about the French and Indian wars.

>>Austria was never german to begin with lol

What's your honest take on this?

something something stolen spice-trade

Not much. We're taught about the Atlantic slave trade, and that Americans at some point decided to stop buying slaves for some reason. We then were taught a number of countries that outlawed slavery at which date, with England being the first I think.
Like this user said, we are mostly just told that it happened and that it lead to the abolishment of slavery in the US.

Barely anything really, only the fact that Lincoln was assassinated. To be honest, we didn't learn a whole lot about American stuff in general past the conquistadores. The pacific theater for example was pretty much just completely left out of the WWII courses (though I can imagine a few reasons why they did that).

Texas here, can confirm

>The bronze age happened but you have to ask your Sunday school teacher about it
>Europe is the only place where things happen until they discover the rest of the world and teach people about how to human
>Wait no curriculum change the Europeans killed millions
>Haha just kidding we got a new governor and none of that happened
>The American revolution is the single most important thing to ever happen
>Santa Anna was a mean Mexican who wanted to kill all Texans
>Sudden info dump about the complexities of euopre in 1914
>You really, really, realllllyyy need to understand how bad the holocaust was
>The Soviet Union was backwards but only because they were atheist
>End of school year, the teacher quit because they redrew the district lines again

Get on my level, plebs.

Lmfao exactly

My AP US history class in high school devoted a few chapters to covering the state of the pre-Columbian Americas, the rise of European colonization, and the establishment of various important colonies. Sure, after that point it passes a century or so and only starts getting thorough again at the 7 Years' War and its consequences (Proclamation of 1763, Stamp and Townsend Acts, Boston Tea Party, Intolerable Acts, Continental Congress) before launching into the Revolution, but to suggest that it doesn't touch on colonial America at all is ridiculous.

Found my old notes, here's the breakdown:
>the Indians had, like, no sense of private property, maaan
>Spain ruins everything, France and Netherlands start colonizing to spite Spain
>English colonies, muh Puritan work ethic
>some colonies were founded to protect freedoms, but the Eternal Anglo happens
>America also imported lots of slaves. Did I mention slaves yet? We should talk some more about slaves.
>the time that half the continent found Jesus
>Britain and France fight, colonists begin to develop the nucleus of AMERICAN IDENTITY
>the Eternal Anglo starts raising taxes, AMERICAN IDENTITY forms around pissing off the English
>famous writers write things about freedom that become famous
>comprehensive chapter on the American Revolution
>mandatory 'democracy sucked for slaves and women' section
>comprehensive chapter on the Constitution's historical context
>that time we fought the Eternal Anglo again
>development of the economy and the AMERICAN IDENTITY (also still existed and it sucked)
>Andrew Jackson was bad, then a lot of nothing
>comprehensive chapter on antebellum plantation slavery
>people who are sick of chapters about slavery begin the abolition movement (also women's rights and temperance)
>the other time half the continent found Jesus
>tensions rise, the rise of the Republicans and Based Lincoln
>comprehensive chapter on the Civil War
>the reconstruction happened, things didn't suck for blacks until the Eternal Rebel happened
>the mandatory slavery chapter is now a mandatory labor movement chapter
>America invaded places, and this is bad
>comprehensive chapter on the progressive era and various labor movements and reforms
>WWI's effect on the AMERICAN IDENTITY

>things go well until the economy implodes
>comprehensive chapter on the New Deal, the labor movement, and the shift in AMERICAN IDENTITY
>WWII's effect on the AMERICAN IDENTITY (also everyone's racist)
>the Cold War, McCarthyism (reminder that this was bad and everyone's still racist)
>economy does well, Vietnam is bad, America gets less racist, hippies happen
>Nixon wins, Vietnam is still bad, the rise of neoconservatism and Reagan
>the labor movement dies and this is bad
>Bush wins, mention the Gulf War
>Clinton wins, economy's doing okay
>quick check-in on the AMERICAN IDENTITY and how bad non-whites have it
>Dubya wins, talk about the recount
>one more look at the AMERICAN IDENTITY
>stop because we're all alive enough to remember the rest
>watch Forrest Gump and The Princess Bride after the AP test because there's nothing better to do

>Greeks, especially Alkibiades
>Democracy is good m'kay, see where populism leads
>Middle ages, a bit on pope vs emperor
>Democracy is good m'kay, see where religion leads
>prelude to WW1 (which isn't taught itself)
>Democracy is good m'kay, see where monarchism leads
n>Weimar Republic for 3 years straight, nothing about WW2 itself beyond muh holocaust and the resistance, but Not much about Stauffenberg, can't say anything positive about military
>Democracy is good m'kay, see where fashism leads
>Democracy is good m'kay, see where communism leads

Why do Germs hate themselves so much? Hitler was a kraut. Marx was a kraut. What is kraut about democracy?

Fun fact: Marx nearly got into a bar brawl for telling a bunch of anglos that germans had produced everything of value and anglos were merely poor imitators

But we did nothing wrong ;-^)

This is great!!

According to Engels, Stirner used to fuck with Marx hardcore. Funny stories about how assblasted Marx would get, I'll try and find a source.

Israel here, speaking on behalf of the pseudo-Kikes since idk what Ahmed's curriculum looks like. Our history lessons mainly consist of Shoah, The Holocaust, and the calculated and systematic enslavement/genocide of the Jews by the Germans during WWII. Now you get the idea of where that characteristic victim complex the Israelis have comes from.

>Prehistory, Iron, Bronze age etc.
>Mesopotamian peoples, Assyrians, Sumers etc.
>Ancient Egypt and their wars.
>Ancient Greeks, wars with Persia, Peloponesian war, democracy, philosophy.
>Alexanders Conquests.
>Rome, Punic Wars, conversion to Empire.
>Great Migration of peoples, Huns, Poiters.
>Start talking about Slavs and the settling, relationship with ERE etc.
>All Nemanic rulers, Saint Sava, wars against ERE and Bulgaria.
>WE WUZ EMPIRE, Dusan the Great
>Fall of the empire, battle of Maritsa and BATTLE OF KOSOVO!!!!11!!
>Even though Serbia existed post Kosovo, we agree that's a shameful existence under Turks and no one talks about it.
>Fall of Constantinople and Renaissance.
>500 years of slavery so basically no one talks about Serbia a lot.
>Discovery of America, Reformation and 30year war glanced over
>under Turks, Blood Tax, Hajduks and Uskoks.
>Great Turkish war and Great Migration of the Serbs (paid off later)
>First Serbian Uprising (featuring a sideshow with some French guy called Napoleon).
>We are independent but not really.
>Second Serbian Uprising
>Court intrigue.
>Berlin Congress, independence.
>Bosnian Crisis.
>First and Second Balkan Wars (with no mention on occupation of Albania etc).
>Bulgarians are traitors is the theme of this part of history even though no one mentions we tried to snatch them when they became independent.
>Assassination of Franz Ferdinand, Black Hand.
>WW1 is well covered and is considered the proudest part of Serbian history.
>Battles of Cer, Kolubara. Retreat over Albania, Thessaloniki Front.
>We Yugoslavia now.
>Now Croatians are the bad guys since they are ungrateful for being liberated (being Serbia is basically LARPing as small Russia).
>Some stupid stuff in between wars no one understood.
>No home front as people are scared to talk about it because of Partizani/Cetnici/Ustase.
>Same for post WW2

I mean you can't deny the german past and DNA but I think they did a pretty good job in constructing a solid national identity after WW2. So I wouldn't consider myself german but there is still a strong political and cultural connection with the germanbros.

I'm gonna expand and write every chapter of the history books for highschool

Part 1
>Beginnings of humanity
>Neolithic revolution
>First civillizations
>Ancient Egypt
>Culture of ancient Egypt
>Phoenicia, Israel and Persia
>Begginings of the Greek history
>Dawn of Europe (9th-6th centuries BC)
>Spartha and Athens - two models of polis
>Greek world in the face of Persian threat
>Athenian democracy
>Greek culture
>Macedonia and the Greek world
>Alexander and his state - birth of the new world
>Hellenistic world
>Beginnings of the Roman history - between Eturia and the Greeks
>Roman Republic
>Creation of the Roman Empire
>Roman Empire
>Society of the Ancient Rome
>Roman Culture
>End of the Roman Empire
>Europe outside the ancient world
(circa 190 pages)

Part 2
>Three civilization circles
>Beginnings of medieval Europe
>Formation of fedual society
>Slavic states
>Beginnings of Polish state
>Monarchy of Bolesław the Brave
>Crisis and recuperation of the Polish state in 10th century
>Bolesław Krzywousty defends the soveiregnity of the Polish state
>European economy and society in 9th-13th centuries
>For the domination of christian Europe in 9th-13th century (Canossa, cesaropapism and shieeet)
>With cross and sword (crusades and shieeet)
>Changes in England and France (beginnings of the parliments and muh Magna Carta)

>Political changes in Poland during the shattering period (basically gavelkind gone wrong and the ensuing hijinks)
>Society and economy during the shattering period
>Neighbours of Poland in 12th and 13th centuries
>Roads to the unification of Poland (gavelkind hijinks must cease!)
>Onwards to power (how to become relevant in the high middle ages 101 - Casimir the Great)
>Crisis of the medieval Europe
>Crisis of the universalist ideology
>Angevins and Jagiellons on the Polish throne
>Rule of Jogaila
>Osman Empire
>Casimir Jagiellończyk on the throne of Poland and Lithuania
>Estates of the realm in Poland
>The fruits of the middle ages
(200 pages)

Part 3
>In the era of discoveries
>Socio-economical changes in Europe
>Humanism and renessaince
>Reformation and its consequences
>Political changes in the beggining of modern age
>Socioeconomical changes in the Polish lands in 16th century
>The development of noblitial democracy
>Foreign policy of the last Jagiellons
>Free elections
>Land without stakes (LOOK HOW TOLERANT WE WERE)
>Renessaince culture in Poland
>Absolutism in France
>30 Years' War
>English revolution
>Foreign policy of the Commonwealth in the early 17th century
>Commonwealth and the cossacks (impaling rebels for dummies by Jarema Wiśniowiecki)
>Polish wars in the late 17th century
>Internal changes in the Commonwealth in the late 17th century
>Baroque culture in Europe
>Baroque and Sarmatism


>norman conquest
jump forward 6-700 years
>we wuz slave traders an sheeeit
>we wuz abolitionists an sheeeit
>ww1 (starting with the black hand and no historical background)
>the nazi party and a tiny amount about the rest of ww2
>rosa parks and civil rights movement in america (god knows why we learn this fairly irrelevant piece of history)

no prehistory, no romans, no anglo-saxons, no tudor period or reformation, no real history of the empire

such is life in english schools

Funny, when I was in school (England), we did the Romans and Tudors first in primary school and then again pretty extensively in secondary school, WW1 we covered mostly the causes (admittedly the immediate ones but also about the Triple Alliance and Entente) and a bit about trench warfare. We did WW2 twice, once about the home front and evacuees in primary school and again in senior about the causes and policy of appeasement, and also about the holocaust. Admittedly the anglo saxons were only covered basically in primary school.

It must depend on what school you go to lol, although tbf the main focus of our history was about sources etc.

Scottish here, curriculum is separate from England but most schools have leeway in what they include in their history curricula, we have 7 years of primary school & 6 years of high school, can't remember shit from primary.

>1 Quarter-year on the neolithic period, focus on remains in the British Isles and the shift towards agriculture
>3 Quarters of a year on an introduction to the Scottish wars of Independence, a series of conflicts from approximately 1290-1320 which were significant only in that we actually narrowly beat England at something.
>Second year was divided into the Transatlantic Slave Trade, The Civil Rights Movement in the US, the Early Cold War and the Holocaust
>Third year was spent looking at WW1 and the Rise of the Nazis
>Fourth Year was spent looking at socio-economic changes in Britain in the 19th century
>Fifth year we looked at the Nazis (again), the Scottish wars of Independence (again) and electoral reform in Britain from 1820-1950.
>Final year we did something completely different, studied the modernisation of Japan from 1850 to 1920 in great detail which was really interesting.

While it looks like it doesn't comprehensively cover much, the main goal of the Scottish system seems to be to teach kids the actual skills of historians, such as proper source analysis and developing arguments about different events and periods. Overall it was decent but you could practically smell the competition between the Scottish and British nationalism in the curriculum and by 5th year doing the same things over again was really tedious.

The entire German Ideology is literally Marx being assblasted at Stirner in book form. The irony is that Stirner would probably have been lost to history if Marx hadn't gone to such lengths to debunk him.

>Prehistory, people had mud houses and traded stuff. Also agriculture.
>Greek, Democracy.
>Romans, there was this one guy called Vercingetorix who annoyed Ceasar.
>Middle-Ages, peasants did some farming and went to church.
>Renaissance, some guy said fuck the pope.
>French Revolution, the peasants were tired of the ebil and tyrabnical king so they killed him but things were still shit because of Robespierre's Terreur.
>XIXth, steam machines, capitalism, colonialism and slavery happened. Also Napoléon saved France and steamrolled half of Europe because the french were really proud to be french.
>XXth, trench warfare is not cool, nazism and communism is also not cool. A bunch of armenians and jews died. Also, oil.

souther spanish here, our goverment is shit so it has a lot of self goverments in each region so they taught us shit that people in gallicia doesnt learn for example

>Roman empire in general
>Medieval customs in spain
>The reconquista
>New world discovery and colonisation
middle school
> Evolution of our especies, from apes to homo sapiens and its migrations IN WESTERN EUROPE
>Prehistory in spain, iron age and the arrival of celts (but briefly)
>Maybe 3 lines in the whole book about the carthaginians, loads of rome, but just how they developed the peninsula
>The magic """"arrival of visigoths"""" (they only mention that "western rome" fell and the visigoth and other barbars came in, didnt know anything about western rome or that the byzantines were romans until literally 3 years ago)
>Muslim invasions
>Life in al-andalus
>Life in asturias
>Relations between aragon and castile
>The catholics kings
>The new world
>Colonisation and that we butt fucked the indios with the help of loads of other indios
>Slaving of the indios and that it was forbiden, but what can you do from spain, they wouldnt listen
>WE EMPIRE NOW and how the hre was under the orders of the spanish king charles (they call the hre germany, and treat it like fucking france, not a cluster fuck of city states)
>Developing of the colonies
>Magallanes and stuff
>How we fucked up the empire
>Our colonies start hating us
>Napoleon happens
>Independence wars
>We fuck Napoleon so hard in this part of the world that he fucks up in Russia
>Independence of the colonies
>How in the end we hold just 2 shits in america and 1 in asia
>Democracy in spain and inestability
Hight school
>Same crap but more developed from the middle ages
>Cuba independence
>American false flag with the maine
>Spanish civil war

>basic prehistoric era
>early civilizations near Eufrat and Tygris + Egypt
>Greece and Alexander
>Dark Ages
>shitton of Early Medieval Czech history. from Samo to st. Václav (his brother did nothing wrong)
>Charles IV
>Hussites were communist ISIS meme/Hussites were saviors of Slavic race from Jewish Pope
>Discover of America
>30 years war (basicaly its first 2 years and Siege of Prague in 1648)
>life under Austria, basically just Maria Theresia and her school system
>1848 revolution in Prague
>Industrial revolution
>1WW, Verdun and Zborov
>few words about Czechoslovak legion on Siberia
>muh only democracy in Central Euopre 1918-1938
>1939 occupation
>WW2, Pacific mostly ignored
>muh Sudeten ethnic cleaning, tons of films about le Czech warcrimes
>1948 election
>1968 WP invasion
>1989 Velvet "revolution"
Thats besically all, the most interesting thing is that we learn that Czech language was next to German and French to be used among nobles.

oh fuck, forgot filename

Seems pretty good desu

I have a terrible memory bu here we go

>henry viii was a boss
>one time lots of children got sent to the countryside cuz germans were bombing us
>henry viii was a fucking gangster
>one time the spanish tried to invade and we totally fucked them and then didnt try and invade spain and get fucked
>henry viii btfo the pope
>this one time we basically conquered fucking everyone and the sun never set
>henry viii fucked all the women in europe
>this one time we fought a massive war and totally won cuz were the best
>henry viii btfo the frogs
>this one time there was a revolution in france, it ended in 1804 and the subsequent 2 decades were entierly uneventful
>henry viii made albion great again
>this one time the americans went to vietnam and got so assblasted they still cry about it today
>henry viii had all the bitches and also banged several of their mothers aswell
>the 19th century was fucking sweet and also we gave many people the right to vote and the irish love us
>henry viii basically started the reformation and the renaissance
>this one time there was 150 straight years of russian history taught from multiple perspectives and heavily delving into how the most traditionalist empire of europe became a socialist superpower
>henry viii was basically great
>this one time there was a revolution in china and even thought they werent very nice the communists made china into the indusdrial powerhouse it is today
>henry viii fucked your mom

>mfw know next to nothing about Northern European history

Any Nords care to enlighten me?

I don't remember much except that WW2 entirely consisted of the Nazis killing Jews and bombing Britain.

where do i begin...
how first nordic people structured china and ancient sumerian civilizations?
on how first blue eyed nordic roman emperors made roman empire prosperous, where as it all went to shit once m*ditereans took over?

In Lithuania we had this weird system where one year we would get Lithuanian history, and then the next year we would go through world history. Repeat this for 6 years until in 11th and 12th grade we go through all the world history again but this time relating world events to Lithuanian history.
The world history course was fine, though we learnt close to nothing about Africa or middle East besides Ottomans. Now Lithuanian history is where things go weird.

>We traded amber with Romans n shiet.
>Muh peaceful pagan myth
>A bunch of meme conflicts with Rus and Vikings.
>Teutons attacked us, but we were totally peaceful and totally didn't provoke this by looting and raping everyone around us.
>Lithuanian unification n shiet
>We wuz kangs for one generation.
>Muh Romuvan Empire and teh last pagans in Europe.
>Two hundred years of war with Teutons
>Lithuanian expansionism and Grand Dukes.
>How Jagiello bought a kingdom and fucked a loli.
>Grunwald, best day of muh life. Vytautas iš of best leader.
>Fuck we forgot the composition of the Grand Duchy, move back.
>All the nationalities that lived in Grand Duchy of Lithuania.
>Christianisation and religious composition.
>Muh protector of Christianity in the east.
>Wars with Russia.
>Union of Liublin. Bonus points if dumbass teacher thinks that Lithuania is of unbeatable.
>Livonian war.
>Oh yeah muh first Lithuanian books.
>Wars with Turks, Swedes, Russians.
>Muh serene republic.
>Muh tolerance.
>More wars.
>Attempts at reform and Partitions.
>Rebellions against the Russian empire a.k.a everyone is retarded.
>How not being retarded helped us to rebuild our culture and heritage.
>WW1. Muh Independence
>Interwar. Basically autistic screeching at Europe and Poland.
>Nazis and Soviets are very very bad.
>Muh poor Jews
>How could we exterminate like 90% of Jews
>Ignore how nearly 50% of population got exterminated or deported, but muh Jews.
>Soviet union was shit.
>Muh Baltic way.