How can i dodge taxes on my bitcoins via an offshore tax haven? Im australian but also hold a british passport
How can i dodge taxes on my bitcoins via an offshore tax haven? Im australian but also hold a british passport
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Are you non-dom?
Open an offshore company.
Why don't you just use Monero like everyone else on Pirate Bay or Silk road?
Pay your taxes you filthy scum bag
Stop taking my hard earned money filthy kikes
I believe so, i am a citizen of Australia, but also hold a british passport
how would i essentially 'launder' by BTC through singapore? because wouldn't the ATO still demand i pay tax?
fuck off you absolute cuck, kill yourself srs
More than 10k?
I thought under 10k there is no capital gains tax unless running crypto is your business in Aus
Pay your taxes goyim.
The risk isn't worth 15% of your investment. The taxman is a fucking bloodhound. If you're small fish they might not care, but if they catch your scent they're never letting go. Even if you get out relatively unscathed you're marked for life and they'll pull your file whenever Sharniqua pops out another niglet.
i'd be paying close to 300k in tax.
its not happening. the rich dont, i wont. im not submitting to the fucking kikes. I cant even get inside the mind of a person who's so weak they dont want to avoid as much tax as possible
I bet you're one of those deadshits who every time you deal with any tier of government your first line is "I pay your wages".
You're a parasite
Just hire an accountant. There will definitely be a way. Noone on biz is going to give you anything worthwhile.
thinking about hypothetical crimes is fun but no one can tell you anything unless you share all the juicy details.
>im the parasite
>as opposed to the literal meth addicts with 6 kids down my street being subsidised by mine and my parents hard earned money
you deserve the misery in your life
Everyone always says they won't pay taxes until they are getting fucked in the ass in federal prison.
>Thinks usury is hard work
Lol! You make me laugh. Now off to federal prison and having more money confiscated by the government if court and back tax interest than you than you would if you paid your taxes on time.
Nice deflection. Typical immigrant, comes here and wants the best health care education and infrastructure but refuses to pay for it. You're literally no better than a dole bludger.
The rich pay taxes. Saying they don't is liberal propaganda. The only reason they "break even" is because they put everything into business investments that allow them to essentially lend money to the government, which is not what you're asking here. There's no such thing as a millionaire who keeps all of his money locked in a vault offshore. If you weren't a larping faggot you'd actually know this.
Jesus Christ the absolute state of Veeky Forums...
>Thinks usury is hard work
what the fuck are you talking about nigger. how is being a wageslave usary
you're honestly just a fucking loser. why havent you killed yourself yet
If he's got any money at all to buy crypto, then yes he is paying their wages you dumb fuck
Time to start a cryptoreligion and get tax free status y'all
>There's no such thing as a millionaire who keeps all of his money locked in a vault offshore
how fucking naive can you be
>Business owner
>Keeps everything off shore.
Pick one, then literally neck yourself.
Dude. I trade and run my own business.
But let's not kid ourselves about hard work...
Mining crypto and trading crypto is way fucking easier than working at McDonalds for 8 hours a day.
It's not about working hard, its about being smart about what you do.
Do you think the first money lender was out working in the fields. Fuck no.
If you are working hard at this shit, then your fucking doing it wrong.
He wouldn't know, he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. Don't worry op, we don't pay inheritance tax in Australia so you shouldn't have to pay any tax on that $300k :^)
Oh and in the US its easy to avoid taxes if you have a bug your ass about "taxation is theft!"
Just put everything in municipal bonds. Collect interest forever. Never taxes again.
Have you even educated yourself about taxes and finance? Maybe Australia has a shittier system, but I'm sure you could spend less than $300K here. Hell you could move to Puerto Rico and buy a brand new house for $20K.
>create offshore company
>pay yourself salary
mossak fonseca
Move to nz
French Polynesia is also a good place.
But won't you pay taxes on your salary?
Wtf just hit up localbitcoins find someone who buys your fucking bitcoin for gold/cash or anything for example in dubai and go home with the money after a nice holiday.Can it be any more simple?
>Spread BTC into many wallets/ledgers
>pretendo to have lost everything so you don't have to pay taxes
>fly to malta
>deposit BTC and take a credit card world wide valid
here you go faggot now give me a tip
yea until that "guy" from localbitcoin is an undercover agent from the Secret Service/FBI/IRS and he busts your ass for tax evasion. Enjoy tyrones cock in your boipussy boi.
why would you move to nz?
>Can it be any more simple?
you are dumb and poor aren't you?
this is not fairyland brah
This is a thing in the US? Honestly, seems like one of the worst places to live in the first world.
>one of the worst places
you are waaaaay to gentle with burgers
>tfw my shithole country taxes only 10% IF I even declare it.
You are seriously overthinking this...yes just announce you have 600k in bitcoin that you want to sell...well fuck me dumb idiots then do it in smaller parts eventually you will fuck up and end up in jail anyway so good luck for the dicks :D
Check out the cap gains taxations
Also property is cheap compared to aus
theres no capital gains but the ird treats it as foreign exhange. you have to pay income tax on profits ~ 20%
how are you supposed to come back to your country with 600k cash?
how bad are you in planning my god
Anononoos and easy atm access or buying shit
>Anononoos and easy atm access or buying shit
you will get caught take my advise and tip me motherfucker it's the only valid way to evade.... loundry are risky af
I have been using my card in atm's, online shopping and in stores.
Easy loading bitcoin then converting to fiat of your liking and buy that new laptop or phone. Typing this on my oneplus 5 i bought from ebtc and other shitcoin airdrops
just withdraw yourself a salary from it every year or put it into something that pays dividends like ARK.
that way you'll only pay the amount from that tax bracket.
Also take out a deposit for a house and negative gear it as a rental property. Then pay less tax but have an investment property being paid off
Nah. Tax department is a shit where i live
Just sell something for 600k write a contract how hard can that be?Just find Omar and make an agreement with him.....its you who are soo poor that you have to shiver this over.
only 600k xDDD who the fuck would ever care??? xDDDD
why aren't there more cryptos with dividends?
Do you realize that the credit card provider automatically gives your logs to your local tax department right?
Just pay your taxes William.
Well. Who am i?
ever thought of that bright light snowflake?
I have a card on the name of Pajeet Pendarsuwan. Had it send to a place i dont live at. And when going to an atm i wear a guy fawks mak.
You need to become a resident of Singapore for tax purposes, this makes you not a resident of Australia for tax purposes. Then the ATO can’t do anything as you have no obligation to them for that year.
The other way is to keep your BTC for a year untraded. If you do this capital gains drops to 25%
If you have a british passport you can get other european bank accounts. Open a Dutch or Luxembourg bank account.
It depends on what you want to dodge. You can either "start a company" give yourself the salary you want to white wash and then submit a loss in the company that is almost as much as your salary. Meaning you get to write the losses off of your taxes. When you are done with dodging declare bankruptcy.
the rich do, corporations dont. I am not a lefty. I'm a shooting, ATO hating redneck. but corporate tax avoidance is beyond a joke.
Okay cunts i think ive figured it out
An offshore financial service, similar to mossak fonseca, will help me open a company and bank account in the jurisdiction of jersey where i can sell my BTC for euro via coinbase, and safely deposit to a legitimate bank. This will all be done(on paper) with my jersey corporation, and therefore i dont have to pay taxes back home. I will then be free to move this money into the UK as i am a non dom citizen.
nigga, did you even google before typing shit.
>Generally, there will be no income tax or GST implications if you are not in business or carrying on an enterprise and you simply pay for goods or services in bitcoin (for example, acquiring personal goods or services on the internet using Bitcoin). Where you use bitcoin to purchase goods or services for personal use or consumption, any capital gain or loss from disposal of the bitcoin will be disregarded (as a personal use asset) provided the cost of the bitcoin is $10,000 or less.
did you?
Im talking $600k's worth here, im going to have to pay a tremendous amount of tax. my accountant told me today it would be almost 50%.
Your accountant is fucking idiot, or you are fucking idiot for not understanding him.
It goes like this:
>50% discount if held for more than 1 year (300k)
>300k times you marginal tax rate
>Assuming this is you only income for year, the tax you would pay in absolute total is $114,232
Or you actually read the fucking webpage I told which stated that CGT WOULD BE DISREGARDED WHEN USING BITCOIN TO BUY THINGS AKA FUCKING $0.
The only question I have about the ATO ruling, is "provided the cost the bitcoin is $10,000 or less.'" I read that as if bitcoin is under 10k, then you could sell the whole 600k in a single transaction with no CGT as the current price is 5.5k. But it could also mean that the transaction must be worth less than 10k. But either way ZERO FUCKING TAX.
ausfag here
i've looked into this
>buy gold with btc
>transfer gold to cold hard cash
Things like gold bars, for example
Literally this. Buy anything you want or need that accepts bitcoin. Use the rest to buy gold and silver, hold it a month and sell for cash. No tax.
I'm guessing the same applies for other coins or should I move everything to BTC first? I'm expecting my zerps to moon.
youre not rich enough to tax evade pay up
Your government is giving money to immigrants. They support the browning of your nation.
no hes not, localbitcoins is swarming with undercovers
>pay taxes
>25% goes to keeping ultrafatties alive even though they are knowingly and willingly killing themselves
>25% goes to funding Marxist projects like vagina monologues or feminist snowploughing
>25% goes to Abdul the 12 year old Syrian child and 5 times ISIS executioner
>24% goes to Shekelberg's friend's construction project that he got a contract to via nepotism and is horribly inefficient and overpriced
>1% goes to the actual stuff I use such as roads, healthcare (outside of fatties), military, etc
Yeah no fuck you commie cuck bastard.
Also some info for people wondering about tax avoidance (important difference, evasion is illegal, avoidance is legal):
Most countries demand you pay capital gains tax (this is what your crypto earnings are called, same as stocks and such) globally as long as you are resident in them. Generally, if you live in that country for more than 6 months, you will be considered a resident. Some countries have no capital gains tax, for example Belgium, the Bahamas, Hong Kong, etc. Easiest way to avoid paying the CGT is if you become resident in one of those countries, many of them actually facilitate you doing so because they know exactly what you're doing and welcome it, for example the Bahamas sell you residence for 1000$, which is nothing.
So if you want to earn your crypto tax free while living in your country, the best way is to amass a lot of crypto, get citizenship/residence in one of aforementioned countries, tour Europe (or live in that country) for 6 months, at which point you will not be a resident of your country anymore, and sell your crypto for FIAT. Once you've done that you can move back to your country with the money, tax free. Of course 6 months of living elsewhere isn't cheap and you can't do it very often so you need a considerable amount of crypto for it to be worth it. Easiest way honestly would just be to move to a country like Belgium, still a European first world country and all so you can keep living there without having to go back and forth.
Burgers have it harder, the taxman wants the welfare money for Tyrone regardless, so if you don't want to pay capital gains tax you will have to stop being an American citizen and move elsewhere.
get neo aka retirement coin
Except for many countries being gone for 6+ months isn't enough to earn non-resident status (here in canuckistan I'd have to sell my house, car, bring my wife with me, cancel my bank accounts + CCs, etc) and to top it all off the fuckers can tax my unrealized gains when I emigrate due to a "departure tax".
thank god im not american.
Im certain you dont have to jump all those bullshit hoops though. You can operate your coin trading through a foreign vehicle in a tax haven. All legal.
3/10 bait
Yeah I know, but I'm just asking why arent there more like ark for instance
Yeah seriously, what the fuck is that supposed to mean?
>trading crypto is easy
That's why everyone here is broke, including your LARP ass.
>Hell you could move to Puerto Rico
No LARP, I just quit my job and am doing this at the end of december for the sweet, sweet 0% capital gains tax. Gonna pick up some cheap beachfront real estate after they just got rekt by a hurricane
I am at the point in crypto where I will lose far more in taxes than my job pays, so it would be full retard to not do this.
Feels so good to be mostly on Monero. There's still a lot to think about to avoid tax on anything I cash out but at least I can come up with any story I want. With Bitcoin they can see exactly what you've done. (I actually have some bitcoin and it makes me want to buy Monero with it everytime I think about cashing some of it out)
>Burgers have it harder, the taxman wants the welfare money for Tyrone regardless, so if you don't want to pay capital gains tax you will have to stop being an American citizen and move elsewhere.
Puerto RIco is the one exception. PR residents are not subject to IRS taxes. PR offers incentives to get 0% cap gains to get rich people to move there.
You'd be fucking dead by now if it weren't for your government.
Your country without a government collecting taxes would be a tribal wasteland. They paved roads, gave you law and order through police and military, an education in school, supported your health care...
You can have some qualms with how they spend their money but don't think you spawned on this Earth with nothing and built up everything. If you started with nothing you'd have had to survive in the bush butt naked from birth, I doubt you'd have crypto riches then you conniving dolt.
I didnt start this thread to talk politics boys, fuck off to /pol/ because this is about making money in the real world where people do everything they can to maximize ROI
I dont even know what the hell you cunts are doing here
>dont wanna talk politics but how can I break the law and morally justify what Im doing without any downsides?
sounds like you want a politics AND a morality discussion, just be happy this board is half sociopaths so you only got the relevant part
>and morally justify what Im doing without any downsides?
when the fuck did i ask this in the thread, i dont need justification i dont care. i asked how to dodge taxes and i've received a million shitposts stop coping
Asked this in another thread but it's dead. What if you send a friend a funcoin or two and it dramatically increases in value by the time they cash out? Wouldn't you as the gift giver be free of a tax burden? And wouldn't the recipient only have to declare the tax liability if it's over a certain amount when they cash out to fiat? (in the US at least)
This isn't even bait you dumb fuck
What your asking is difficult with out any help. Even then I'd charge a fee. but Your money goes to multiple offshore accounts through private servers, even then though, these kikes have supercomputers in ever city.
Fuck off, ATO maggot.
You ask this question every few days.
Hello Mr ATO investor guy. No I'm not giving you my secrets and nor should anyone else. Nothing wrong with taking a very long holiday overseas though. I'm in my fourth year in SEA and highly recommend you do the same
How much Neo at current price to retire and earn 30-40k a year gas? In the US is GAS taxed as a dividend when converted to fiat. Thanks to anyone who can answer.
To stay on subject. Pay your taxes.
Yeah it varies by country a lot. Sadly some countries make this needlessly hard.
There are probably better ways, there are even tax avoidance lawyers that specialize in this shit. I would suggest contacting one if you have so much crypto that you think it's worth the whole tax avoidance business.
That means you've bought the most expensive OP5 evah bro, how much Btc did you have to pay?