>L.B.J was racist
Post worst comments you have read on here
>FDR was a great president
>Ian Smith was Mexican
> A million people died in the Danzig massacre
>the great depression would have ended sooner if FDR didnt do anything
t. buttmad flyfag
The endless holocaust denial threads that keep popping up despite deniers getting blown out every time.
>Nazis were good boys, hey dindu muffin, Hitler was based
>Christianity is awesome and has never caused negative events!
>cunting about Christianity and Hitler
Hmmm who could possibly be behind this post
Haha ebin xD ''twas probably da (((jooz))) tbqh senpai
he walked right into that
>everyone who doesn't jerk off Hitler and Christianity is a Jew
>even tho Christianity is a Semitic religion worshiping a dead Jew
>muh /pol/
Go back
He wasn't calling you a Jew you fucking retard, you took too much estrogen today.
>ocelots are proud creatures
pretty much any fedora-tier "LOL fuck Christianity amiririte?" post made on here
This is correct
>Byzantines are Romans
>Napoleon was a white supremacist because he was overcompensating for being nonwhite
>the roman empire fell
>the holocaust was real
as if LBJ wasnt racist
also he killed a horse for shits and gigs
dude was a psychopath
ho ho ho edgy m8 ;)
>Veeky Forums is a board for honest, serious discussion.
>real communism has never been tried
>getting called a communist and/or a jew when you dont buy into stormfag infographs
>getting called a nazi/alt-right when you dont buy into leftypol shitposting
>germany started ww1
>Martin Luther King was part of a KKK conspiracy to destroy blacks
>Britain/France declared war on Germany in 1939
> Mao started a war on birds meme
WW2 was a false flag operation by Mongolians
>Goldberg is a Jewish name
It is. Ethnic Germans do have names ending with -berg but GOLDBERG is pretty much exclusively Ashkenazi.
>Mao was an intelligent man and every shortcoming or fuck up is irrelevant because 90,000 soldiers died in the American Revolutionary War
What do you call the diplomatic pressure on AH to declare war on Germany?
Or the fact Germany declared war on Russia just a few days after AH did on Serbia?
"Pressure on AH from Germany to declare war on Serbia"
They literally did. This is not to say they started it or that Germany was not responsible for it though.
Enlighten me on that one user