Churchill wanted to start fighting the Soviets once Germany was defeated. How do you think this would have affected world history?
Churchill wanted to start fighting the Soviets once Germany was defeated...
Soviet Europe
The war would have gone to 48 at the earliest. Some eastern euro cities would've been nuked. Russia would lose but it would be really costly for everyone involved. US would probably be even more dominant post-war, since Europe would be even more ruined. No Cold War though, so Eastern Europe would be closer to how developed the West is now.
The Soviets were nearly-totally reliant on Lend-Lease supplies during the war. They could not continue fighting without them. For reference, during the war the Soviets built under 100 locomotives. They received +2000 in lend-lease shipments.
Patton would be known as another Custer
A united europe free of communism
lol ok there bud
soviets would have lost. Their supplies would have been cut off from America, their factories in the east would be bombed into dust, Japan more than likely would join in, and Leningrad would be nuked if push came to shove
What makes you think the western allies would have the moral to actually fight such a war, given they are the aggressors. Plus Japan would not fight the Soviets, they're still at war on all fronts.
And finally, Churchill was almost out of office, I'd imagine there'd be significant backlash from the Labour party.
communist supporters in the British government should then be executed
>given they are the aggressors.
Tell that to Poland.
>hey we just defeated these guys who wanted to take over europe, maybe we should do something about these other guys who also want to take over europe?
>I'd imagine there'd be significant backlash from the Labour party.
arrest them for being traitors. Done. They are all lead by ivory tower pussies who wont put up a fight anyway
Definite allied loss, the us did not have nukes yet when the germans surrendured and the red army had a colossal numbers advantage over the allies, far more than over the germans. The plan to get the wemacht to join the allies was ridiculous, the wemacht had been reduced to a tiny handful of veterans and the rest were militias with low training and no motivation.
The soviets would have probably overrun allied positions in germany and probably made it into france before the first nuke was ready.
Now one of a bunch of things could happen, stalin could overrun france but watch as a few soviet cities get nuked then peace out, leading to red europe, or be satisfied with just red germany and peace out after one nuke or maube even before.
End result thousands possibly millions of pointless deaths simply to indulge churchills isatiable lust for the death of britains enemies and an at best catastrophic defeat for the allies.
Also would probabpy lead to the soviets winning the cold war
Yeah execute members of Parliament, I'm sure that would go down well you fucking idiot.
We're not talking about the Poles. The Brits are the ones starting this new war, the population isn't going to like the idea of fighting against the ones considered their friends for the past 4 years.
The Soviets weren't going to do anything they had to rebuild and establish buffer states. Talking over Europe was anthical to Stalin's policy of Socialism in one Country.
There would have been no Cold War, you drunk retard.
>Yeah execute members of Parliament
you mean traitors?
>The Brits are the ones starting this new war
It's not a new war, its the same war. Britain declared war to guarantee Poland's independence. Both Germany and the Soviets invaded Poland.
People say that the USSR were on their last legs after the war but the Allies weren't that good either, with America racking up 120% of GDP in debt, since all that manpower will remain in the field of battle, there will be no G.I Generation to bring the massive boom to the USA during the 50s and 60s.
And it would be a conventional war for a good amount of years, America could only make a few more nuclear bombs after '45 due to the reactors needing maintenance and it would need at least 50~80 of those for a decapitation strike at the USSR, and with missiles being a few years off yet, they'd need to gain considerable air superiority/territory to be able to strike deep at the heart of Russia where their industries were located and with the Soviets having their first successful nuclear weapon test in 1949, the Allies would be racing against the clock.
So a realistic scenario you'd see a conventional war that degenerates into a stalemate as Allied technological superiority competes against the Soviet's numbers(USSR outnumbered american infantry 4 to 1, 2 to 1 when it comes to armor) and in a decade or so goes full on nuclear holocaust, completely destroying Europe.
I can see an eventual pyrrhic American victory but whether or not the country would be able to survive AFTER the war is another story.
>They received +2000 in lend-lease shipments.
Augmenting their existing stock of 20000 locomotives and the 500 more they built during the war
Their existing stock that uses a different gauge than the rest of Europe?
why wouldnt the us just wait until it has a couple more bombs then go to war since they would be the ones initiating it?
Which is relevant to a war fought primeraly in russia how?
Also they could have just stolen germanies trains
How are they gonna conquer continental Europe with the wrong trains?
Germany ripped up their tracks when they retreated.
Because op is a fucking moron, also they were going to do this but the soviets got nukes a decade before they were expecting
Using trucks and stolen trains
Tracks can easily be repaired
Britain was exhausted, nearly bankrupt, and was trying to manage a rapidly crumbling empire. America had (has) an enormous logistical disadvantage - I don't think some of you people realize how much of a disadvantage BEING ACROSS A FUCKING OCEAN is. What's the figure - the Soviets had 4-to-1 numerical superiority in Europe?
In the short term America and Britain might have made some gains, but don't fucking fool yourselves, the cost would have been incredibly high, and it's just as likely they would have been clobbered. I wonder if getting slaughtered by your former allies might have some kind of effect on morale?
In the medium to long term? Yeah, probably America would have been able to leverage its economy and production and air power advantage to win eventually, after a long and grueling war, except there wouldn't have been a long and grueling war because such a move would have been massively unpopular and the US and the UK are and were in fact democracies. The governments that started/prosecuted such a war would have been thrown out of office at the first chance. The will to fight simply was not there.
So yeah - in a world where people act like obedient little units in a game of Civ, the west would have won, and Poland would have remained free, yay. In the real world ... no.
>tfw communism couldve been destroyed in 1950 if it werent for the rosenbergs (jews)
maybe hitler had a point after all
It would not have ended well for him.
>blaming the jews for us intellegebce failures / soviet competence at espionage
Will you people blame literally anythi g on the jews? Youre essentially medieval peasants
the allies would be initiating it plus they would have aerial and naval supremacy why do you retards think it would be some tug of war in the middle of germany
Blame the US for not having a proper intelligence service until after WW2, the Soviets had been infiltrating the federal government since the fucking 1920s.
>it was jewish defectors like the rosenbergs who spied for the soviet union and sold out american secrets
>durr why you blame the jews
Churchill never called for an all out conventional war against the USSR. The West did defeat the USSR in the Cold War, I don't see how history is changed at all.
i punch myself in the stomach
therefore you won this 'argument' we are having
>The West did defeat the USSR in the Cold War
If the Cold War was an ideological conflict, and socialism is alive in western countries, the West clearly didn't defeat the USSR.
I have no idea what you just tried to say. It did sound retarded, though. Here's the only "you" I am prepared to give you.
>and socialism is alive in western countries
>he thinks the ideology of the USSR was socialism,
>not marxist-leninism (with the emphasis on the later)
So im guessing that we can also blame white people since the vast majority, in fact literally all defectors were white
Think about it, all the premiers of the soviet union were white as well as well as the leaders of all the european communist parties.
Why do white people want to destroy freedom and the usa?
I don't care about your psuedo-intellectual evaluation of the USSR's ideology. They strived to be socialists (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics), and that ideology has inspired change in western governments.
>given they are the aggressors
>invade one of polands invaders
>liberate the other
they could have strung old joe along like a fuckwit then socked him right in the kisser. it's terrible that they let the eastern nations like the baltics and poland come under his thumb. and don't give me that shit about free elections and nobody knew how it was gonna all end up, they knew it was going to end up as it did, that's why they wanted to do this thing.
slavs and jews are not white
I'm slav and white....
Back to /pol faggot
so did the nazis win too since they were also socialist?
>We're not talking about the Poles.
>enter war to liberate poland
>liberates france and some deserts in africa
>gives the rest to stalin, one of the initial invaders of poland
yes 'gives', they agreed to it
still whiter than any slavshit
you are not white but a nigger my friend
Clearly, yes, because there are such right-wing movements as neo-Nazism.
the nazis were left wing
>still whiter than any slavshit
>Germany ripped up their tracks when they retreated.
welp, shows over boys. we ain't ever gonna rebuild those tracks. what would american and british engineers know about rail?
Again, I don't care about your pseudo-intellectual evaluation of ideologies.
what makes you think i care about your pseudo-intellectual evaluation of ideologies either
even being 1% white still makes you whiter than any slavshit
another example of /pol/ ruining discourse on this board
I only care about the academic evaluation of ideologies.
Why are Americans so obsessed with race?
>I only care about the academic evaluation of ideologies.
me too
>Why are Americans so obsessed with race?
cause it defines us
>le /pol/ boogeyman
>me too
Great, then you'll know that Nazism is a right-wing ideology
>cause it defines us
Don't make me laugh. The USA is a nation of immigrants.
>Great, then you'll know that Nazism is a right-wing ideology
nope nazism is left wing
>Don't make me laugh. The USA is a nation of immigrants.
yes and their race defines them
>arguing if slavs are white
that is the trademark hot topic of /pol/, i've even put in my two cents after a few vodkas, but there's a time and a place
Soviet victory. Even with the remilitarization of Germany and all of the combined western forces they were still vastly outnumbered in both soldiers and hardcore veterans.
It's why nobody in the western warmachine was dumb enough to support Churchil's shitty fantasy.
>people with white skin arent white
Have you ever wondered why your parents dont love you?
shit you made me figure it out, slavs only think theyre white because they hallucinate strange things such as slavs are white while drunk, since slavs are degenerates that are drunk most of the time the hallucination of them being white sticks with them
So the answer to my question is no?
Why such hateful anti-white divisionist racism in Veeky Forums? It's pol lite now?
having white skin ≠ being white
Veeky Forums is a state of constant struggle with the /pol/lack menace, to be honest i actually enjoy roasting them, without a gang of similarly lecherous vasment dwellers to support them theyre easily moved to insanity or actually questioning their childish peasant teir ideology
Veeky Forums is a /pol/ colony, just accept your fate
Having shit opinions ≠ needing to tell the world about them
And yet here we are
user... you definitely aren't white but that's nothing to be ashamed of.. well being a Slav is something to be extremely ashamed of
says who i can say anything i want you dumb commie
>nope nazism is left wing
Don't think so sweetie
>yes and their race defines them
You do know the purpose of nation states is for a distinct group of people to live under one set of guiding principles, don't you?
>Don't think so sweetie
umm no thats wrong sweetie, nazism was definitely left wing
>You do know the purpose of nation states is for a distinct group of people to live under one set of guiding principles, don't you?
yes with a race that defines them
why did britain declare war on germany and not the USSR
You're the one engaging in childish arguments with a trolling /pol/ack. Just fuckin ignore them.. half of Veeky Forums is filled with tankies too.. but then again there is so much revisionism on Veeky Forums that I'm sure new users don't know what to believe
You can say anything you want
But you dont seem to be capable of saying anything smart so i guess its not a freedom youve ever really used
hey dont fuck up my funposting
>nazism was definitely left wing
Well meme'd
>umm no thats wrong sweetie, nazism was definitely left wing
honey, there have been numerous academic articles published on the Nazi doctrine saying that they're on the right.
>yes with a race that defines them
How can the USA be a nation state with its massive diversity?
>if you dont say something that i personally deem to be smart youre not allowed to say it
wow look another commie trying to censor freedom
Dude im counter trolling, by keeping the /pol/lacks focused on how annihilated theyre getting here im keeping them from going to other threads and ruinin intellegent discussion
Also this is an alt history thread, these should be banned or highly regulated
Fuck off youre obviously not me
>thinking socialists aren't left wing
>"academic articles"
holy shit you're retarded
>honey, there have been numerous academic articles published on the Nazi doctrine saying that they're on the right.
well too bad theyre wrong, nazism was left wing
>How can the USA be a nation state with its massive diversity?
it just is, what do you want me to do about it?
you realize you can browse multiple threads at a time right?
why do commies love censorship so much?
>why do commies love censorship so much?
because there would otherwise be chaos in a free and atheistic society
Actually, and im aware this might be news to you, but there are some general principles of intellegence that basically everyone can agree on, and you have specifically demonstrated a complete lack of all of them
Also you dont 'censor freedom', attack or reduce would be far more appropriate adjectives
He didn't want to he planned for it and the it was called 'unthinkable' for fucks sake.
>you realize you can browse multiple threads at a time right?
Yes i realize that i can do this and i do, you on the other hand.......
>im le so smart xD
wow i sure do love rick and morty too my fellow redditor
can you please stop undermining your own arguments by misspelling 'intelligence' as 'intellegence'?
That's what I'm saying. An atheistic society cannot be free. It needs censorship or it won't be a society at all.
so just a small question but how many fedoras do you own?
>runs out of arguments
>resorts to memes
Well played
Fuck off it was literally one time
Thanks for the reminer to turn on autocorrect tho
I'm having a little trouble wrapping my head around an atheistic society desu
like state mandated atheism? Seems like something Russia would do imo.
>runs out of arguments
>resorts to muh intelligence that he cant even spell right
also how is namecalling each other an arguement
A small question from a small brain