I bought 10 eth at 3400$
How fucked am I? When is eth going to go down? If it does should I keep holding it or should I trade for something else? What for?
I bought 10 eth at 3400$
How fucked am I? When is eth going to go down? If it does should I keep holding it or should I trade for something else? What for?
Send it to me, I'll send you a bitcoin. I really need ETH.
Kek do you mean you literally bought 10 ETH for $3400 each? If so then you are super fucked.
Also, sauce
I'd take that deal, damn fine deal
Let's do it.
he prolly means he bought 10 eth at 340$ each. I guess.
I could do that. How much bitcoin?
A whole bitcoin. I don't need it, I only need eth. I've already reached the deposit limits on all my exchanges. Bless you if you actually want to go through with this.
I want to but obviously I'm not going to send you 10 eth first
is this semen demon of the mixed race variety?
this vvv
CJ Miles
This girl isn't asian.
Can't trust a Veeky Forumsraeli to send after I do, I'm afraid. I suppose I'll just have to wait a few days.
Didn't expect anyone to pay 2000$ over the price either. Ciao!
I will profit more from losing 2k than waiting 4 days. Eh, whatever. This was a stretch.
seriously? just use fucking shapeshift you dopey cunt.
This shit right here is what smart contracts are for.
brb i'll program a smart contract for y'all
The ETH chart in fiat looks bearish but the chart in BTC looks bullish!!!
You retards can do the exchange trustlessly, using Byteball conditional payments.