Did he deserve to escape execution?
Did he deserve to escape execution?
yes, he was speered.
I mean, he was pretty contrite and evidently he was genuinely ignorant of the Holocaust.
>he was genuinely ignorant of the Holocaust.
wat. he used lots of slave labor in mines in atrocious conditions for his hitler pet projects. he was as innocent as he pretended to be, as most nazis pretended after wwii.
>he was genuinely ignorant of the Holocaust
Nobody that high up in the chain of command would be that fucking ignorant. He had Germany's entire logistic's chain in his hands.
No but the sentencing hearing was led by a new judge and he mistook Speer for Streicher. When allies realized, it was too late they so they acted as if nothing happened
imagine watching your underling hang for something you ordered him to do while you get off with a 20 year jail sentence
fucking Speer
Speer was an untrustworthy, pathological liar.
No, he was one of the worst.
What was the deal with this guy anyway? Was he just a completely amoral sociopath? Because as other posters have said, we now now beyond doubt that he was lying about his ignorance of the Holocaust. But he in no way took the Nazi ideology seriously, so what the fuck? Was he a careerist? This fucker just makes no sense to me.
>Yeah I was this close to killing Hitler but the vent was just too high
>What do you mean just get a ladder?
Is it true that Goering and co. burst out laughing in court when he said this?
Read his books. He loved Germany, loved art and architecture, and loved the attention that Hitler gave to him for his talents. He felt loyal to Hitler, not to the Reich.
yes, he did.
That assumes you trust the things he says in his books
Nigger really? I need a sauce. That sounds heilarious.
>I didn't know about the killing of Jews
>Working them to death in my underground manufactories was OK though
>let him off anyway
What did they mean by this?
Probably not, but his books gave as a good insight into the inner circle of Nazi Germany, so idk.
>he was genuinely ignorant of the Holocaust.
sure thing buddy
you're puzzled by a common opportunist?
But weren't the slaves he employed spared the concentration camp?
Also, holy FUCKING shit, this took exactly 17 Captchas to post.
No. He literally used slave labor in his factories.
>Prince Akasaka got off scott-free
>the general whose command he overtook for Nanking, who cried bitter tears before his subordinates and ordered immediate ceasefires, was hung in his place
He was hitlers buttboy. Hitler saw in speer what he always wanted to be but failed at becoming- a dashing talented architect.
To be fair, there were sentries watching the chancellery garden 24/7, and unlike a canister of Tabun, a ladder is something that can't be concealed in a briefcase. There had already been one near missed attempt on Hitler's life the previous year, so the LSSAH guards would have already been extremely jumpy.
Remember, if Speer had actually tried to deliver the gas, he would've only had a few seconds to arm the deliver system (presumably some type of grenade) and throw it into the vent before the guards jumped/shot him. It may seem ridiculous now, but Speer may have legitimately felt that the chimney was one complication too many.
no one deserves a death sentence, if you kill a murderer, number of murderers remains the same