Holy shit, there are a lot of awful people here...

Holy shit, there are a lot of awful people here. As someone who actually both day trades and long-term speculates real money as part of my job, most of you do not know what the fuck you're talking about, and it's pathetically embarrassing. The worst part is you don't even admit it - you all act like you are authoritative sources on the matter.

Die poor you useless basement dwellers. Get a job in finance and shut the fuck up for a few years until you have at least a bit of a clue about what you're talking about.

Nice. Bought 100k

Neck yourself you smug piece of shit.

how many hours a week do you work?

Agreed. I am retired from finance and invest in crypto full time. There are a few here who recognize opportunity and present their pitch with facts, or at least bread crumbs leading to information.

>i rode a /rtg/ p&d once now Im an elite wall street trader

Yeah fuck off, Veeky Forums is indeed a shitfest of market manipulation attempts but it doesnt mean it can't be useful if you dig hard enough

Like what's up with the threads that pop up whenever the price of a coin goes down 1%, or a coin goes up 5%, people start making useless smug threads about how the coin is "tanking" or "mooning". It's pure volatility holy shit. Literally nothing to blink an eye at.

There ARE coins that do have a very good potential future that some on biz have found, but the community as a whole is just awful. So many people here are for some reason against other people succeeding.

>So many people here are for some reason against other people succeeding
It's changing slowly and they don't like it.

i see you are also a linkbro
keep it up

Every single day I buy and sell people like you.

What do you think about LAToken, Chainlink, OMG and Request?

You seem to know stuff pls help.

I believe OMG is a good hold for 2018, but I am unsure about the rest.

Holy shit, there are a lot of awful people here. As someone who actually both day trades and long-term speculates real money as part of my job, most of you do not know what the fuck you're talking about, and it's pathetically embarrassing. The worst part is you don't even admit it - you all act like you are authoritative sources on the matter.

Die poor you useless basement dwellers. Get a job in finance and shut the fuck up for a few years until you have at least a bit of a clue about what you're talking about.

get back to work wagey

There are certain groups of different people here
>Literal kids/young people
>People just funposting and shitposting because it's Veeky Forums
>Conspiracy theory retards that have 0 knowledge about economics
>Genuine older people using Veeky Forums to gauge the reaction of uneducated masses to certain situations as one of many benchmarks to know if an investment is worth it or not.

The last one will stay silent. And even if he speaks up will be made out to be a LARPer anyway so why bother. Just lurk and gauge reactions.

If you know what you're doing then why are you working a job for a measly couple of hundred k a year instead of raking it in full time trading for yourself?

I'm not well researched on Request or LAToken, but OMG has some strong practical use for real businesses, and LINK perhaps even more-so (if the whitepaper is reflective of what it can actually do). I'm personally in both of them, and the hedge fund division of the company I'm with is also strongly eyeing LINK as well.

I would definitely say, for a long-term investment, you should focus on coins that actually have real working partnerships with large businesses and organisations out there. There are a lot of coins that promise to disrupt x market, but do not even have any industry backers. OMG has a good amount, and LINK's supposed (yet to be known extent) work with SWIFT is huge.

This. I post at most once a week and only use Veeky Forums to attempt to understand how the market reacts.

most people working financial trading jobs don't do it for the salary. They do it for the information they have access to and can use it in their private investment as a leg up to competition.

This doesn't always count as inside trading if you do it smart. This is something Veeky Forums doesn't realize.

The first step was creating a cryptocurrency. This was achieved with Bitcoin. The second step (down the smart contract path) was connecting smart contracts with cryptocurrency, most noticeably Ethereum. The third step is introducing attractive features that are useful enough for a real business to utilise.

Allowing real business to use smart contracts, in an attractively simple way (for a CFO looking to innovate in fintech but not radically change everything), is Chainlink.

The question comes down to: can Chainlink deliver what it is promising. I do not believe that SWIFT would allow them to present their proof of concept on monday, if this weren't the case. There might be a bit of a drop in price in the immediate aftermath (as there will be no new demand in the immediate following hours), but as articles are written, partnerships are announced, and people hear about it, I am confident the price of Chainlink will reflect that.

I recommend reading some of the pdfs written by SWIFT and partner consulting firms which address this exact topic. Also the whitepaper (if you want to better understand the underlying tech, to judge yourself the usefulness of it)

so all in ripple?

If you were a bank wanting to utilise blockchain technology, would you choose:

1) Ripple, which requires radical changes to the business
2) Chainlink, which allows you to keep your infrastructure mostly in its current shape.

Remember as well that we are talking mostly about older people, who are mostly concerned about simplicity and price.

Luckily for you we live in a world where both Ripple and Chainlink can co-exist, but do not be surprised when businesses are choosing the easier option

>ITT: OP's pretending to be a smartass who despises Veeky Forums community, but he's just a larping faggot and LINK shill

You Link shills are becoming very creative, good one OP

I've made more money than you did this year just by browsing this forum.
How mad does that make you feel?

If Veeky Forums came together, I'm sure we can make our own token and use meme magic to make it real

>2) Chainlink, which allows you to keep your infrastructure mostly in its current shape.

That's what I thought, but Ripple's team and company has the infastructure to do so. It's been testing with the Federal Reserver and is in use with 100 banks now.

Chainlink is attractive but it needs to be a stronger corporation, with enterprise support, and not with 2 devs and no corporate identity. It's like letting a few college grads build your bridge when there are far more established engineers around. Relying on middlemen with no enterprise or government banking is a huge risk to banks.

This happens literally every year

ah, i see now. this is a thinly veiled chainlink shill thread.
kys faggot

I'm sorry
what coins did biz make?

>There ARE coins that do have a very good potential future
well, and i guess (the purpose of this larp thread is that) you are gonna tell us now what these coins are you dirty little bagholder?

MAGA, CHAN, Whalecoin.

gtfo noob

This is actually true as fuck.

Most kids on here have no jobs and are under 22. They have no idea what the real world is.

And thats why ripple wont grow as much as link. Link has ROOM for it

look guys angry mr wagecuck has spoken
keep wageslaving you idiot while we neets get rich on your eyes you pathetic loser

I actually have a degree in Finance from HEC and LBS, what about you fucktard ?

Lol thinking you need a job in finance to be good.
-Watch for market factors
-Set low buy orders and sell 5-10%
-have some patience

Thats basically it

This is actually true as fuck.

You're a piece of shit.

Actual discussion threads get buried

That's why reddit is better. They at least work together and if you don't like that go to another different subreddit.

Here's is just shit all over the place , nobody cares about their fellow anons.

You explained exactly why Reddit is worse. It's a total circlejerk. You have to agree with the majority or else you get downvoted. Consent is manufactured based on the number of up/downvotes every comment has. Veeky Forums is a dump but at least it's merit based.

are you mad that you have to work for a company. just a simple quote: "If you are really good at something you will only work for your own profit and not for share holders "

I bet that >YOU< are just a simple trader boy at a bank movin millions around day by day - bit didnt have the balls or the knowledge to do this with your own money.

i dont need a advice from someone

Yeah 4 chan iz 50% fud and 50% shill.
Not so usable either

also, different subreddits, not total circlejerk

I actually prefer the pace and ADD-packed responses here for browsing. Reddit is very helpful when researching crypto, and it typically has the first answers to questions like "Why is shitcoinia mooning," etc. To interact you must register. I prefer to just post as user and sift through the gutter and shill posts to find the hidden treasure.