How did Nordics became a fetish race?
How did Nordics became a fetish race?
Late 18th/early 19th century.
One guy shoving a banana up his ass doesn't make a "fetish race."
>steal old Romano-Gallic designs such as ornate armor, helmet adornments, helmets in general, heraldry, symbolism on armor
Now before the norsaboos come in and claim that Bronze/Iron Age Denmark is the homeland of Nords and not Gauls (like the linguistic evidence suggests) I would like to point out that Eagle heraldry is an entirely Mediterranean concept, yet it became ubiquitous in artistic depictions of Norse gods, heroes, and leaders. Look at any picture of Odin, when he's not wearing a hat, hes wearing a winged helmet. The only European peoples to put wings on their helmets were or adorn their helmets at all were the Gauls.
Roman and Greek adornments were for rank rather than vanity.
More on Denmark being Gallic.
The Cimbri from Northern Denmark were led by men all with Gallic, not Germanic names. Make of this what you will but Hallstatt culture probably spread into Northern Europe in some degree, and even if the people of Denmark racially speaking were not Gallic, there is a fair chance they had Gallic names and Gallic culture, at least in some degree.
Nordicism is unfortunately a failure. The real Nords were the indigenous people of Europe before the New Stone Farmers and the proto-Indo-European invasion.
Those people were wiped out by demographic shift from intermarriage and from warfare.
There were simply more farmers/horsemen.
The Balts have the genetic legacy of these native Europeans, but they do not have a masculine legacy, only the legacy of Indo-European men taking their women.
However the Scandinavians have the paternal legacy with the I1 haplo-group, which means the native Europeans took Indo-European women in large numbers and bred them, but modern Nords are more Indo-European than Native Indigenous European.
Blame slavs for fetishizing a Nordic ideal.
All romantic nationalists of the 19th century were LARPing sentimental retards, Nordicists didn't stand out from the general European crowd. It's how this shit keeps surviving into 21st century that's perplexing.
>It's how this shit keeps surviving into 21st century that's perplexing.
>post beautiful Nords
>everyone likes blue eyes and blonde hair
It tends to be present in every family in Europe and it's diaspora states (America, Australia/NZ, Canada)
I knew a Greek/Italian family where every male had brown/black hair and brown eyes and all the females had blonde hair and blue/green eyes.
4/3 male to female ratio.
When they became wealthy. Poor nations don't attract interest even if they have interesting history. There is certain bias contemporary conditions apply on our outlook. Look how they despised China just a decade ago and now they suddenly became eternal culturally-rich 'greatest empire' Roman tremble at. I am afraid what will become once Chinese stop spitting and their GDP per capital will reach say South Korean...
Goths were worshipped in southern Europe as semi-divine ancestors since the fall of the Roman Empire.
TJ isn’t Nordic though he’s a Celt
Grandiose delusions. Nords/Germanic always had delusions that they were higher then everything else, so they started to create pseudo-scientific craps like nordicism and infused it with Indo-European theories, claiming Nords were original and purest Indo-Europeans who came from scandinavia, "Aryan" meme. This was proven million times wrong and we know today that indo-europeans came from caucasian regions, but nordiscist were so fucking angry they started a world war over it.
They fetished their own "race" so much that only thing left for them to do was degrade it.
yeh i'ma needa source for that video in your picture, y'know haplogroups and stuff
google it, nigger.
The Nordic race is simply the most noble subrace from the White family. It is seen as such both because it's biologically brilliant (smart, athletic, tall) and historically the original subrace of Aryans, who subjagated the swarthy races and became nobility. Thus, the Nordic race also became the most noble-looking race in the planet.
In nearly all European folklore tales, the royalty is Nordic, and this is not a coincidence. Also the villians were nearly always described as either having mediterrenean or Dinaric/Armenoid traits. This is because the common folk from Germany, Britian, and even Italy remembered well that the Nordic race is the noble one, while non-Nordics are inferior.
Wrong. There is a race that is called "Nordic", and there are also North Germanic people who are sometimes as a shortcut called "Nordic". However, North Germanics is a more correct name for them.
lol at those subhuman Slav faces
Watch your mouth, the Eastern Nordic race is actually the most original ARYAN phenotype.
So don't laugh at them, as they probably fucked your medish grand-grand...-mother for fun and because why not.
Go fuck a goat Slavoslav, your people are mocked the world over for being literally no better than niggers.
>Go fuck a goat
Not a "horse"? You medshits are getting more boring every day. Lol.
All identity is LARPing, even your presumed universalism
JIDF please go
Your tiny nordic dick is not able to satisfy a fucking horse.
So is the amazing atheist actually nordic or is he just a depigmented shitskull? I think it's worth nothing that he's 6'7.
Nice try, but m*dshits are dicklets and manlets in comparison to the Nordic man. :)
>N-NO you are the dicklet, h-hehe
Shouldn't even dignify that with a response.
>replying to me with a reaction picture with a Nordic man on it
Nordics can't play basketball for shit though.
Why does nordicism and viking discussion always generate 10x the butthurt of anything else?
Yes, there has been a great discussion here.
because its fetishization of subhumans
Hear me out.
I think that there is a memory deep in the European psyche (I don't know the other regions psyches, maybe it's there too), of the ones who were there before: the other hominids.
We now know a lot of them were more intelligent than previously thought, and had speech.
From this memory we get: Faerie, stories of other worlds, elves, werewolves, "old ones", all that.
From this memory, we also get an awareness of "those who came before and are gone", a consciousness of lost skills and rituals, and a fear that they may have been a superior people (Atlantis, for instance). This easily translates into an aspiration to be those people.
Why the Nords? Because, as we can see from DNA, the first inhabitants retreated more and more to cold and remote places (Basque Country, Orkney, etc). It's an easy jump to cold Scandinavia.
Because m*dshits get butthurt. I guess I would have been envious too if I looked like picrel.
Guess germanic nords were too inept in exterminating polish "nords"... shame tbqh ;^(
One thing NSAP did right was kill as many polish subhumans as possible, especially those who are so delusional to even dare to think they are "equal" to NORDIC GROßEUTSCHLANDSGERMANIC ÜBERMENSCH HERRENVOLK!
>things that never happened - the post
>Bruh, Look at this polish subhuman
>Just wait till you look at his desperate larping
I'm not Polnisch. Ich komme aus Schlesien :)
The denile of polish /pol/tards is amusing ;^)
My nordic hero Himmler was right.
"All Poles will disappear from this world. It is imperative that the great German nation considers the elimination of all Polish people as its chief task."
>tfw polish """"nords""" will never be wiped out
The ones with Nordic skull shape would have been actually left for germanization. Only non-Nordics would have been deported to Siberia.
>m-muh schlesien
He is so desperate that he even learned our language, Pathetic...
All slavniggers need to be exploited and genocided later, NO EXCEPTIONS!
Die Deutschen Herrenvolk needs to be washed in slavnigger blood so we will finally achieve our God given Lebensraum.
If you're even 1% sl*vonic, you are not welcomed into the Reich.
It's "das Herrenvolk" you pathetic LARPer.
>So depserate ,he even tries to *correct* my language
kys, slavnigger.
Generalplan Ost was right and it's a tragedy that we didn't wipe p*land out of existance.
>So depserate ,he even tries to *correct* my language
I don't know how to correct your Hebrew... :/
Calm down Achmed
>your Hebrew
So desperate...
another great thread brought to you by Autism et al.
>If you're even 1% sl*vonic, you are not welcomed into the Reich.
what about Eastern Germans then?
no such thing, you're bunch of swarthoid larping monkeys
>what about Eastern Germans then?
He is clearly a Jude LARPer, his hochdeutsch is terrible.
>no such thing, you're bunch of swarthoid larping monkeys
Silesians are White Slavo-Germanic Nordics who were tolerated by the Reich during the war, and overwhelmingly accepted German ethnicity.
>Silesians are White Slavo-Germanic Nordics
nice, kek'd hearty.
>and overwhelmingly accepted German ethnicity.
i guess you can't do much about it when half of your country used to be slavic.
No wonder you're shilling so hard for PGs being R1a.
>>things that never happened - the post
>Operation Tannenberg
>Luftwaffe shooting civilians
>Intelligenzaktion Pommern
>Expulsion of Poles
>Generalplan Ost
>All massacres against polish civilians like
>Wawer massacre
>Massacre of Lwów professors
>Wola massacre
>Destruction of Warsaw
>Countless other warcrimes against poles
Was just a meme?
So this is how polish /pol/tards look like?
You need to be pretty desperate polack to LARP as some nordic "germanic" silesian to be accepted by natsoc /pol/tards.
>Be a Self-Hating Pole
>Your region was under German Occupation
>Larp as German
>Turn out that Germans are mainly R1b
>Turn out that you are R1a
>Claim that Proto-Germanics were R1a
I've never claimed Proto-Germanics were R1a. They were R1b, I1, I2b, and R1a. In a more or less this order of frequency.
You claimed that they are the product of "CWC(R1a) Nordid men", that's pretty much the same.
germans being mainly r1b is a fairly recent phenomenon, look at scandinavia.
Don't make fun of him, he just wants to get raped by refugees too
Maybe I'll explain further:
This was the haplogroup of "Germanics proper", who migrated from Central-Europe (Hallstatt) gave the PG their Kentum language. They were of the so-called Hallstatt Nordic race, so basically a Nordic with a bit smaller skull and sharper features.
>I1 and I2b
These are pre-IE haplogroups of native Scandinavians. They were of Cro-Magnid "Tydal" type at first.
This haplogroup was brought to Scandinavia by late neolithic Corded Ware culture. They were of East Nordic type, and quite quickly mixed with native Scandinavians. Their cultural influence in Germanics is weaker than R1b one, but the East Nordic type can still be found in many Swedes, Danes and Norwegians.
The first group in Scandinavia were I1 and I2b men.
The next group were R1a Cordeds.
And the last, the most important group, were R1b Germanics proper.
enmark is the homeland of Nords and not Gauls (like the linguistic evidence suggests)
The linguistic evidence we have suggests that Southrrn Scandinavia in general was the urmheimat of Germanic culture and language. I believe the Celtic language and culture is too old for us to conclusively say where they originated other than being a IE culture.
These averages always end up with pretty round faces, I wonder if it's just an inevitable result of the process.
>I would like to point out that Eagle heraldry is an entirely Mediterranean concept
yeah man, just look
You aren't the "Odin was a R1a Warlord"-guy ?
This is pretty much what slavic nazi larpers always do.
They can't comprehend the fact that nazis were extremely anti-slav and so like usual race traitors, try to act like they are half-german or of germanic ancestry to fit in.
Saw it manny times of /pol/.
Most slavs when realise their autism, turn on nazis and embracing their own country nationalism and become very anti-nazi, but some turn around and mumble "b-but nazis were actually pan-european/pan-white" and continue their larping.
It's a cycle of /pol/tards autism.
odin was a r1a polish nordic warlord, deal with it
his name was actually Bogusław Odynowicz.
No I'm not. Lol.
>Bogusław Odynowicz.
>only intelligent answer to OP
>gets no replies
G*rmanic subhumans stole Chad Slavic PERUN and created semen drinking virgin odin.
this. Perkwunos > Odin
Perun is a Slavic Thor, not Slavic Odin.
t. g*rmanic cock gobbler.
thor and odin are g*rmanic version of Slavic Perun.
Baba Yaga > odin ;^)
These slav drawings are cool as fuck
>Nord "I made this"
>Med "wait... I made this"
Visigothic eagles were on broaches, not banners nor wings displayed on helmets.
Are you fuckin' retarded or something?
Visigoths were in contact with the Mediterranean world. We have no eagle heraldry from pre-contact nords.
wasn't Odin from Anatolia, according to the Eddas?
germans were butthurt about not being accepted as white in new world anglo colonies so they invented the we wuzz aryans meme.
>wasn't Odin from Anatolia, according to the Eddas?
According to the Eddas he was the son of the Ethiopian king Memnon from one of Priam's daughters.
Actually I'm wrong. That was Thor.
Baba Yeba is originally a Finno-Ugric demon, that's why she always eats mostly Russians.
>delusional Anglo thinks people give a fuck about retarded Anglo fantasies
>buttblasted swarthy continental can't come to terms with the fact that he wasn't considered white until relatively recently
It's a hard thing to respond to, even if it is an interesting idea.
this could be true.
it kinda makes sense that Aesir would be masculine, dark haired and wide faced compared to sissy blonde horse faced nordcucks
Both the Greeks and the Thracians adorned their helmets with wings. The Gauls typically wore plainer kettle helmets.
>Anglos are 70% MiddleEastern Neolithic
>Germans are primarily Indo-European and Paleo-European
Do you think it's realistic? Do you think it's probable? Do you think it's insane?
It actually answers the OP's question.
The Greeks did it for the purposes of demonstrating nobility, which is a very mediterranean thing to do. But the gauls adorned their helmets for the individuality of it.
Post source outside of theater and Romantic depictions that show Gauls possessed winged helmets.