Why is suicide considered immoral within the occidental mindset?
One would think that if you were given no choice to exist in the first place, that the willful ending of one's existence is the ultimate affirmation of agency, no?
Why is suicide considered immoral within the occidental mindset?
One would think that if you were given no choice to exist in the first place, that the willful ending of one's existence is the ultimate affirmation of agency, no?
Why don't you affirm your own agency and find out then for us OP?
Death is seen as an evil to be avoided at all costs.
For the life of me (ha), I can't see why.
I have been at my share of deathbeds, and, absent trauma, it was a deeply moving, very sad, but not horrible, experience.
Because life is a gift from God
Is this really the only reason?
Romans and Greeks considered suicide a legitimate way of regaining honor
And the Japanese.
Don't forget the Japanese.
suicide hurts the collective, you have mourning and grieving families and friends, and of course this period of mourning takes up time that could be spent doing something productive, and you also lose an extra person for work, so its going to be ostracized in any sensible society among the common people.
If you want your religion to spread and become dominant having your members kill themselves is a really bad idea.
Were that the case people would have no problem with loners or the deeply unpopular committing suicide
Lmao, Christianity had no problem with suicide until the 5th century.
the loners and deeply unpopular can still be forced to farm or be levied into the military
It was banned for exactly that reason though.
Your society sounds disturbingly authoritarian.
I'd probably suicide.
Haha, they had to explicity ban it because it was so popular.
European missionaries reported suicide from anger was common in Congo
A native who was absolutely furious would just kill himself in a rage
How assblasted do you have to be to kill yourself in rage?
IIRC there was one Berber Christian cult who would harass and assault travelers to be killed then martyred.
wow never knew the roman empire or post classical europe or any relevant civilization before the 1700s were authoritarian O_O
This, suicide is selfish and evil.
These guys would literally just toss themselves into crocodile infested rivers, hang themselves, burn themselves, impale themselves with spears, bash their own skulls against rocks repeatedly, etc. while shouting every curse they could think of
>How dare you die
>You owe me your time
Because society has already invested an incredible amount of resources and time into making you.
Let us act under the asumption that the person in suicide seeks non-existence rather than a transfer to another realm. In this case he seeks to destroy his soul, which is the same as killing all of man because the soul is no longer sacred. Hence, they should be punished in this case with torture in the afterlife. Since there is torture, people should learn that they should not want this fate.
Let's not!
Any books you'd recommend on the subject? Seems pretty interesting desu.
>your chains are a gift from your slaver
Early church lost many members who took a shortcut to paradise. Declared suicide a sin, voila.
Regaining honour after being disgraced=/=cutting your betaveins because of bad feefees which your family and the people that love you don't take seriously
at the core of it you've wasted the (considerable) resources put into your life by ending your existence
>ultimate affirmation of agency
youll sure be affirming your agencies when youre dead
suicide is when ego constructs and negative emotion manage to kill the rest of the organism, because the ego cant bare or cope with something, and so looks for power and control in a destructive act, or this becomes a masturbatory power fantasy untill stress or trauma trigger it into enactment
if someone has any actual agency to affirm then its to prevent such states by directing oneself internaly away from such shit and taking action in life
another question is how much of you is realy yours to kill, and wouldnt it be better that the parts of you that are trying to kill you die instead
You would have to be pretty dumb (like nature intends for you to die dumb) to look at a corpse and not understand why being in that state is a very bad thing. It doesn't move, doesn't respond to its environment, doesn't have any power to impose its will upon the world around it. Yeah, death is to be avoided.
Societies are authoritarian. You should probably suicide.
There are plenty of people who don't believe in souls.
>believing in souls
kek, why are you so gay user?