Will smoking 1-2 cigs a day impact my health/fitness in any noticeable way? Besides making me more cool and alpha

will smoking 1-2 cigs a day impact my health/fitness in any noticeable way? Besides making me more cool and alpha

I was thinking of smoking lightly, and then cycling off every few weeks

It will decrease your aerobic capacity and increase your risk of cancer and other chronic illnesses a bit but other than that not a whole lot.

Practically not, getting drunk once a week is much more of a risk and most people still do it

Sounds silly what you're doing, but it isn't bad having things in moderation

>I was thinking of smoking lightly, and then cycling off every few weeks

Willfully getting into nicotine addiction is one of the top dumbest things you can do to yourself. Due to smoking's wide acceptance and availability and the associated psychologic effects (triggered as a reward in good situations and dependence in bad situations at the same time) it can be a tough habit to kick. I don't mean to be a virtuecrat here, but I'd definitely encourage you to not start smoking, ever.

Nah, it only makes you more stinking

I smoked for 6 years.

It fucked me up.

Please be bait. Nicotine is extremely addictive and it is very likely that you will end up smoking more than 1 a day. Smoking is one of the two worst preventable ways to fuck up your health along with being a fat fuck (statistically.)

yup, dont smoke

I used to smoke a pack a day OP, I still smoke a little bit. I won't tell you what to do, I'm sure you're a grown man who can make decisions for myself. I smoke around 2-3 a day now after I workout. From this to smoking a pack I would say my cardio is a little better and I don't have heart palpitations anymore. When you lift your heart might beat a little harder which can be disconcerting/annoying but that's about it.

I would be lying if I said a good smoke after a workout session in the sun doesn't feel fantastic, so do what you will, just know what you're getting into and realize that I'm betting a few cigs will become 5 to 10 to a pack a day. Keep that in mind.

As other axons have said, don't do it.

It's very difficult to explain to someone who doesn't have much experience with nicotine, but it is very addictive shit. I picked up the habit when I was 16 and it would take me 8 years to quit. I still feel like I suffer the cardiovascular consequences a few years on.

Would 1-2 a day affect you here and there? Probably not...But neither would a shot of heroine. I told myself when I was smoking a couple a day that I would taper off eventually...then you get the restless nights, irritability that creeps up on you that makes you justify lighting up.

Some guys can do it with precise self control, but many can't. Just avoid it where you can.

I don't get "addictions" i have strong will power.

i smoked a pack of cigs a few years ago and never got addicted, in fact I didn't really care for them.

lots of ppl smoke 1 or 2 or 3 cigs a day, scientists have done studies on them, it's not that hard

Its easier to quit crack than cigarettes

i just quit nicotine like a few days back, been a smoker since i was like 13-14, so maybe like 10 years now? i started smoking about a pac/day maybe when i was 17? dunno really.

i honestly thought i looked cool. i think thats why i did it. it was also an amazing social tool.

the first day of withdrawal was insane. severe headaches, itching skin, couldnt sleep. the headaches comes and goes. i cant finish a meal right now without instantly thinking about smoking. cant have a coffee without thinking about smoking. cant have a fucking conversation with a stranger without thinking about smoking.

it will go away, surely. i just need to get used to not smoking every chance i get.

i suggest you dont start smoking. nothing has ever been this hard to quit. i quit alcohol, cocaine, mdma a couple of months ago no problem. nicotine is a bitch man, you have no idea what you are getting in to.

i would never smoke a pack a day, takes too much time and it's gross.

1-2 cigs would be enough, maybe after a meal or with a coffee outside. or after sex.

damn man, the one after sex is absolutely fucking nuts. damn im gonna miss smoking.

well, i'm extremely emotionally driven. if i feel like i want something, it becomes my world and i must have it otherwise the sky splits in half. sort of.

i cant have just one drink, one line, one pill, one cigarette, one lay. i just keep going til im past out or there's nothing left. if you are anything like that you shouldnt smoke.

if you are that kind of person that can have like a glas of wine and not want to drink more, then sure, go ahead. smoking will still destroy you, but if you want to enjoy a little buzz after you fucked someone, go ahead. i wish you luck. but i know you will cave. :)

this guy gets, been smoking for 5 months. It's a bitch trying to quit.

yea my friend is like that, but im the total opposite. A bag of chips can last me a week cause i only eat a couple a day. If he opens a bag of chips he eats it all in one sitting.

i never got into drinking at all, don't like it.
I tried weed a couple times, was fun but never cared to do it regularly, [even though I can buy it legally here since restaurants sell edible brownies, pizza and weed milkshakes for cheap.]

i would never willfully get 'addicted' to smoking, i would do it in moderation, actually even less than "moderation" i would smoke really lightly.

a pack of marlboro reds is $1.50 here, every one smokes, i mean, it's so cheap you might as well smoke a cig now and then casually

addicts probably have psychological problems that they are trying to cope with, i dont

this is true but only because quitting crack takes zero willpower and quitting smoking takes a tiny amount of willpower. other than opiates, theres no such thing as chemical dependence. people are just whiny faggots.

i love this meme

smoking doesn't make you cool anymore, this isn't the 90s. its just lame and gross and expensive. get a personality, its free

You don't know what you're talking about. Have you seen people that are addicted to benzos or alcohol? Do you live in a shed?

my dad smoked for about 12 years, he quit cold turkey one day and never ever smoked again. Didn't have any withdrawal, said his cravings ended after a few weeks

my mom smoked for 8 years, she quit too, but she tapered down to a couple cigs a day and eventually to zero.


$1.50 for a top of the line pack here. it's dirt cheap, everyone smokes. im in asia

look up the vietnam heroin experiment, something like 70% of vietnam soldiers were addicts, when they came back to america 98% of them gave it up with no withdrawal problems

[stats might be a bit off, cuz going from memory, but the jist is the same]

Do you have an addictive personality? If so, stay away from smoking.

If not, go for it I guess. I have several friends that are social smokers, as in smoke 1 or two cigarettes every few months and that's it. One guy had the same pack of cigarettes for almost a year. An acquaintance's wife of mine does the same.

Makes me jealous as hell, I wish I had the willpower to only smoke one and stop. I quit after smoking a pack a day for 15yrs, and know it'll just take one to get me hooked again.

It really is a foul habit, you don't realize how much you stink until you stop. It's not fashionable to smoke anymore, you're pretty much outcast socially if you do. You will not look cool or alpha.

there is nothing cool and alpha about smoking

I know this is bait for sure

>Do you have an addictive personality?
memes on memes on memes on...

You're a fucking idiot.

deadly srs here, have started popping a 2mg nicotine lozenge pre-workout and occasionally when partying. Almost zero side-effects and no signs of addiction yet, I've been doing it for a few months, went a month without doing it in the middle with no second thought. Nicotine is actually a great drug but smoking is the stupidest way to take it (smoking anything is generally the stupidest way to take it)

Explain phamalam