Why is killing bad?
Why is killing bad?
It isn't.
>because I said so fag
>if you don't like it, I'll kill you
Violates the NAP
It makes people dead. Generally they don't like that.
Because it's an affront to God except in the case of a just war, self defence, or the execution of a guilty criminal.
It violates the NAP.
Sometimes it's not. Better question is "when is killing bad?"
Because everyone is more or less just a brother from another mother my cold hearted nigga. We all feel the same thing just not at the same note. Now make sure to stay hydrated and stretch a lil. Don't lose that heart and soul willingly.
Because most people consider dying bad and don't want to be killed.
Because it gives losses of resources in human workforce to the factory owners
Kinda invites them to kill you in return. Unless you're just killing hobos, then no one really cares/
>implying hobos can't kill
Murder is wrong because it robs another person of the chance to kill people.
I mean society in general doesn't care that you're killing them, not other hobos
Because the Demiurge feeds from your chakras and he needs you alive
damn... never thought of it that way
It's an irreversible harm.
Please define harm.
Killing (humans) is neither good nor bad but it is usually dangerous, which is bad. Plus it causes death which people do feel bad about on instinct. Anyone can look at a corpse, unmoving and unresponsive, and understand that this would be an immensely bad thing to happen to oneself.
Some people feel good killing, especially if its justified, viewed as righteous, or against a serious threat.
That's hobo society. Just like Anglos wouldn't care how many frogs you killed. Different societies.
adjective: haram
forbidden or proscribed by Islamic law.
Not really that’ll get you in prison
Because it pisses off the living and brings about terminology of justice and rights. Do unto others. Sanctioned violence is only a temporary recourse for lack of repercussions.
Killing is wrong. And bad. There should be a new, stronger word for killing, like "badwrong", or "badong". Yes! Killing is badong.
From this point on, I will stand for the opposite of killing... gnodab.
*teleports behind you*
morals are a spook, tough luck pal
Nobody has the right to take another people lives don't matter who they're
Killing isn't. Murder is.
t. A 1 class in philosophy student
It isn't, unless you believe in God.
Yeah if you get caught, which is surprisingly easy to not do when it comes to the homeless.
It in itself is not bad. You do it yourself every day.
It infringes on my constitutional right to pursue happiness, which i can't do if im dead
The more you kill the more likely you are to be killed
Intelligent life is rare and precious. Destroying it for any reason necessarily makes the universe as a whole poorer. While there can be times when it is necessary (or at least expedient), it should not be embarked on lightly.
oh shit, I don't think I've ever seen that movie referenced here before
>chosen one! weoweoweoweowee
Do you want to die? No? That's why.
Some people need to die
>Do you want to die?
Removal of human labor, in tribes murderers were cancer as they were basically fucking over the tribe by reducing the amount of workers. Also if you kill people people will no longer trust you and treat you like they treat a carnivorous predator you will hated and hunted down and killed(oh the irony) thats why killing is wrong.
According to what logic?
When it is not punishment.
Would I be a bad person if kill another person that is suffering?
id have to say the context is important to the answer
Nobody has rights.
Like, if there's no other way to save the person
If he asks you to kill him? How are you supposed to know that he would rather die? Perhaps he would like to live while suffering?
Yeah but that opens the door to some edgelord school schooter that just learned about buddhism and wants to go on a killing spree because "Life is suffering, man! We're all gonna die!"
If a person is suffering from a terminal illness, and has come to grips with their decision and makes a decision to ease their pain and asks someone to help them go quickly and painlessly, that's another story.