Why do Americans think Vlad III was evil? Sometimes he's ranked among the top 10 evil people in the world. All the man did was defend his country from invading turksmells. If you invade someone's country you better be prepared for everything.
He's a national hero in Romania
Why do Americans think Vlad III was evil? Sometimes he's ranked among the top 10 evil people in the world...
i guess his people and selected noblemen were also invading his country
in fact, everyone but him was invading his country
>being this retarded
Did you know that Vlad was an ethnic turk
My stepfather always gets mad at the portrayal of Vlad as some evil dude on media, particularly movies. I guarantee this is just pro-Ottoman and later pro-Turkish Anglo's and other Western shitheel revisionists trying to WE WUZ KANGS the balkans the same way they try and pretend Iberia was a beacon of tolerance under Muslim rule, even though it devolved into mass sectarian unrest multiple times.
The good thing is Romanians are too inconsequential for the pro-global unity crowd in the upper echelons of society to do much about it. Even when the media shills for a more "tolerant" historical narrative, Romanians don't give a shit. I think hardship and poor economic circumstances are what might save Eastern Europe from the self-loathing shitstorm fermenting more and more in Euro governments.
>blah blah blah muh irrelevant nationality justifies atrocities
No he wasn't. He was given as a prisoner by his father to the Turks but he never adopted their customs or religion.
They were traitors who killed his father and elder brother to appease the turks.
>blah blah blah Turks dindu nuffin blah blah white man puttin the KARA BOGA down blah blah need mo money fo dem all black cast history dramas
Fuck you
>genocides the Transylvanian Saxons
>purges his boyars
>strong evidence he only managed to keep hold of his crown by literally impaling fucking everybody
>impales the Sultan's envoys, stirs up an Ottoman invasion
>incites a civil war with his brother
Fuck off, Gypsyshit.
>corrupt nobility holding the country by the balls
>forced to lick boots of Ottomans
>Turks exacting harsh tribute on the whole of the Balkans
>implying they didn't deserve worse
Roaches need to be rangebanned ASAP
>top 10 evil people in the world
Those are always completely retarded
>kissass father gigantic pain in the neck for the sum of his reign, backstabs both the Ottomans, Bulgarians and Hungarians half a dozen times over
>John Hunyadi, weary of his bullshit, sends an army to Wallachia to see him unseated
>fed up boyars have him killed
>fuckhead son spends his boyhood kvetching about it, seizes Wallachian throne while the rest of the Balkans is off crusading
>before long proves a shitty statesman, loses favor with his subjects
>being the sperg he is, naturally opts to have disgruntled boyars all impaled
>rules with an iron fist for decades, literally only consolidates power by impalings
>never once partook in a crusade against the Ottomans, anti-Turk exploits would've likely never come about had he not basically invited the Ottomans to his realm
>Christian world looks on him as bloodthirsty sadist, folk hero status exclusive wholly to Romani-a
>people like John Green write paragraph's and paragraphs on how great the Mongols were
>anyone who doensn't worship vlad is a t*rk
He is just glorified due to Romanian Nationalism. Thats about it. He was a cruel and brutal man, and to give credit to vlad most rulers were like that.
What made Vlad unique was his reputation which was ironically created by his western and not eastern enemies.
>folk hero status exclusive wholly to Romani-a
And Russia/other slavic nations.
Germans were the ones that spread the "unabashed bloodthirsty psycho" memes, for obvious reasons.
Americans dislike the concept of europeans protecting their own sovereignity and anything bad that is done to non europeans, specially if they are people of color
See: Skazanie o Drakule voievode.
Americans hold a childish and naive view of the world. This is well noted. It's a young, unique nation built unlike others and possessing a history that is very different as well. Revering someone like Vlad Tepes is beyond our wildest imaginations. Jackson did some bad things but he's a hero. Vlad, c'mon, that dude was a villain in comparison.
We are big, self-righteous children and the world is our playground, understand?
b-but Turks are bleached
* blocks your path *
People nowadays and americans in particular have an obsession with personal shortcomings and acts of brutality. It doesn't matter if you are responsible for the murder of millions if you personally didn't partake in it and didn't make the murders excessivly grusome. However if you only killed a few dozen people in a public and gruesome way, you go on the list.
Of course there's also the tendency of people to take historical opinions for facts. The guys writing the historybooks didn´t like person x so he must have been one of the most evil. That's why some roman emperors get more flak than they deserve even though they were actually pretty average or even good.
I grew up thinking Diocletion and Nero were on a level with Hitler.....
He was a vampire and vampires are pretty bad my dude.
>Comparing people 3 centuries apart
>defend his country from invading turksmells
>Was a Christian Pecheneg-Kıpchak Turk himself.
its propaganda made by g*rmanoid merchants from his time
>No he wasn't
The house Basarap, which Vlad belonged too, was of Pecheneg, or Kıpchak origins. The house of Ataman (Osman) was of Oghuz origin. Pechenegs and Kıpchaks settled in Ukraine and Romania (East Europe and South Europe), the Oghuzes settled in the Middle East. Both were of Turkic origin, which makes them both Turks, like the Poles and Russians, who were rivals, but were also Slavs.
The result of interracial mixing. You don't need to be a professor to know this.
>We are big, self-righteous children and the world is our playground, understand?
A day will come when sacred Troy shall perish,
And Priam and his people shall be slain.
Your post is blahd and you should feel blahd
Turkic =/= Turk, brainlet. That's like calling entire europe and half of asia indian cuz indo-european. And even so, that's only a theory of the Basarab origin which is very disputed, they identified and were identified simply as "Vlachs" during their time
The term "Turk" is used for every Turkic group.
uh no. Vlad was descended from Nordic hyperboreans that traveled through Romania to conquer the Indus Valley after the fall of Atlantis. His legacy was tainted when Khazars, masquerading as biblical Jews painted him as a tyrant.
I can also cherrypick
Ja well except that everyone committed atrocities.
Op is asking why he has such a bad reputation compared to other historical figures.
Impaling thousands of people is pretty mean. He could've just had them swiftly decapitated.
It sure as fuck worked on scaring the turks. When the Sultan entered Tirgoviste, and saw thousands of turks impaled up the ass he turned back and left some fuck up general to continue.
Holy fuck... are you retarded?
>The Virgin Tepes vs the Chad Hunyadi
>guy is a vampire
He's slavic they are like the antithesis of whites so America hates them.
By Turks
He speared his own people mate
Saxon merchant detected.
This, notice the West always sucks the Turkish cocks and never admits on their atrocities. The Ottoman oppression of the Balkans? The three genocides committed? Cyprus? How come these things go over everyone's heads when it comes to Turkey? It's almost like the West just covers them because muh NATO
>3 genocides
What are the other 2 besides the Armenian?
Pontic Greek and Assyrian.
The Greek one was half arsed
If his name was Chad everyone would love him.
Everyone who he speared deserved it
Dracula Untold actually provided a pro-Vlad picture.
Outstanding post.
Dracula along with the impaler reputation