Let's be real here, deadlifts do basically fuck all for your back hypertrophy wise except for your lower back...

Let's be real here, deadlifts do basically fuck all for your back hypertrophy wise except for your lower back, which you can hit way more efficiently doing extensions and good mornings.

Nothing you can say will convince me deadlifts are anything beyond a strength exercise

Big backs are not built from deadlifts

who has been telling you that deadlifts are good for upper back hypertrophy?

Diddly is mostly legs and core.
Y u mad?

enjoy your /noass/

i can safely assume u have never had trap doms from a heavy deadlift session, u can stop lifting now if u want my man

You get the booty strength through deadlifts, and then get the booty through other exercises, but it helps to have the strength from deadlifts.

> Nothing you can say will convince me deadlifts are anything beyond a strength exercise

you say this like its a bad thing.


Deadlift is great for actual athletes

I pull 5.5 plate and have never had trap DOMS from deadlifting. Do I have to get to 7 plate before I get trap DOMS or something?

It's how you use the dead lift to work out your lower back. If you're doing really heavy weight and you can only get up to four or five ribs then yes it's for strength but if you cut that weight down a little and you do 10 to 12 reps or more then you'll be feeling the tightness in your lower back. Learn some HIT techniques. It's not all about picking up weights and putting them down.

Funny enough I only felt it on 7 plates now I always feel it

>7 plates

Cmon buddy

Is this like the "just get your weighted pull-up to 300 lbs then your biceps will be huge" meme?

The deadlift strengthens your posterior chain, which is important for all exercises.

The hamstrings, glutes, lower back, spinal erectors are like the foundation, that all the other exercises are connected too.

Training 4 years. I'm not happy with it

pr00f pussy

Everyone from Veeky Forums.

I remember the thread where I said that deadlift is not upper back exercise and my post got tons of furious answers from quiete adequate to absolutely retarded.

>Everyone from Veeky Forums

Gee I wonder where you went wrong

>It's not all about picking up weights and putting them down.
b-b-but user?

I fell for that meme :( tfw can add 50kg to 80kg body and no biceps

Deadlift upside down with your feet hanging from TRX straps then talk to me bitch

welcome to an anime forum

everyone is just regurgitating shit they read from other shitters

>read the sticky
>pull 5 plates and you'll have massive upper back
>strength train if you only want to look good

and it has been getting worse since trappy left

a big upper back? no of course not, the lats only act as a stabilizer in the deadlift

big thick lower back, core, giant hamstrings, glutes, and all the tiny little stabilizing muscles in between will be built by the deadlift

also my traps are my best muscle group, and the deadlift is my best lift, i don't think this is a coincidence as i never do direct trap work

genetics bruh
the deadlift is my best lift as well, way stronger on it than on bench for example

and i have shit tier traps, even with dedicated work (shrugs 3-4x8-12 2x/wk)

yeah actually you're probably right

i can literally do anything and my traps blow up

incidentally i also have big arms and chest but a really mediocre bench for my weight/time training