>Germans were the bad gu-
Other urls found in this thread:
>what is san pites
Most of France fought against them and rose in rebellion in revolutionary fashion
We know, we know. Every single French citizen was in the resistance.
>Most of France fought against them and rose in rebellion in revolutionary fashion
Oh I'm laffin.
Also, this
>What were the colonies
>most of France
>actually arabs and nogs
>There can only be black and white
Always and forever.
if you actually take the time to do research, you would see that these are real
>not a single quote from a frenchman
surprise, surprise, french were piece of shit collaborators
Googling those quotes leads me to David Irving repeatedly.
>jews getting revenge
On what? Holocaust didn't happen amirite?
Oh come on. Not that guy, but the Allies were well aware of the Jew's situation. They just didn't give too much of a shit. Especially not before a decision about an alliance with germany against the USSR
Can't believe someone actually saved my unfinished Dresdenial pic.
care to share the context of that supposed Adenauer quote?
Got the final version?
>A day will come when Berlin will be set on flames, when German women and children will die just like ours are dying. I hope all of you will understand then that there is God's justice.
Stefan Starzynski - mayor of Warsaw during the siege of 1939
Are you sure? Most of those come from Irving's "The War Between The Generals" and we all know that Irving is a liar.
So far I've checked Patton which seem legit (It's from letter to his wife) and Lutes which seems to be fake.
Sadly no but post the fucking updated Dresdpill.
Someone dresdpilled me on it.
wtf I love Nazism now
>"Germany Dindu nuthin look at all these quotes by non Frenchmen"
>Implying Germany didnt treat western Europe with a lighter hand then the east
>Implying the reason such little damage was done to Frances infrastructure wasnt because france surrendered almost instantly
How bout showing me "The kindness of the german army" in Poland or in Yugoslavia or Belarus
We were just cleaning out the basement. You Jews will turn anything into an excuse to trample on the white man.
>germans dindu nuffin!
>germans killed people, but they were sub-humans!
To be fair, those are all carefully constructed commie propaganda photos from the bullshit master Joey Stalin.
>"We was"
*Kills almost half the population of belarus*
>"Killing da"
*Turns Warsaw to rubble with indiscriminate bombing*
I get this feeling ShitWehraboosSay is here.
Or, you know, you could just provide some sources.
>At a meeting in Germany the following day, Hitler instructed him to be prepared to leave no Parisian religious building or historical monument standing. After Choltitz's arrival in Paris on 9 August, Hitler confirmed the order by cable: "The city must not fall into the enemy's hand except lying in complete rubble."A popular account holds that Hitler telephoned Choltitz a week later at his headquarters in the Hôtel Meurice, in a rage, screaming, "Brennt Paris?" ("Is Paris burning?") By another account, the question was addressed to Hitler's Chief of Staff, Generaloberst Alfred Jodl, on 25 August at the Wolf's Lair: "Jodl, is Paris burning?"
What did he mean by this?
I have to cite that the Soviets mass-produced propaganda?
Fuck that. You tankies are pathetic.
I meant showcase that those pictures were cherry picked in the name of propaganda. Stop strawmanning
They aren't cherry picked, they're just Soviet propaganda. Basically every piece of media from the USSR was propaganda.
Pictures of captured Soviets look pathetic too. I get what that meme is trying to do but the method or argument is bad. Wikipedia battle article summaries would be a better method.
great country, shit leaders
I think this is manipulation done by a Jewish translator. The question should've been translated to "Is Paris lit?" or "Is Paris on fire?" meaning "Is there fun in Paris"?
If you actually read a book and knew history outside of (((History channel))), you would know Parisians organized a massive leaving party for Wermacht.
Patton was a nigger of the Angloamerican forces, he shilled for the Huns on one side and refused to investigate or punish troops that were accused of executions of the Kraut POWs on another one.
Unsure what this image is conveying
The nazis deserved every last bit of it
Shame the allies were still human and treated the nazis as such
Not like Adenauer was wrong there.
Bretty gud
>you would know Parisians organized a massive leaving party for Wermacht.
Patton wanted to keep cruising east.
Patton wanted war againt the Soviets. He fucking hated Commies.
>what is scorched earth tactics
>you would know Parisians organized a massive leaving party for Wermacht.
thats not scorched earth you imbecile
>Germans offering solution to the Jewish question
>French - the most anti-Jewish people in Europe - not 100% negative about the German occupation, a little wonder, but shitting about the occupying Italian troops who form refugee zones for the Jews and do not hand a single one to the Germans or French collaborators
>French destroy their society by letting the peoples of the colonies to come the mainland and eventually allow unlimited immigration from Africa and Middle East
>Poles, the most anti-Jewsh population of Europe after the French
>Germans and Russians occupy the country; German annihilate 90% of the Polish Jews, who the Poles consider one of the three 'eternal enemies' of their people (two other being Germans and Russians)
>Germans and Russians, enemies of Poles, kill each other; German go eternally to shit, Poles suffer Russian occupation for few decades, after which they become free nation again and laugh at the eternally fucked Germans and get protection from the Russians with NATO membership and superficial 'ties' to the West
>Reep all the benefists of Western integration and partnership, but exclude all the negative elements: don't take African immigrants and stay ethnically and culturally homogenous
>He fucking hated Commies.
What sort of human being doesn't?
>They aren't cherry picked, they're just Soviet propaganda. Basically every piece of media from the USSR was propaganda.
Into the trash it goes
>every quote comes from an anglo
Aren't those russians soldiers?
"An entire list of naziboo falsities without a single citation to back it up."- United States President, Donald Trump 2016-2032
Is his just full off Neo-Nazis defending the Third Reich; and Marxists defending the soviet union?
patton was american so he wasn't white
No you also have the Eternal Anglo sowing discord and feeling like they dominate the whole discourse because 100 years of propaganda makes them think their indoctrination is the truth.