>be Dutch
>pay tax on your UNREALIZED capital gains every single year
doesn't get anymore rekt than this fellas
Be Dutch
Other urls found in this thread:
yah sure the dutch government are going to inspect the blockchain to see your gains
>pay 2% a year
>gain 100% a year
I don't see the problem, you're getting ripped of worse when buying bread
>being a eurocuck
Eh no that's not how Dutch tax works for crypto
You literally pay nothing
try germany
there you can pay 40% which aids refugees
Wait what?
Dutch as well. Never heard of this. Will the tax man knock on my door suddenly?
Explain how this works.
bullshit, retard
it's 25% and you dont have to pay any taxes incase you hold btc for 1 year without trading
Ehh no
>report current portfolio worth each year
>if your total net worth is below € 24.437 you pay no capital tax at all
>if you have a higher net worth, you pay 1.2% each year
Basically they included crypto in your net worth so for the law it's the same as gold or stocks
You pay 4% of 30% of your bags, they are goods not currency
I have to pay 42% on realized gains, i.e. everything since I trade. Fuck you.
>Be me, Dutch
>make 140K USD gains in half a year
>pay I think 3 or 4 percent tax on it according to the new(worsened) rules
Still not that bad compared to most countries
What's the deal with active trading versus holding, that also affects shit right?
And what defines 'active trading' anyway and how will they even know?
So how they gonna check my portfolio? I will literally have below the cut off limit (25k) and when I cash out I will just put it all in a erc20 token and buy them from myself with a different address on etherdelta for an inflated price.
>Look mr taxman I got lucky someone fat fingered a buy order on etherdelta!
Honestly if you make it in crypto taxes is the last thing to worry about.
The trick is making enough gains to get the savings account cucks pay for your taxes, basically. You only need to make about 5% in a year to make a small profit. Everyone on Veeky Forums should be capable of that
below the cut off limit every tax season* and the one I cash out in, I will do the etherdelta trick
That ETH is gonna get sniped and stolen, but good luck with that.
25% is when trading stocks
taxation can go up to 40% because it is not seen as a security but a trading good
Also, if you really wanted and made it big just go to some shithole in asia, sell your btc there put it in real estate and have the real estate signed to a local. Then you marry someone there (all fake of course) her dad dies and leaves you the real estate. You "divorce" the girl and boom you now have real estate somewhere in a shithole in asia which has a tax agreement with the Netherlands to prevent double taxation.
Honestly I don't get it why would you pay taxes. The government had ZERO involvement in your gain. They didn't pay for your investment, didn't pay your Internet, don't run blockchain nodes LITERALLY NOTHING except giving you a passport at birth. Why would I pay them for something they have literally zero involvement in just because I was born in that country?
Besides those in charge and making those tax laws do all they can to evade paying them so why should I pay taxes. I literally won't.
Maybe if you are an absolute and complete retard it will get stolen. If you have half a brain it won't.
>list ANY erc token for some outrageous price like selling 5000 eth for 1 omise go token
>send out a buy from your account buying that token for 5000 eth (or whatever your worth is to cash out)
>have 5000 eth probably bought by someone
>literally no one to trace
Boom you got 5000 eth in one tax season. So if you were willing to pay that 2% you can do it. Otherwise just launder it away in the first place
>The government had ZERO involvement in your gain. They didn't pay for your investment, didn't pay your Internet, don't run blockchain nodes LITERALLY NOTHING except giving you a passport at birth. Why would I pay them for something they have literally zero involvement in just because I was born in that country?
In developed countries (Europe), the government actually support you through life.
>wagecuck all week to make money, get income taxed
>put already taxed income into crypto
>pull crypto into fiat, taxed again
Thanks for your support government, please tax me more
Maybe, but it is not my problem taxation is theft. You pay it when you earn, when you spend, when you save, even when you die. If anyone would pay the same amount and evading taxes at rich levels would't be gamified it would be a lot better but it isn't.
I am Dutch btw
Thanks for the tip man.
Problem with a lot of this is that when you buy your first cryptocurrency on an exchange you need to provide your real identity and your bank needs to match your name.
Sure you can just buy some coins at one exchange then transfer it to another exchange where you aren't identified and then keep trading and acculumating gains there and then dodge tax. But how will you account for the very first coins that you bought.
Just scared that the tax man will bite down HARD in a couple of years.
>LITERALLY NOTHING except giving you a passport at birth.
I had to pay $150 for that
>get taxed when u spend it
don't forget that part.
>Just scared that the tax man will bite down HARD in a couple of years.
Veeky Forums is going to get raped by Uncle Sam in April. Idk about Europe though
bitch go live in some third world country with no state and tell me ur country has given u nothing.
I come from a third world shithole, you're a spoiled brat I hope u get caught an serve jail time
>muh free education
>muh partly subsidized health care
You were given that from the moment you were born, as a kid before u contributed anything to society, and now when it's ur time to contribute so others can enjoy the benefits u do you flake?
KYS my man
What would you do as a Dutch citizen yet live in Canada as a permanent resident? How do I avoid paying these shitty cucked Canadian taxes. My accountant seems to understand yet at the same time it seems really complicated. It's also large amounts money, flags would probably be raised if I start putting 100k Euro back into my Canadian account?
Note: I also have a dutch bank account.
I pay taxes thrugh my job, why would I pay also from my crypto gains?
they can suck my dick, I would rather die than give away a single dollar into jews' dirty hands
never seen that pic, saved
gotta keep the muzzies and their 12 children well-fed and housed in luxury condos somehow, you dutchfag. also those tax dorrahs support your fatfuck corrupt gov't puppets too.
just pay your taxes goy
and then those same N.african refugees will rape your women and give them AIDS
it's the circle of life
OP is a cuck who worries about taxes on crypto, even though there is no such thing, especially on unrealized gains. nignore him. typical fear-mongering bluepill faggot invading Veeky Forums to spread bullshit.
True but on the flipside they count the fictional 4% rate regardless of your actual gains. If you have any substantial gains you pay next to no tax.
Crypto is box 3 jij onwetende homoseksueel
>Paying taxes on burgerking tokens
Next you will tell me drugs are bad because they are illegal?
>be Euro
>literally HALF your paycheck goes to taxes
>be Dutch
>pay 52% income tax
>pay 21% VAT on what's left
>by the Graces and Good Will of our Benevolent Government™, the VAT on bare essentials is only 9%
>God forbid I want to smoke, drink or drive a car
>buy a house because I'm fiscally responsible
>government sees how ownership as extra income. Pay taxes.
>put up with all of this because I won't be a slave to the credit Jew
>still have some savings and investments locked away
>naturally pay 1.2% taxes on savings, despite having a 0.05% interest rate on my savings account
>naturally pay 1.2% taxes on my investments despite operating at a loss
>whatever. I want a good future for my kids.
>one day get kicked off my bike by a gang of wollah's on my way to work
>die of neurological complications
>wollah's get 50 hours community service
>family wants to collect inheritance
>70% tax
1.exchange BTC to cash with Localbitcoins. Spend cash only.
2. Make several anonymous Bitcoin debit cards. Use those cards to buy stuff anonymously.
3. Find a local merchant that accepts BTC. Buy goods with btc.
too ez
Honestly I don't think capital gain taxes apply to currencies, at least in my country. It just doesn't make sense.
What's the taxes for capital gains in Canada?
How do you avoid it though? You can't just drop 10k extra in the bank and expect no one to notice.
>actually paying taxes
>some outrageous price like selling 5000 eth for 1 omise go token
OMG will be worth a lot more than that soon and you'll feel really silly about that example.
lol there is no capital gains tax in NL what are you on about
Dude. How much money you got?
You can buy a house in Peurto Rico for $20K (and by house I mean a good one) and then become US citizen and just pay 15% on long term capital gains.
Or you could just go full ancap and just move to central america (Costa Rica is not bad).
10k is nothing... nobody will realize, probably.
There literally is. It's called vermogensrendementsheffing.
>has to pay capital gains tax anywhere because Shaneequa needs the welfare
>no ICOs
>capital gains tax
I can just move to Belgium and not pay a dime.
well user somebodys gotta pay for the gibsmedats for all the muslim and nigger immigrants taking over your country
>be Belgian
>pay nothing
>Buy coin
>Hodl for a year
>Pay no taxes whatsoever.
If I sell within a year I'd have to pay up to 45%.
>>report current portfolio worth each year
Why though? They have no way of checking how much I have, or that I even have one at all. Why would I tell them I have crypto?
you pay ~1.2% annually on your holdings. you don't pay income tax unless youre actively trading and using it as a source of income.
I'm the bear
actively trading doesn't matter, you can trade your ass off as your only source of income, it's still just investing, High Court ruled daytrading doesn't constitute active wealth management, hence always box 3, show me one piece of legislation that says otherwise
In practice you're right but technically you pay a 30% tax on your capital gains but the belastingdienst doesn't feel like tracking everyone's gains so for now they just assume everyone has 4% annual gains.
They could revise this at any time and tax your actual gains since technically that is still the law.
You pay tax cause running a country is expensive.
Besides you wouldnt avoid not taking payment from your tennants living in your shit just cause they cant get MAX PROFITS?
>Puerto Rico
Isn't that place a literally destroyed wasteland now?
>tfw dutch ancestry
thank god they came to america
Yeah but muh freedum muh 100% gain
So what happens if you simply start a company and simply put the crypto profits on the company's bankaccount and say that the company made those investments.
So what? Convert it all to a currency which can be traded outside an identity exchange. The first coins you bought were gambled away, lost the private key whatever. Or send it to etherdelta and withdraw to a different wallet from there. Say you fat fingered your eth away for some shitcoin. It doesn't matter.
Source on those houses? Is that a good investment?
they need to remove socialism from this country, it has done enough damage already. income taxes failure, pension system failure, social safety net failure (unless minority group), school systems failure, military failure.
Who do you think paid for your education? Health care? Roads you use to get to work? Fuck you dude.
Yep, and guess what, the general idea in every country is basically the same:
In the last decades we have destroyed our economy, culture and future with ever increasing socialism and centralization.
The only way we can repair the present and future is by more socialism and centralization!
It is extremely sad that even great nations like NL, that had the possibility of becoming a utopia, fuck up this bad and refuse to learn from its past mistakes.
The only way forward is down. There is literally no way out of this shit. We've already welcomed to many shitskins. The country was doomed to fail as soon as socialism and immigration started.
>what is Dutch culture? It doesn't even exist!
>boarders are just made up anyway! Just virtual lines on a map
>I express my communist opinion using specific clothing which is made by capitalist companies but I do not see the irony in that
It's threads like these that make me wonder what the average age of Veeky Forums is, taxation is theft, everything is socialist, dumb greentexting. The kind of crap you'd see on 2006 /b/
Probably older than 18, since they started earning and realized how shitty the system is. Socialism is for underages and students who haven't worked a day in their life.