I've been losing weight. It had been going great for about 6 months.

Then for the last month I haven't lost anything. This would be an indication that I need to get more serious right? Eat better and do more exercising?

Well, I have. I've been eating salads every day for lunch for a month and I haven't lost a SINGLE POUND from it.

I eat a small breakfast of yogurt and a banana, a salad for lunch and a sandwich for dinner.

My BMR is around 2000 and I think I'm eating a little under it, but what difference does that make relative to my former diet?

The salad was changed from a Dunkin Donuts bacon egg and cheese bagel with hash browns, so it should be a substantial calorie reduction.

So why haven't I seen any gains from my calorie reduction? (Even if you disagree with my calorie counting, it shouldn't change the fact that I DID reduce my lunch calories)

Why the fuck has nothing happened?

Other urls found in this thread:


because you are still eating too much.


That may be correct, but it still doesn't explain why I haven't lost anything from a CALORIE REDUCTION

count your fucking calories

I do. As much as I can (via the restaurants posted numbers but who knows about those)

The DD lunch was approximately 900 calories.

My salad + iced tea is 620.

And I've kept my diet perfectly equivalent in every other way. So why haven't I lost anything from a 280 reduction?

OP remember that as you lose weight, your maintenance also decreases, so you have to eat less to maintain the deficit.

Progress is also not linear, sometimes you plateau and you just have to fight through it.

If you're still not seeing progress then rigorously count calories.

It's not what you eat, it's how much. Like the other guys said, start counting and you'll be surprised.

You could eat nothing but lard sandwiches but as long as you were controlling your portions, you'd lose weight while the guy who eats salads plateaus hard.

Salad tastes like ass anyway.

Protip: Calculators aren't 100% accurate.
Another tip: The calories given by fast food places aren't 100% accurate either.

If you're not losing weight you need to lower your calorie intake or count better. It's as simple at that.

So how do you even count calories if no calculator is reliable

You use it as a guideline dumbass.
Say you calculate your TDEE using various calculators and find the average to be 2500 calories.
You plan around eating ~2000 calories a day, your so called deficit.
After a few weeks, you notice you're merely maintaining weight and haven't lost or gained anything. Example being the OP, or you, or whoever finds they're not losing weight.

There are now a few things you can do:
1. Lower the amount of calories you're eating
2. Double check you're counting properly
3. Increase exercise length, amount, or intensity

I started at 308lbs and I eat at 1700-1800 calories a day. I've steadily lost weight and will recalculate if I hit a wall.

Have you reduced how much you've been eating since you entered you plateau?

Your body before you lost weight required more calories than your body does now, so if you want to lose weight at a similar rate you have to reduce your caloric intake proportionally. Also, BMR and calorie counting can be pretty accurate compared to any other method, but they (especially BMR) are estimates and yours maybe lower than is normal for someone your weight. Just reduce your food little by little until you start losing weight again.

Are you exercising?

Diet is the most important part of weight loss, but if you exercise it will help a lot. Do you have an exercise routine? If so what is it?

I've plateaued a few time myself and it was always because:
1. I didn't reduce my calories as I got slimmer
2. I'd have a "treat" or "cheat day" more often than I should have and it would erase my progress pretty reliably.

Look up visual guides to portion control and use a calorie counting app like My Fitness to at least accurately gauge your serving amounts.

Restaurants serve 40% food per meal than they did 50 years ago. You've ingrained the wrong amount as the right amount since you grew up with it. Or something along those lines, I stopped paying attention desu.

have you re-calculated your TDEE with your weight now?

I did decrease my calories, by 280ish as explained above. I can't understand why there hasn't been any change from this.

I do exercise daily. I do 20 minutes of biking indoor, 100 crunches, dumbbell exercises (bicep, triceps, lunges, etc) and I'm starting to use a kettlebell.


Lower your calories again then.
I assure you you're not breaking the laws of thermodynamics.

Is there any possibility that I'm eating too few calories?

Or is that a myth

It's not a myth, it just applies to starving African children over surburanites with diet issues.

Absolutely 0 possibility. "Starvation mode" doesn't happen till like 72 hours of not eating or eating at a HUGE loss.

If your BMR is 2000 you could safely eat 1300-1500 calories no problem. Would it be the healthiest option? Maybe not.
My BMR is ~2300 calories and I'm eating at 1700 calories. I often go below that without trying.
I weight ~260lbs, losing about 2lbs a week steadily for 2 months now. Barely any exercise because I lack discipline and I'm a lazy sack of shit.

I even binge drink and go out to eat with friends on the weekends. Probably balances out.

>I've been losing weight. It had been going great for about 6 months.
>Then for the last month I haven't lost anything. This would be an indication that I need to get more serious right?
this is an indication of adaptive thermogenesis my friend

it is widely known that if you´re in a deficit for a long time your body adapts to the starving amount you eat and drops your metabolism

Basicly the cure to this is eat at maintenance for some time, maybe a month or two and then cut back again

If you dont wan this to happen ever again eat normal amounts and do more cardio

>iced tea
Are you retarded by any chance? Drink water

Do people generally agree with this?

You're saying I should increase my calories and do more cardio? For a bit

I want to increase my metabolism so I'm drinking caffeine.

I'm switching to coffee soon.

Also am I technically eating at maintenance already since I'm not losing weight?

>yogurt and banana
>a little under 2000 calories
How in the fuck is some fruit, some lettuce, and a sandwich a little under 2000 calories? That should be less than 500 or something.

I made pic related in Excel to track my Calories and Macros. I eat 5 meals a day, and my target is 1500-2000 calories. Let's look at yesterday.

Breakfast, a bowl of oatmeal, 83 calories.
Brunch, I had an egg white omelet. 223 calories.
Lunch, I had two grilled chicken breast wraps. 472 calories.
Dinner, I had a small amount of steak with two eggs on top. 426 calories.
Supper was a protein shake in milk. I put 3 scoops in to hit my 200g protein goal.
Total was 1748 calories. I ate much more food than you, but didn't get to the caloric total that you did.

Calories can be deceptive. Estimations are only estimations. Give yourself a 500 calorie target. Also, eat often. Do not be hungry. On some level, I think starvation mode is broscience, but in my own experience, eating often yields better results.

If you've been doing it for more than 2 weeks and haven't lost weight, yes, you're eating at maint.

its not a fucking joke its a real thing google adaptive thermogenesis

no thats your lowered metabolism maintenance

eat at whatever maintenance is technically at your current weight. You might gain a little but thats okay. Let your body heal for a month and then add cardio in while eating the same

while diet is important starving yourself is not the way to go longterm. At some point cardio is MUST

Try doing a re feed and eat 500 over. That's how I got past my plateau.

Yogurt is 120 + banana 100
Salad and tea is 620
Sandwich is approximately 900. I'm guessing.

How much cardio? I do at least 20 mins of biking a day

How long did you do +500?

definitely more than that

maybe 1-2 hours a day

Is that sandwich a fucking Big Mac?

Listen. Increase your caloric intake by about 500 calories. Eat 5 meals a day instead of 3. Do cardio every day. After a month, drop the 500 calories. Continue everything else.
I promise you, you will blow past your plateau.

>your lowered metabolism maintenance
Nice meme. Lost 120lbs just doing a calorie deficient and medium amounts of cardio, slowly adjusting my calorie intake to change with my weight.
Never felt like I was starving myself either.

Refeed is a one day thing

Holy fuck why are there so many different opinions on this.

120lb man how would you respond to my plateau problem

useful video for you OP explaining issues with attempting to lose large amounts of weight at once


Increase your cardio. 20min is fucking shit, especially biking.
Cut calories an extra 100-200.

Then you're golden.

Would bike for at least 35-60 minutes. Do high intensity, then average speed for a rest, high intensity, and so on till you're done.
Set what your average is right off the bat. If you're using a stationary bike, make sure you never go BELOW a certain speed. Start off with that speed/resistance for a warmup, ramp it up for 1-2 minutes, then go back to that speed. Never below.

Thanks. So what is my maintenance in my scenario?

Is it salads or the fat lunch I had before?

What's in your salad, OP? Salads are good at being deceptive. Is it just vegetables? Chicken? A lot of people tend to think they're eating healthy because they're eating salad when in reality they're drowning their salads in dressings full of fat and sugar.

except that its a literal scientific fact

just because you went from lardass to semilardass doesnt make it not true, your anecdotal evidence also means jackshit

This will sound counter intuitive but you need to have a cheat meal once a week now and the rest of the week be extremely strict.

Talking about a controlled cheat meal not a cheat day.

1 High carb & high fat meal not fitting your macros AND spills over your typical kcal for the day by about 500kcal

Rest of the week should be minimal carbs & fat back to normal.

The difference is minimal.

you say so so it must be true

Correct. My word is law.

Spinach, chicken, pecans, cranberries, oranges, and parmesan cheese

If I remember correctly, the body needs about 15 calories per Pound if you relaxed all day just to keep you alive. Thus, as you lose weight, your maintenance Will get lower and lower, requiring you to increase your deficit.


>According to your age of 23 and measurements of 5' 10" tall and weight of 280 pounds you will burn about 4110.99 calories a day just to keep going.

>You have to burn 3500 calories to lose one pound, or take in 3500 calories more than you burn to gain one pound.

I literally just need to exist and not eat like a pig to lose a pound a day. That's not even including exercise. I have no excuse.

>20 minutes of biking indoor
Double that at least (I'd recommend 1 hour), do it betwen 3 and 6 times a week and get a heartrate monitor (HR-zone-training ...). Should help

>4110.99 calories a day just to keep going.
Way too much, as this fucker here tells me freedieting.com/tools/calorie_calculator.htm