Why is this organization so despised? From an organizational and propaganda perspective they are actually fairly impressive, and seem to represent black Americans in the most dignified light both domestically and internationally.
Other urls found in this thread:
in b4 Yakub
>seem to represent black Americans in the most dignified light both domestically and internationally.
>Yakub created whites!!!!!
>Islam is our REAL religion!!!
>Malcolm X!!!!
>Wait, who's this Muhammad cracker?
they are too autistic for their own good
Yakub aside Farrakhan is an amazing speaker
You're just proving my point by getting so butthurt at the mere mention of them that you spout off meme style
>LARP as Muslims while knowing nothing about the real Islam practiced by a third of the world.
How are they not Muslims, doesn't every religion have different sects
>Kill one of your best and brightest figures because he had the gall to realize how retarded hating all whites is
Gee, I wonder why
There is plenty of talent. It's not about hating whites. It's about ethnic solidarity of black Americans. Giving us dignity, and a sense of agency.
farrakhan allegedly said mean things about jews
So why'd they murder Malcolm X?
>we wuz kangz: the religion
>cult leader was a moneyhoarding rapist
>the person who was actually talented and wanted to help blacks ended up leaving and was promptly assasinated
Internal squabbles. Like a mafia hit
So they don't really give a shit about dignity or anything else and instead just the same political shit every movement has? Why lionize them then?
Because blacks have literally nothing else going for them.
They are not perfect, but are the best we(black Americans) have. They are light years ahead NAACP, which answers to Jew masters.
I wouldn't say we have nothing else going for us. But they are our best example of mass organization, and it's not even close.
Well either way, the day of the rope is coming for the niggers.
>Our greatest mass movement is a bunch of sociopathic arseholes memeing about how whites stole all our shit and conveniently forgetting the Arab slave trade because it would conflict with our pseudo Islamic doctrine
That's what you get for not unionizing
It won't be easy. NOI is so good they make money off of major security contracts.
Arab and black are not as clearly distinct as you wish they were. There is alot of ethnic overlap. Although there are extreme ends on the spectrum, there is also a blending, which is why NOI gets respect in the Arab world. A lightskinned "black" is virtually indistinguishable from an Arab.
They are still going to get the rope.
Because he didnt hate enough.
>net operating income
Was there ever a non-black member? At least not black looking?
They got along with the American Nazi party.
George Lincoln Rockwell (American Nazi party leader) gave speeches to the NOI and was even on pretty friendly terms with them.
They both had similar goals.
It's because of Yakub and all the shit that follows though
why the fuck would there be non-black members of a black nationalist organization?
Black people aren't supposed to be angry and politically angry, they're meant to be happy go lucky Uncle Toms.
The NOI subverts white American's image of black people, which scares them.
Yakub was something the founder's son actively tried to purge from NoI and just make it a mainstream Sunni chapter, but that changed once Farrakhan got in charge.
Probably, since a lot of different types of people were lumped under the "black" label.
Here is Wallace Fard, the founder of NOI, for example. We have no idea where did he come from. Some claimed he was an Arab, others say he was a mixed race man from New Zealand.
There's actually Mexican and Latino NOI ppl
>believe in total heresy of Allah appearing as human
>which is why NOI gets respect in the Arab world
I hope this is bait. NOI isn't even known in the Middle East and the few comments about it take it as heresy/fake
Ghadafi met with and supported Farrakhan as did other Mid-east leaders.
White people aren't dumb, per say, but there insecurities really due get in the way of them being able to objectively research and analyze certain things.
Ghadafi gave the fucking IRA guns and bombs retard, he didn't give a shit about Islamic faggotry, he just liked to stir the pot
The point is NOI definitely has a presence on the international stage you moron.
As much as any other meme church does, see Hillsong for your white cunt equivalent
People all over the world are not obsessed over race like you americans are. This is not a race thing
Also this If you think Ghadaffi really gave a fuck about race in foreign relations then you have problems
t. Sunni Muslim
>NOI definitely has a presence on the international stage you moron
Holy shit your retarded the fucking westboro baptist church has more notoriety then NOI
White insecurity is so strong, Farrakhan was actually banned from the UK for a while, might still be.
Just admit it, you were wrong, and your flaming white insecurity was called out.
It ain't about race, per say, but it does have to do with disturbing the American caste system.
The Nazi Party is also banned, was it a BLACK movement all along too? banning retarded politics is standard practice
In the same way the mormons arent really a christian sect.
Similar style, entirely different theology
Black people are heavily discriminated in gulf arab countries and used as slaves
SEA and South Asians, palestinians, etc too
Because he caught elijah with his pants down and several illegitimate children and was going public with it.
I never implied the mideast was a bastion of racial harmony.
Honestly "black" people is not really monolithic. Africans are different from Americans, who are different from Caribbeans, who are different from abbos, who are different from haratins, who are different from Abyssinians, and so on and so forth.
Blacks can be politically angry all they want. I just wish they were coherent and had sensible claims as opposed to endless fountains of retarded bullshit.
It's almost like they really are an inferior race.
Your leaders made token appearances in the middle east.
The muslims populace there didnt know shit about you and if they did they would have rioted in the street at the sight of a kafir praying in their holy sights.
The leaders of arab countries use you for their own ends but ultimately realize your a butthurt group of impotents that is to be disposed of after use.
T. Sandnigger
Based abbysinians.
Why do you hate us so much. Is it jealousy that we have a higher standard of living than you?
Or is it because we fucked your shit up.
The NOI commits shirk, kaffir
Prepare your anus
>Is it jealousy that we have a higher standard of living than you?
Want to hear a juicy bit of hypocrisy the only reason you have such a high standard of living is because you live in a majority white country.
>majority white country
I thought the NOI was located in USA
In America this is considered "white" it's really weird.
Got me there user
The funniest part is that this is true. Sudanese are labelled as white in USA
I'm telling you white insecurity is real, and it is a problem because it is the root of alot of inconsistencies, historical revisionism, and other impactful foolishness.
And I tell you again that's an american only phenomena. Nobody is so over obsessed with race outside USA
Even in WW2 black american soldiers in Europe and Australia were treated as normal people, while white americans chimped at this fact
>NOi cunt telling anyone how bad white supremacy is
Your entire belief system is based on white exceptionalism because muh yakub dickhead
>Even in WW2 black american soldiers in Europe and Australia were treated as normal people
Go and look up boundary road, we in Australia were the most racist of the dominions, we didn't repeal white Australia until Harold Holt in the 60's, and yet somehow we don't have meme movements like nation of Islam
I would like to believe that white Americans butthurt approach to racial identity and politics did not leak outside of it's borders, but have you ever visited /pol/? You probably learned in school that europe and Asia were desperate continents, and Columbus discovered America. This is a serious problem, I'm going to make a thread about it eventually.
SeeI admit, the whole yakub thing is embarrassing, but at least I can admit that, and at least it is not codified in academia as fact.
The whole Yakub thing is an unironic part of NOI doctrine
Show me a video on f an actual NOI member talking about "yakub". The US census actually classifies Sudanese, as "white". And the notion of whites colonizing the vast majority of africa is actually pushed by academia even though it is clearly a meme given that more Africans live in Europe than the other way around. Can you see how much worse the white attempt at legitimizing certain things is. All you got on us is "muh yakub" and you guys cling to it like a motherfucker.
Hey, black-user, Asian here, is it okay if I ask you a few questions about black life and culture in America? I have never interacted with a African-American before, and there are bunch of things I want to know
Yeah, I'ma bout to hop in the shower, so it might be a minute before I get back to you.
It's because of you're absolute shit behaviour.
You think we don't notice that shit?
Unlike whites, we've lived with the Zinooj, fought the Zinooj and fucked them for thousands of years.
We know which of your kind is civilizable and which of you aren't.
The american breed of your kind was raised in a psuedoromanic culture pervaded with the worst kind of christian theology. Not to mention the physical and mental traits deliberately bread in your populations.
African americans are generally garbage people with no moral integrity, no sense of responsibility and no coherent beliefs besides the insane ramblings of their local Goar king.
NOI is no different. It's sole claim to any form of uniqueness is its warped herecy of islam as opposed to christianity.
I swear to fucking allah we will take Sudan.
Much appreciated, answer in as much detail as you want.
What affinity do African-Americans feel towards Africa? Do people look forward to visiting the country of their historical past, reading up its history and languages? Basically, what role does continental Africa play in current black society?
At what point does African-American history start for you, what do you learn from your parents or elders regarding this? This is in besides textbook history. Which black figures or events consitute vital components of black history before the Civil Rights /Black Panther/Black Power era? I only know of Solomon Northop and Fredrik Douglass.
Which contemporary figures do african-americans consider to be the leaders or the representatives of their community? Can Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson be considered the tallest non-political leaders of the black community?
What is your opinion on Ta-Nehesi Coates, if you've heard of him?
How deeply are blacks divided on the basis of being from the North or the South, or being Cajun?
What is the black society's view towards Islam in general? I sometimes come across weirdly Islamic names like "Koran", "Rashid", "Taariq", etc in Christian black families which I guess is the legacy of NoI. But are blacks in general open to Islam or do they share the West's caution towards it?
if you've ever been locked up you'll realize how much of a joke these NOI and hebrew israelites are. nobody takes them seriously, especially muslims. when jumah was held, i saw a bunch of different races of people congregating together. it was kinda shocking to see some blonde blue eyed dude wearing a fucking kufi speaking arabic. the NOI is built on bullshit, and farrakhan is a conman
>Nobody is so over obsessed with race outside USA
Probably a result of most of them being mutts obsessed with their 2/531th X-heritage.
HA HA HA HA HA HA *wheeze *
Disclaimer: I don't pretend to speak for all black Americans, so answers to these questions might differ depending on who you ask.
>What affinity do African-Americans feel towards Africa? Do people look forward to visiting the country of their historical past, reading up its history and languages? Basically, what role does continental Africa play in current black society?
Our African roots are a very important aspect of our overall ethnic identity, but not the entirety of it because we have been in America for hundreds of years and intermixed with several different kinds of people. While we find africa interesting and worthy of study, we are under no illusions that we are African in the purest sense of the word. We have become, in essence, unique to America.
>At what point does African-American history start for you, what do you learn from your parents or elders regarding this? This is in besides textbook history. Which black figures or events consitute vital components of black history before the Civil Rights /Black Panther/Black Power era? I only know of Solomon Northop and Fredrik Douglass.
For me our history as a unique people begins in early colonial America. Our elders in general have done a remarkably poor job at teaching is about our history, and the reality is there isn't very many pre-20th century figures we know alot about or hold in very high regard.
>Which contemporary figures do african-americans consider to be the leaders or the representatives of their community? Can Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson be considered the tallest non-political leaders of the black community?
Most of our "leaders" that are well known to the wider world and both of those you named are not really our leaders at all. They were handpicked to "represent" us for subversive reasons, and are generally despised by mainstream black Americans. At the moment Louis Farrakhan is our top legit leader, also Barack Obama, if for no other reason than what he was able to
>What is your opinion on Ta-Nehesi Coates, if you've heard of him?
Honestly never heard of the guy.
>How deeply are blacks divided on the basis of being from the North or the South, or being Cajun?
Tribalism exists with all groups of people, but is particularly pronounced among black people.
>What is the black society's view towards Islam in general? I sometimes come across weirdly Islamic names like "Koran", "Rashid", "Taariq", etc in Christian black families which I guess is the legacy of NoI. But are blacks in general open to Islam or do they share the West's caution towards it?
>Our relationship with Islam is complicated. Our African roots originate in regions that were heavily influenced by Islam, and a high percentage of those who were imported to America were originally muslim or at least muslim influenced. Many of our forefathers were actually PoWs of the Fulani jihads in West Africa. Our Islamic names are largely a cultural thing at this point and are not inherently tied to religion. There is an overlap in our community when it comes to those who are Muslims and those who are Christian. Many who are muslim were formerly Christians and vice versa
I hope that answered your questions.
Didn't mean to green text that last part
user... you really don't want to compare your movement to mafia. You really don't.
Isn't the angry negro another stereotype?
>fard muhammed was the fucking mahdi
Get the fuck out of my religion you heretic mongrels
The NOI is literally the mormonism of islam. Thats why no one takes it seriously, because its a meme religious movement.
Have you ever actually met a black american. I don't mean an African, or afro-arabs. I mean an actual American that is black. We actually get along pretty good generally speaking, because like ourselves Arabs have impeccable taste and are artistically gifted. Don't fall for the european-american narrative.
I know Drake isn't American in the strict US sense.
We are Americans, what would taking Sudan have to do with us. If you want to fight us attack Detroit.
>NOI gets respect in the Arab world
>We actually get along pretty good generally speaking
Have you ever met an Arab? we hate you nigger.
T. Arab
I don't understand why any black American follows Christianity or Islam besides the simple promise of heaven
>captured by your enemies
>sent to a foreign and hostile land that strips you of your culture and language
>stops you from practicing your religion
>uses obscure laws in their religion to justify enslavi you
>torture and kill people who do so
Yet now they are some of the most fervent followers of those faiths
To imply that the African slaves experience is the entirety of black American history is a gross oversimplification of who they are as a people. They are also the only group of Americans related to the founding fathers en masse, but that is rarely if ever discussed because of white insecurities role in writing the history books.
Lmao what a fucking joke. Go read some actual history you tard.
>said the /pol/tard whose knowledge is based on infographs
This. Why did they latch onto Islam instead of drawing influence from traditional African religions?
>Doesn't know that a large chunk of black Americans ancestors came from Islamic africa.
White IQ on display everyone.
>thinks b*acks came from eastern Africa
>thinks Arabic Muslims had any appreciation for literal b*acks