was his brain simply wired towards science and math that he wasn't capable of understanding philosophy like descartes, kant,hume, leibniz etc.
Why did he lack a philosophical intelligence
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who says he lacked a "philosophical" intelligence.. its probable that he just wasn't interested in those types of questions
Newton was more interested in mysticism and astrology than in proper philosophy or even rational science.
this is weird
why did Einstein praise Newton as a great thinker?
He left that behind to work as a kind-of-detective for the Royal Mint and had a master forger as an archnemesis.
Everything else is bullshit.
>why did Einstein praise Newton as a great thinker?
>Develop Calculus and The Theory of Gravitation wholesale on your own.
>Be afraid of using Calculus as proof for your Theory of Universal Gravitation for fear of being discredited as you have yet to even satisfy the legitimacy of Calculus to yourself, so you instead create entirely separate geometric arguments to prove Universal Gravitation.
>Proceed to then mathematically prove that a vast array of natural phenomenon once considered separate can be explained and described nearly perfectly by his theory of gravitation.
>Didn't stop there
>Created the foundations for modern Optics
>Dabbled in all sorts random things from calculations of the speed of sound, to developing an empirical law of cooling
>To this day his contributions to physics remain fundamental to understanding the universe
Gee, I wonder why Einstein saw Newton as a great thinker.
It’s funny that throughout reality you have great thinkers that seem predisposed to think about certain things.
Like many smart thinkers either chose to deal with the logical properties of measurements or answer why certain things existed in the first place. For instance, what was the difference between Plato and Euclid? Because this same difference is what separated Aristotle and Archimedes. Or what separates the mathematical economists like Irving Fisher from the fundamentally words-based conjecture of economists like Karl Menger or Ludwig Von Mises.
I view all different ways of thinking about things important but it is not a binary issue, because it seems all of them understand the ideas and thoughts of their contemporaries, which makes it all the more puzzling when they try to make their own work and it is vastly different. It’s just interesting and is something I think about daily, why different people in a certain science or art(or opposing sciences) can be so vastly different than each other and yet still reference each other and use each other’s conclusions to their advantage. Plato and Euclid is a great example.
Anyway this is why I am so well rounded and actually study Geometry. It interests me for sure but also it’s logical principles and arguments could be utilized elsewhere. I see all these philosophy Babbies on Veeky Forums who have probably never read a mathematical proof. Who have never read a page of he wealth of nations. Who have never read a history book. I mean, it’s sad, sometimes you have got to get outside your comfort zone to learn things. I suppose I’ve answered my own questions now, but I’ll post anyway
Math = Philosophy
Jesus Christ, how big is your fedora collection? I bet you and the rickard and mortimer section or r/atheism have heary guffaws apropos of this dim witted devout christian.
That which Newton did not understand, no man understood.
I know for a fact that Kant and Leibniz bowed before him, the other two would have done too.
He's objectively the greatest thinker who has ever lived.
newton was a hack
Isaac Newton equations
Dark Energy equations
Dark Matter equations
Socrates himself despised all but the most practical mathematics, and many other of the world's greatest thinkers have not taken a liking to it; conversely, many mathematicians have been fools. Francis Bacon must have been correct when he said that "Mathematics make men subtile" (i.e., accurately-minded), but I do not think it is correct to suggest that anybody who does not care for them is unable to think well.
Nice rage post
G = Newtonian constant of gravitation
D = Descartesian gravitational density
Sir Isaac Newton
>those gigantic crop circles around and across the field
Einstein was smarter.
>Leibniz bowing before Newton when Leibniz disagreed with Newton
He was focused at his job.
>Why didn't he literally invent everything?
Einstein was a blowhard
Found the tard.