I know I made this thread yesterday but I wanted just to doublecheck the Veeky Forumscensus to see if my body has any...

I know I made this thread yesterday but I wanted just to doublecheck the Veeky Forumscensus to see if my body has any potential or will ever look mildly impressive.

Do I have any hope of ever making it? What are the upsides of my physique and what are things I need to improve on?

What "reportcard" would you give my body?

Your body looks like shit. You're fat and haven't worked out a day in your life. What do you want people to tell you? No one will know until you start developing muscle and losing that weight

I've worked out for a couple of months but it made minimal improvement

You have chronic unmotivation disorder. Consider suicide.

What? I am motivated I just want to know what I can expect and what my genetic potential is

You can expect to die 1-100 years from now.

I want to know what my body will look like

>Genetic potential

It will be cold and rotting.

thats fucking disgusting

>>and what my genetic potential is

Find out yourself.

What would you approximate it to be?

What the fuck are you even asking? Just go fucking lift, and find out yourself. Do you want us to tell you that your genetic potential is mediocre so you can use that as an excuse to quit?


It's impossible to tell because you're fat

I would like to know if ill ever be aesthetic



Why is your shirt off in your high school bathroom?

>couple of months

guess what tubby 10 push ups a day doesn't count

Lose the fucking weight. People can't assume what you look like until you actually lose fat and gain muscle.


>Ask for help
>People call me mean names and call it b8