Post them here
My progress
Last pic currently me at 5'10 171lb
Progress thread!
weight you started at?
good job on letting the hair go.
when the receding gets to a certain point, it's best to buzz your shit. looking good pham
thanks bro i really apprecitae it. i recently cut of the hardest things to let go for me.
first picture i was 135.
Great progress man, went from beta to alpha.
Keep it up!
How long from 2nd to 3rd picture and how did you get there?
yeah definitely like the buzzed look there. you also look a lot happier with that smile.
thanks guys!! i never got good feedback from Veeky Forums before. feelsgoodman.jpeg
Im not exactly sure, anywhere from 3-6 months. I was still spinning my gears bulking, cutting, and switching workouts. But for the majority i ate less than my body needed while doing hypertrophy ppl6x a week.
Thanks man, helps alot! By the way the progress is awesome keep it up!
i dont really recommend being on a cut and doing 3x12 hypertrophy for everthing 6days a week though, way too much volume. i did get cut but i lost alot of strength my lifts dropped to hell. Been slowly gaining strength back up with a little bulk/cut cycles. i was 175 in the 3rd picture, 4th im 171, yet i have more mass and strength.
Here's some back progress
congrats, you've reaching flying squirrel mode.
very good progress.! nice delts and lats
damn, thats a beefy back user, goal back right der
what steroids did you take for that?
You look like Elon Musk in the beginning
17 years old to 18 years old (current)
13 months lifting (didnt lift May or June due to rotator cuff tear)
145lbs to 185 at 6'2 hieght
Pretty much dyel to less dyel
routine? how much did you bulk?
good progress though
Just ppl all the way through. I do 4x5 on compounds and 4x8-12 on accessories.
Do you mean calories? I'm at about 4500 a day now, 250g protonz
I was 185 on the left and I'm 185 on the right. Ate 3000 calories on the left until I leaned out then I started increasing 50-100 a week (+5g protein/wk)
P-pls no bully
Is it the progress of your hair loss?
pls no bully
bf guess also?
11% ish
lol u serious? if i was 11-13 my abs shouldnt show up? i was thinking more about 14-16%
good progress Saitama
from stepdad mode to daddy mode
its not 11
August 9 216
August 14
August 24
Sept 5
Sept 13 198
Posted in other thread
Just started lifting am very weak
Bench : 90
Squat: 75
Pics are me "flexing" and not
Should I bulk or cut, pls help
Every thread until you like it.
Saw you post elsewhere on here but you hadn't listed weights. I'm in the same boat, trying to be less of a shitbag. Keep up the great work, man.
Nice gains Charles
why stop at weekly? Make hourly photos so we can see the subtle changes!!!!
rate my progress
atleast you got out of your moms basement
>tfw your beginning back looks better than mine after one year of liftingv
went from 130lbs to 200lbs
definitely looks nice op, but dont let all the hair go, looks like u got a serious batch of kemo
There's like 20kg difference but barely noticeable kek
200mg melatonin mixed with 200mg test biweekly?
Heres my 3year progress,from pretty much skellymode
did u also turn into a total fuccboi in the process?
I fucking wish, although lost my virginity in the process, lifting definitely helped with that kek
anyway i must say i did good in 2 years.
how old were u then vs now? 18 to 20 i guess
u did good*
its 3 years 5 month transformation...
But in the first photo I was 19 and 22 in newest, also thanks
i took accutane in between. accelerated my MPB that you cant tell too much in the picture, if i didnt buzz it at this point i would have a very noticable horseshoe.
nice gains but why didnt you decide to max out your natty potential before roiding?
You stretched the pictures so much you fake piece of shit. Look at the shape of your head in the far right and tell me that's what it looks like in real life.
3 years progress here, note the picture is the same width as when I took it.
what your quad measuremment you fucking dinosaur?
natty senpai?
Lifts and routine history?
sorry to hear
here, i fixed it for you.
nice twig arms skelly.
i would keep stretching the picture, i agree youre not impressive enough.
why you mad at him?
he made sick progress nonetheless
u became more black as well, sweet
sorry to hear that,wasnt my intention but im not skilled with paint. Have a complimentary pic of my front with lighting and dildo
Niggardry increased to 67
Mirin bro, how tall?
Faurk, Mirin'
cool dick dude
6'2 (188 for non muricans)
is that dick natty?
>wasn't my intention
Then why are the before pictures a normal aspect ratio? They don't just change on their own, you manipulated the image cuz you're not thick.
you're like this vain Asian girl i used to know who would shrink the pictures so her head wasn't so round and then deny it
Other pics were much lower resolution and size,so i had to minimize these newer one which we close to 2mb on size.
Stop trying to make me feel bad user
You can tell this girl has a moon face. If she met me she would love me and suck my dick, I always attract moon face girls
1 year humble brogress
52kg to 62kg or so
What are you 5'4?
>lying about your height on a peruvian pottery forum
Unless you've got no legs (as in literally amputated) you aren't 6'3 if you weigh 62kg lmao
when will they learn
All jokes aside i'm 5'5, shooting for that tinytrip mode. My legs are pretty poor though
What timespan? Great progress
Just broke 250 This morning.offically at 248 pounds. Was 300 pounds in February. I can't be more proud of myself. I have a long way to go but I am confident I am gonna fucking make it.
tanned like a refugee this summer
seitheben 4x30
how in the world is going up to 30reps better than more weight and going up to 12
What's wrong with abs?
much easier on the joints, much more total volume and more volume equals more gains up to a point.
12 x 14kg = 168kg total (4 sets = 672kg total)
30 x 10kg = 300kg total (4 sets = 1200kg total)
my sidedelts are growing a lot better now
>pic related
3years 5 months
Two months between and twenty-five pounds. I'm at 176.4lbs and will keep going till I'm at single digit body fat. Any suggestions? Any guess what my BF% is?
would slav squat with/10
youre not wrong, im from eastern europe
can't wait to post in here one day
it's all in the face, man. i'm a slav myself.
we are all gonna make it cyka ja pierdole!
na juriš
14 months ago Before: 115lbs
After: 160lbs
Looking juicy user, them capped shoulders.
Some grills love that manly look.
Keep going user, you've made it this far.
You may need to get surgery for the loose skin eventually but keep going regardless!
Big face change as well, looks more masculine!
One day you may user...remember motivation is Fleeting experience. Do not rely on it. Discipline comes from within it is in your control. Go forth and lift