What was the most horrendous act ever commited in your opinion? Be genocide, torture or anything.
What was the most horrendous act ever commited in your opinion? Be genocide, torture or anything
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The unification of Germany.
Certainly not the Nanking Massacre.
t. Shinzo Abe
The creation if the M*xican identity
The Holocaust
good goy
Found the Nazi
Found the Jew, or Zionist.
You sure are one really good goy.
Okay nazi
"Okay" what, Jew/Zionist?
Your birth
Found the faggot
Do you have any argument other than infantile namecalling?
Holocaust is a serious contender.
t. Schlomo Shekelburgerstein von Kickencutcock.
How does denying the holocaust make one a Nazi? I mean you could easily be from a whole host of ideologies and still think the holocaust was a hoax... though the holocaust is a serious contender
Sodom and Gomorrah and the holocaust
The Holocaust did in fact happen, but 200-300 thousand dead is really not that bad in the grand view of things.
The Holocaust
Women's rights activism
Only one of these is real.
Whites existing.
Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi
That's not wrong.
The invention of social media
Sodom or Gomorrah?
Creating this board
Any war crime committed in WWII
unironically this
The OP's Sucking Massacre during the Great Dick Confiltct
The destruction of the Library of Alexandria.
Hahahaha so funny!
Fucking kids on vacation.
>t. OP
I honestly can't imagine what would possess someone to do this to another human
>Location: Japan
I'm not surprised.
I thought it was funny. Try sucking less dicks, OP
whoa you really #epic #owned that jidf KIKE dude!
Whiter than you, shitskin
Okay nazi
You have to go back btw
The crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth.
>lol but we saved now
He had to live and die as a human. He didn't have to be nailed to a piece of wood.
Consider for a second the possibility that Jesus was not only a messenger of our creator, but also the essence of that creator given human form. This person delivered to us a series of messages, the core theme of which can be summarized as:
>Love your neighbor as you love yourself.
Jesus was delivered to us because we are so incompetent that we couldn't figure out the most basic premise of our existence. Not only did humanity choose to ignore his words, but we persecuted, tortured, and ultimately crucified this him.
If Jesus was our Messiah, then his crucifixion would be the most horrendous act in history. Humans can do terrible things to one another, but we're never going to have another chance to interact with God on a personal level.
Also consider the possibility that Jesus of Nazareth wasn't the son of God, but rather just a crazy street preacher. Does his message change? Some of his words suddenly make much less sense and paint him as a lunatic, but the core theme to his messages is still the same.
>Do to others as you'd have others do to you.
He didn't harm anyone. He helped people. He spoke out against corruption and immoral behavior. And we killed him. Either way you look at it, it's pretty fucked up.
The what now?
I'm afraid you might have brain damage, user
Underrated. Humans come and go. In spite of the Holocaust, Jews are still here. In spite of Imperial Japan, Chinese and Koreans are still here. But the knowledge lost in Alexandria is gone forever.
Genocide of the balkan turks by the barbarian sl*vs.
>one random guy's death is the greatest tragedy in history
it's TÜRKs, brother.
Lmao, are you a slavshit or some swarthy med?
Five fucking replies and this turned into a shit show
The creation of /pol/ was the most horrendous act ever committed on Veeky Forums.
Uhhhhh Jesus isnt the "essence of the creator" or a messenger, he IS the creator
Trinity is heresy
>he IS the creator
That's what I said.
Holy Spirit
>of the creator
God the Father
>given human form
Christ isn't the holy spirit mate
fuck off Arius
If God is the Holy Spirit, and Jesus is God, then Jesus is the Holy Spirit. That's called the transitive property, senpai.
This could be a candidate, in terms of pain and suffering endured (if it's the way to measure evil)
I think what King Leopold did in the Belgian Congo is definitely one of the most underrated atrocities and crimes against humanity in all of history. Soldiers would shoot and kill Congolese for not meeting their rubber quotas and would cut off their hands to keep inventory of their ammunition. The wikipedia page about it is really interesting.
I see your point user. Also, I only tought deeply about this after reading your post and it really gave me chills. Imagine if Jesus was/is really God on Earth trying to redeem us and we fucking persercuted, tortured and killed him. This would be the ultimate tragedy
Leopold II was an interesting piece of human garbage.
British Imperialism. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for the expansion of the empire of Britannia and the massacre of all opponents to the stability of the empire, but there were some pretty horrible things that occurred. For one thing, no other country in history has been responsible for as many deaths as Britain. An estimated 150 million people have been killed by the British empire.
Turkish War of """"""Liberation""""""""""
Destruction of all the native cultures of the Americas for scale, destruction of culture through imperialism in general, destruction of the culture of my native country in particular
Absolute extermination is preferable tbqh
>Charisma-free shut-in with singular obsessions who can't talk to women.
>Also be able to charm three empires into giving you a huge torture-rape funland of your very own and get away with it for two decades.
Was Leo II Schroedinger's Autist?
The rape of nanking is one of the few things that shocked me. Mass organised rapes and widespread infanticide. Asia is fucked up
Also the British handover of Hong Kong. we should've fought the commies for it
Blown out of proportion insofar as it's disingenuously conflated solely with European colonialism for the explicit purpose of bolstering the argument for mass immigration
Maradona's foul act
If you're willing to give me the benefit of the doubt: I'm the same way, and it comes to having excellent social intuition which but which is only accessible in certain circumstances
fuck off /pol/
The USA pushing the Dexter-White plan at Breton Woods instead of Keynes Bancor plan.
An insane act of economic vandalism both against the long term interests of the United States, and against the world at large.
>Empress Dowager had an assassin force venom down King of Zhao's throat....She then had Concubine Qi's limbs chopped off, blinded her by gouging out her eyes, cut off her tongue and locked her in the pigsty, and called her a "Human Swine" (人彘). Several days after, Emperor Xiaohui saw the "Human Swine", and after realising that it who the "Human Swine" was, the emperor was so sick of his mother's cruelty that he virtually relinquished his authority and indulged in carnal pleasures.
I know that Chinese history in particular is filled with gross exaggerations, but this never fails to make me sick.
>What was the most horrendous act ever commited
Nothing really stands out, to be entirely honest.
Stupidity and logical faultiness of Christians is both tragic and comedic.
>He had to live and die as a human. He didn't have to be nailed to a piece of wood.
This experience is significantly less tragic as any kind of human death possible: It is exactly as tragic as a death of protagonist in a computer game.
>Jesus was delivered to us because we are so incompetent that we couldn't figure out the most basic premise of our existence. Not only did humanity choose to ignore his words, but we persecuted, tortured, and ultimately crucified this him.
Look, I built a chair! Fuck it's so awful, and it threw me down the floor when I tried to sit on it! Totally a chair's personal fault, not mine, of course.
>Also consider the possibility that Jesus of Nazareth wasn't the son of God, but rather just a crazy street preacher. Does his message change?
Yes. The whole thing becomes fiction, to begin with.
People are not chairs, user. Humans have free will, whereas chairs are not even alive.
Women are fucking vile.
isnt that a canadian basketball logo
Turkish war of salvation actually and it was a good and just war.
Oh, sure, I was mostly indulging in standard Veeky Forums glibness. Also, you're not using your intuition to have heaps of people mutilated and slaughtered. Probably, anyway.
>Humans have free will, whereas chairs are not even alive.
So, what prevented God from creating past-Judgement heaven in Christian mythology? Choose one, and choose carefully:
- He is malevolent to people, and Evil, Suffering and Sin was part of his plan.
- He is not all-powerful, and he could not create post-Judgement heaven without condemning (most of) the people to eternal suffering and (some) people to temporary suffering
- He is not all-powerful, and his knowledge of his own creation and the future is restricted, and perfection is not within his reach.
We are in the pre-Judgment. Now onto your choices.
>- He is malevolent to people, and Evil, Suffering and Sin was part of his plan.
Suffering and sin may be an inevitable part of the system in which we live. What bit of suffering and sin is not a product of human action? We make choices, and those choices which stray from God's path get us in trouble.
>- He is not all-powerful, and he could not create post-Judgement heaven without condemning (most of) the people to eternal suffering and (some) people to temporary suffering
I don't see how punishment (hell) necessitates a creator that is not all-powerful. Assuming He is all-powerful, he could create a post-Judgment heaven. He chose not to. The question you should ask yourself is why a creator would choose to do this. Consider a world in which we didn't have free will. We don't learn anything. We don't make any progress.
>- He is not all-powerful, and his knowledge of his own creation and the future is restricted, and perfection is not within his reach.
I'm not really sure what you're implying here. The being I refer to as God is omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent, and exists outside of time/space. Your starting point should be to assume that this God is knowledgeable of his creation and all events in our timeline, and then to question why He would choose to create things as they are. If it doesn't make sense at first, the solution isn't to give up and conclude that God doesn't exist.
>Consider a world in which we didn't have free will. We don't learn anything. We don't make any progress.
So, you are saying that the people who would ascend to Heaven past Judgement will be stripped of free will?
Or that the Fall from Heaven will happen over, and over, and over again?
That's a really interesting question. I've wondered before about how sin is handled post-Judgment, and I can say that I honestly have no idea. That might mean being stripped of free will, it might mean being purified and lacking the desire to commit sin. There are a few passages in the Bible about a "new creation," so the latter possibility of a cycle of creation and destruction seems possible.
>I've wondered before about how sin is handled post-Judgment, and I can say that I honestly have no idea.
Well, both options invalidate core dogmas of Christianity then. If you do not have a "Christian answer" to this dilemma, you aren't really a Christian. A gnostic perhaps, or a believer in a personal faith of some sort.
/pol/ack here. How many did actually die in the Holocaust?
>Well, both options invalidate core dogmas of Christianity then.
I don't get on well with the church. I still attend mass, but I have plenty of beef with the way they run things. Anyway, can you explain why each option invalidates Christian beliefs?
People refusing to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
If the free will is stripped, that would mean that the only consequence of it was the eternal torment of Hell, and temporary torment of earthly life. Creation with no free will (in a state of post-Judgement heaven itself) would be more perfect in every way than the one which is in the Bible.
If a fall from post-Judgement heaven is imminent, than the Conquest of Evil, promised by the Christian prophesies, and the Salvation itself, are lies too.
Creation of Christianity. Let's have people sell their souls to an all-consuming black hole of nihilism and have them gleefully toss all meaning and purpose into it, and then infect their own children. Let's develop methods to induce the literal physical experience of love in people when they think about such an abomination.
No amount of slavery, torture, or murder can compare to the unleashing of such an evil on the world. Humanity won't be free until Christianity and all religion is erased from humanity.
found the cuck
Most Christians aren't believers anyway dude, calm down.
>Jesus was delivered to us because we are so incompetent that we couldn't figure out the most basic premise of our existence. Not only did humanity choose to ignore his words, but we persecuted, tortured, and ultimately crucified this him.
*the Jews
what Lu Zhi did to a rival concubine
> Emperor Xiaohui (Liu Ying, Emperor Hui of Han) kept King of Zhao (Liu Ruyi,King Yin of Zhao) by his side in the palace and checked for poison in any aliment delivered to him. Emperor Xiaohui also brought Liu Ruyi with him wherever he went. In one early morning in the twelfth month of the first year of Emperor Xiaohui, the emperor went on a hunting trip; this time King of Zhao was left alone because he could not wake up early. Emperor Xiaohui supposed his mother would not plot against King of Zhao as several months had passed without any occurrence. Nevertheless, Empress Dowager had an assassin force venom down King of Zhao's throat....She then had Concubine Qi's limbs chopped off, blinded her by gouging out her eyes, cut off her tongue and locked her in the pigsty, and called her a "Human Swine" (人彘). Several days after, Emperor Xiaohui saw the "Human Swine", and after realising that it who the "Human Swine" was, the emperor was so sick of his mother's cruelty that he virtually relinquished his authority and indulged in carnal pleasures.
This French Revolution