Besides the obvious pills, what are solutions that have worked for guys with severe E.D.? Surgery? Anyone have any experience/knowledge here about this?
ED Treatment?
I'm cutting down on porn and it's been helping
cardio and vitamin E and zinc helped me alot, also it has a ton to do with your mental state.
Stop sitting. Tight pelvic floor.
Mentally: Stop watching porn
Physically: Take the steps to prevent heart disease (eating better, cardio), ED is one of the early signs of heart disease
Is ED reversable without having to constantly take pills? Vascular surgery?
A lot of it is mental. I think a lot of cases of ED can be fixed by getting rid of certain mental blocks one may have developed.
What about the physical ones? Spine? Heart? Veins? What tests are their?
Need this thread. I just tried to have sex with the woman of my dreams and I couldn't even get it up.
Jesus Christ. I'm sorry. I do feel your pain, just not that severe.
Can you achieve erections otherwise? Do you get morning wood?
If you can get erections, are they full strength or weaker?
all i saw was "ED thread" and i'm high as shit and thought i'd get help with my eating disorder in here
The only physical form of ED I have personally experienced was due to low testosterone.
That was easily fixed by adding zinc to my diet.
I don't know about other physical causes of ED.
Not him, but, I normally can't. And I rarely ever get morning wood and it fades fast.
that happened to me like 3 times last year with the same grill, and it's happened to me twice this year with 2 diff grills. fml.
1 grill was because I was jacking off a lot at that time, and I think I was nervous cos she was really pretty and I was kinda shy with her still at the time lmao. But I ended up fucking her once I got drunk which was cool, after that I had no problem.
The next 2 girls it happened with was because I was too drunk had whiskey dick both times lol.
I agree it's like 99% mental, man. You're too nervous, or you're just overthinking shit. combine the nerves with you fapping too much it makes it near impossible to get hard.
My shitty advice would be to just keep being around her until you're sexually comfortable and not nervous (may take a while) or just get drunk and lose the nerves and have some weird sex, after that you should be fine I think.
Just got to enjoy the moment man, and be cool and calm. I still have problems but we're all gonna make it brah
>Dring more water. But not tap/bottle water, only filtered.
>Beet roots
>Turmeric (Curcuma longa), at least one 1g a day with black pepper.
>No coffee, green tea or cardamom tea
>You could add 15mg of zinc supplements. DO NOT consume more than 50mg in a day (you will fuck you copper level)
>Do not cuck (no fap, no porn)
>Drink red wine instead of degenerated beer.
>Be dominant. Push your gal into the wall. Kiss her everywhere. Slap her fat ass. Make her yours.
>Pumpkin seeds are great
>Ashwagandha ksm-66 (helps you physically and mentally (do not mix with alcohol))
>Avoid [refined] sugar at all cost.
You are welcome user.
^-- This is a CD with a 47 minute binaural beat track.
It's intended purpose was to help people meditate, but it has a really interesting side-effect for me.
After I listen to this, the next day, I'll have very strong erections.
I don't know why, but this side-effect has been reliable for years.
I didn't even have ED at the time, but this made by erections much better.
I've downloaded other binaural beat tracks off of youtube, but this title is the only one that has had any effect on my dick.
Higher by J. S. Epperson.
I'll try to put a .flac file up somewhere so people can try it out. You have to give me some time, though. My internet is slow.
How long have you not been getting good erections?
Also, was it a sudden occurrence where you had good erection quality one day, and then it stopped being good? ...Or did erection quality worsen slowly over time?
Did you really fall for this meme for years user? You know that's strictly placebo?
I didn't fall for a meme. I didn't learn about binaural beats online.
How I came across them was due to having an out of body experience and wanting to learn more about it.
This led me to Robert Monroe's work.
I tried out his binaural beat stuff for completely non sexual reasons, and I discovered this side effect independently.
I never told anyone about it until I discovered anonymous image boards.
>It's all mental
Steroids and viagra
Do you feel ashamed of yourself or unworthy in any way?
If so, those feelings must be thrown away.
You need to feel dignified and worthy.
Once upon a time, an Indian ex-friend said something that unintentionally really hurt me, and that made my dick not work for months.
What eventually fixed me was having a long but pleasant conversation with a girl who wasn't even that pretty, but that interaction made me feel like enough of a man again to make my dick work again. That seemed like a miracle at the time, but I realized the key is to feel genuinely good about yourself.
How you end up feeling right about yourself is up to you.
If you have negative beliefs about yourself, you have to convince yourself that these beliefs are not facts. You can change them and you should when the belief isn't serving you well.
Eat organ meats (beef liver especially)
Up zinc intake, I'd recommend ~ 50 mg
Try mega dosing on fish oil for a.while, read up on it
Fap all you like, but noporn. Maybe cold turkey nofap will be better for you.
Lift heavy ass weights and grunt and.make noise and try and make yourself feel like a monster
Eat lots of celery, it's a good vasodilator
So do you mind sharing the audio. I don't want to spend 20 bucks and possibly have no side effect as you have. Please user
I'm going to upload it somewhere. Check back in a bit.
Thank you for your dedication, really appreciate!
Nice trips.
Here's your download link:
I hope it works for you. Make sure you use headphones to listen to this, and don't fuck with the sound -- no bass boosting or anything like that.
Listen to it plain vanilla.
Who the fuck sent this HTTP request? - - [16/Sep/2016:02:58:06 -0400] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 400 181 "-" "-"
I hope I don't get pwned.
I just wanted to fix your dicks.
Malware detected. The fuck is wrong.
Well I started downloading now I'm too spooked, lol
It's a plain flac file I ripped from the CD.
$ file 1.Higher.flac
1.Higher.flac: FLAC audio bitstream data, 16 bit, stereo, 44.1 kHz, 126459396 samples
Also, it's not like it's executable. Your media player will load it as data, decode it, and try to play it.
There's no vector for hostile code execution.
user! BELIEVE OR NOT, but I had this terrible back pain for YEARS, and your audio made me relief this pain almost immediately. I'm not even joking. I was the most skeptic person about binaural beats... But somehow, it worked for my back... I can't even explain! I've tried so many fucking things to cure it...
Sincerely, thank you! Everyone will think that I'm trolling, but I'm not! I'm not sure if my pain will come back after I stop your binaural beats. I'm about 20 minutes in and I don't want it to stop! Again thank you so much!!
Wow, that's crazy but awesome. I'm happy for you.
Used to get nervous that I wouldn't get it up in bed caused me to get more nervous so couldn't get it up. Saw the amount of threads about ED not nervous any more
The mind is funny.
I'm curious to see if other people get stronger erections tomorrow.
If this thread doesn't survive, I'll try to find an apropos thread to ask about results.
Good night.
Why no caffeine tho?
Second this. All mental.
Happened with the girl of my dreams too. Cut out all porn and maturation. Started running again. Got hard on diet.
Went and fucked an average girl of tinder to prove to my self still had it. Good night.
Now I've resolved to never cum unless it's with a woman.
Not an issue ever now. Refractory period is down to like 3 mins.
Sometimes a week without a root is annoying, but that's what fat sluts are for.
I don't have ED but i tried cialis once because i could.
can literally go forever on those things, it's something worth taking even with a regular dick.
Last two girls I've gone to fuck I've got ED. Off the porn now but I'm fucked it it happens again. Don't really want to take pills but heading that way. Need to have sober sex to see if it's whisky dick or not.
Inflammation is caused by carbs, and if the spongiform tissue in your dick is inflamed from impending beetus, you have worse problems than not getting a boner.
It means the tissue in your penis is getting damaged and shrinking.
I don't have ed but I'm interested in making sure I have 50 mg of zinc in my diet, but how do I know whether I'm getting enough? I'm tracking using myfitnesspal and that doesn't show me zinc at all, but I have been taking a multivitamin with 15 mg of zinc every day.
>tfw almost 3 years together with gf
>petite 5'2", 95 lb
>cant get it up for like 3 weeks
>always get soft when she gives me a HJ/BJ or I stick it inside
Last time I knew i was going to get soft so I just pulled out and told her im feeling very sick and went to the toilet. Afterwards I faked groin pain.
I dont know what to do. Been fapping for almost every day since 5 years and almost everytime to porn, never had a problem getting it up before. Came out of the blue.
>Refractory period is down to like 3 mins
That's amazingly fast.
News Flash
Some weebo is trying to bait the fuck out all anons by meming this hard with sounds that makes benis more harder.
Yeah right there are some like moaning but not some shitty Sound
Indian exfrirnd /Pol/ leave
>tfw parents are out of the house for an extended period of time
Normally this would be jerkoff city, but I'm just not feeling it. I haven't even fapped since Monday or Tuesday I think.
Am I dying?
Poo in loo mf
Iwata/skeptic user here.
So far, I experienced no erection. I slept 6:30h. My back pain is still under control tho, which is the most important part for me.
Are you experiencing strong random erection or simply when you get arose?
How many time a day do you listen to your binaural beat track? Are you listening while doing random stuff at the same time?
I think it just happened some years ago. Then it got worse over a couple years ago. Now I feel a little hopeless.
It is a carido-vascular disease. Your arteries of your dick are most likely clocked due to high consumption of animal products and cholesterol. ED is an early sign of a heart attack or stroke. Most male patients with CVD experinced ED before they had their heart attack.
Haha you have know fucking clue what you are talking about you retard!
It depends on what your particular hangup is. For me I just get nervous sometimes. I've been with my gf for almost 2 years and I still get nervous occasionally which leads to me going limp pretty quick.
The timing of erections doesn't change for me. What does change is the strength.
If they had been weak before, they'll be back to 100% -- very strong and long lasting but not unnaturally so.
As for how often I listen to it, these days it's a weekly thing. I use it like a little tune up. However, if I know sex is in my near future, I'll give this a listen the day before.
Does anybody knows how to keep a longer erection? Mine usually lasts 10 minutes then I go soft.
Had the same problem. Cardio. Really, just low intensity stuff like walking and jogging. Also try l-arganine+citrulline.
NoFap + NoPorn. Do it for a month and ED is gone. You'll cum buckets in 10 seconds but that's irrelevant
I don't know how to order legit viagra outside of the U.K. but I hadn't gotten laid in 6 years and have historically had a lot of floppy dick related incidents, I started dating this chick
Went online to Superdrug and bought 4x50mg viagra after completing their 'online doctor' questions,
shit legit works and I would sort of cycle it, taking viagra felt like my dick was getting its pump on for the first time in forever, more so than your average 'I'm going to open /d/ and jack off to cartoons'
Then once you have the courage and faith in your dick you try fucking without the viagra, there are varying dosages if 50mg isn't enough but that usually lasts 2-3 hours, they say herp derp call doc if lasts 4 hours or more but unless you have some fucked heart complication it's not a problem
Side effects include a blocked nose
Wtf is the treatment/cure if it is that?
I got slight ED from sertraline (anxiety med) 100mg.
>can still spunk and orgasms are amazing
>still horny as fuck all the time
>but dick doesn't get as hard as it used to be
What can I do?
If you fellas get hard in the morning it's definitely all psychological. I have trouble getting it up sometimes and I get even more anxious because one of my old girlfriends would bring up my nerves in bed to manipulate me.
I'm going to a girl's house later to "bake a pie" with her and I'm sweating bullets.
But I think I'm going to talk to her a while, caress her, really open my heart to her. I think what it takes is allowing yourself to be vulnerable. Taking the other person in as more than a booty call. Not necessarily as a spiritual partner or whatever bullshit, but sex is such a wonderful thing to share. Think about it as a privilege that you get to share it with each other, no apologies, no pressure. It's whispering to each other without using words.
Sorry for being a fag but otherwise I have no solution. All it takes is to calm down.
is zinc really useful? is it a meme?
Eat no animal products, as they contain high amounts of cholesteron.
Vgan diets can actually reverse cardio vascular disease and more blood will be flowing in your penis and you are able to have a longer and harder erection
This of course does not work if it is psychological and yoour blood flow is fine
Where do you get any
dapoxetine. i normally last 2 min-4min. it ook 30mg last night and lasted around 45min. it kinda feel like cheating cause its just soem drug but fuck did it feel good to not be a 2 pump chump for once
Plant based diets have also been shown to decrease testosterone
hodge twins balls deep formula
According to this study no. I guess it is one of the vegans are not manly myths....
I think it's my blood flow. Now what?
Go to the doctor and ignore idiots on a taiwanese human trafficking forum? Especially ignore fags with agendas like vegans
>Can stay hard and edge for literally hours.
>Can't stay up more than 3 minutes at a time with a woman.
I mean, something is clearly wrong with me but I don't know what.
How is it I can be diamonds forever on my own but be limp as fuck when someone else is in the room?
Because you only fuck ugly girls.
You guys heard of this shit?
I guess it's a scaffold for your dick that keeps it hard, allegedly for hours (until you decide to take it off).
Thinking of getting one because if I have like more than 4 drinks my dick is useless.
I am not a doctor, but you could go check your Cholesterol levels. If your LDL cholsterol is higher than 150, which it probably is if you eat a standard american diet, it is an indicator that you have (pre)arteriosclerosis. If you cut out animal products, you will lower you LDL cholseterol naturally. If you are overweigth you may also want to lose weight.
Other possible cause would be low testosterone levels.
In general cardio is good for the blood flow, but in combination with a plan based diet you would get the best results!
it may keep your dick hard but by the time you put it on any girl will have ran the fuck away
You're implying she'll notice. It's a pretty low profile device. If you have a condom on she'll never notice.
>Especially ignore fags with agendas like vegans
Better listen to all the other idiots that have no clue what they are talking about
>I think it's my blood flow. Now what?
consume more olive oil (ideally extra virgin) and cut out other vegetable oils.
Cut out processed foods to limit sugar and sodium intake and stop adding salt to food.
Yeah, happened to me at first when I went vegan. Those diets tend to me low in fat, and you need fat for good test levels. I started eating more healthy fats and was fine. Mike Mahler's recommendations on a high-fat, test-promoting plant-based diet are great here. The guy who runs the "peak erertile erectile strenght" website has good tips too (he's not vegan though, just eats mostly plants).
Your body needs zinc, and a lot of people don't get enough of it from their diet.
It absolutely works.
Test injections I'd say.
No there have been studies.
But I think it's mainly as "plant-based diets" are low fat. You can still get good fats vegan though.
Should I try? Anyone had experience?
throw one in your preworkout and head to the gym
She'd be an idiot to not notice.
She'll try to suck your dick and then wonder WTF is attached to your dick.
>if I have like more than 4 drinks my dick is useless.
Stay away from the liquid jew. It's not good for sex.
I find being attracted to the beast you're laying helps a lot
Well deserved trips.
It's none of those though. Which is even more concerning.
Is that really going to reverse E.D.? I tend to doubt it.
Has anyone here reversed bad E.D. with Zinc or Test?
Well you have a bunch of shit that could be causing it
1.) Too much stims, constricting the fuck out of your blood vessels.
Cut back on stims for a week and see if it improves
2.) Overtraining
train less and see if it improves
3.) vitamin deficiency
zinc, magnesium, vitamin D,
4.) low test
5.) Porn induced erectile dysfunction
try nofap
6.) excessive drugs/booze/smoking
Every single time i was ever suffering ED in my life it was one of these things
If you want to mask the symptoms without getting to the root of the problem get some horny goat weed and L-Arginine. Cant recommend L-Arginine enough even if your dick is fine itll make your erections much much better
>being this wrong
Just tie a rubber band not too tightly around the base to keep the blood in there.
Nice dubs. I honestly don't think it is any of that.
It means you don't find your gf attractive anymore.
user, do you have more?
That's all I have.
This is the guy who made the track that I provided the flac for.
J. S. Epperson
He may have some free downloads there.
That's what I was looking for. Great quality Flac. Non those shitty Youtube rip. Thanks for sharing, he does have free content on his bandcamp!
Thanks user