Can we get some Christmas cheer going in here?
Veeky Forums Humor Thread
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Can someone help me with this?
left: last visigothic king, Don Rodrigo
right: muslim conqueror of al-andalus, Tariq ibn Ziyad
it is based on this image
>Can we get some Christmas cheer going in here?
UK has always had Ireland, which is like this stingy fat redhead girl you've been rejecting since prom.
Why are Sylvester and Donald arguing?
You got me bro.
Stop posting /int/ shit.
Is that the italian general who inflicted more damage to his own troops than the enemy? What's last pic?
One of the 7-9 battles of caporetto
Made me wheeze 10/10
Ireland is more like the cute but malnourished girl who is so bumbling that you can't help but slap her around.
the Chad Captinul
>too young to serve in WW1, walked to the front and fought anyway
>shot a police chief in broad daylight in front of 50 witnesses, got acquitted because the Romanian government literally couldn't find a town with 12 people who all wanted him to go to
Otto Skorzeny, an SS commando who joined the Mossad in the 50's because he was bored of not extralegally murdering people
>The Virgin Reproduction vs THE CHAD REPLICA
then in the 60's went off and train Gaddafi to even things up,
then went back to Mossad and killed Nazi scientists working for Egypt developing a missile program
Skorzeny had a complicated life.
>those feet
Why though
It's not easy to make armor, this suit was clearly made by a novice.
this is satire, right?
Its from the Dutch equivalent of The Onion but it made me chuckle.
Caporetto was a top kek
Italians are topkek
>"I bet this is loss"
>it's loss
Caporetto was the toppest of top shelf Italian keks though.
That is true
you can say that again