And so it begins

and so it begins

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>dying due to vegan diet

jesus christ how are we still talking about this.
A vegan diet reduces the chance of cancer, but it increases the chances of being skinny as fuck and weak.
people can survive on both diets with very little effort.
morally it's obviously a better choice, but we are shitty people who like our big muscles so fuck animals.
being vegan won't make you jesus, but it won't kill you either. the same with eating meat.

>morally it's obviously a better choice

Morally I think you are a faggot and should kill yourself, faggot.

>we are shitty people who like our big muscles so fuck animals

>morally it's obviously a better choice
Do you think a lion gives a fuck that he just killed another animal so he could eat. Fuck no he walks around like the king of the fucking jungle.

>morally its the better choice
Nah fuck you. We have dominion over animals. It's our job to keep their populations in check by eating them. Otherwise they'd starve or get hit by cars or something

checkmate vegans

>A vegan diet reduces the chance of cancer, but it increases the chances of being skinny as fuck and weak.
In this combination I disagree. Vegans are more likely to eat (too) little and be skinny, but it has more to do with the individual than with the diet itself. Whereas for meat and cancer, it is the diet itself which increases the chances.

It's perfectly possible to eat meat yet recognise that, ideally, it's not the best moral choice. Kind of like I know that lots of stuff that I buy is made by slaves in East Asia, but the stuff is cheap so fuck 'em. One doesn't have to be a vegan-hating meatlover in order to just enjoy some meat and be honest about it being a shitty choice overall but too delicious and good for gainz to give up.

Lions also eat the young of their rivals, so I don't think as humans we should learn our moral lessons from them?

Hunting your prey is not in any fucking way the same thing as going to the store and buying torture meat.
but fuck this pointless squabble
going lifting

>Whereas for meat and cancer, it is the diet itself which increases the chances.
Not if you only eat a little bit now and then. Being an omnivore doesn't mean you eat meat every day; you can eat meat 2-3 times a week, and only enjoy small portions, and have a mostly plant-based diet besides that.

t. vegan

You sound like a total fucking faggot hipstercuck. Kill yourself.

no u

there is not one morality. There is nothing morally wrong with eating animals. Religions offer the morality that we have souls and that animals are made for us. Evolution gives us justification that we are superior species and our physiology requires us to eat meat.

It is only to your flawed "morality" that it is wrong.

But I dont believe it is. As it is not wrong for a wolf to eat meat. As there are species who otherwise destroy eco systems, or just replenish their numbers easily. It doesnt matter.

The only thing that is morally wrong here is that people like you are allowed to exist.

And stay small forever.

Fucking dyel scum

i've seen a lot of ppl saying "t," before a sentence..what does it mean?

You're an idiot fa m, here's the reasons:

Not everyone's metabolism is the same, some people can cope without meat, others cant
Store bought vegetables are laden with pesticides (not healthy fa m)

And of course it's a better moral choice not to eat meat, considering how these factory raised animals are treated, but when you buy ecologically farmed meat the animal was raised and killed humanely, there is no ethical conflict here.

Most people eat an excessive amount of meat.
Have you ever seen the conditions in which the animals are held? They suffer for all their short life. Why support that when you could easily just not eat meat.

have you ever seen the cock that goes into your mouth, daily? Have you ever seen the condition that your asshole is put in? Will your anus suffer for all of its short life? WHy support that when you could just easily only get aids.

>but when you buy ecologically farmed meat the animal was raised and killed humanely
Good luck finding that. And with the amount of meat eaten, if everyone only bought this type of meat, we wouldn't have enough space for all the animals. It's unsustainable.

>I have no arguments left, so I'll just insult him

it's not unsustainable, people just need to start eating meat less (2 meals per week)

>muh feels
pick one
>being faggot op
always pick this

Did anyone of you read the fucking sticky?

not the guy u're talking to, but please never post on Veeky Forums again you're the cancer. It's impossible to have a discussion with stubborn ppl like you...

lol faggot, nobody cares about your dumb fee fee's. The suffering of animals means shit. Its a non argument, especially when I can, and actually do buy nearly grasfed, organic meats here in europe. You probably could do the same too if you spend a bit more cash.

Even if they were suffering a bit. Lol who cares. In nature they would be suffering as well. Most animals are struggling with hunger.

And empathy is reserved for our own species...shit only even our own race. I wouldnt eat a nigger, or a jew, but shit, I wouldnt really care THAT much to see it suffering.

Wow, im sorry for your low iq. Is it as low as a lion?

>so many newfags on this board

Say those words after you watch the whole eartlings documentary. Then I have no problems with your statement.

He has a point though m8. Unless you've hunted an animal and hear and watch the thing die, you won't really appreciate whats on your plate.

I make sure to never waste meat.


>cant even vocalize his ideology and links to some liberaltard "documentary"

lol, I think today, il try to find the cheapest, the most cruel meat that I can find. And then eat it. And there is nothing that you can do to stop me.


how is it liberal, you amaricans are truly dumb.

>chews on the souls of tortured animals



fuck you

Fuck you my great uncle got his thumb bitten off by a pig. Those fat fucks deserve what they get

>morally it's obviously a better choice

Please kill yourself. Please.

>it's a better moral choice not to eat meat, considering how these factory raised animals are treated, but when you buy ecologically farmed meat the animal was raised and killed humanely, there is no ethical conflict here.

Why should I care? Is the animal aware of how "immorally" it's being treated? Is it capable of realizing that it's being abused? And what difference does it make when it's just going to be killed and eaten anyway? And isn't it more moral to have lower priced meat to benefit poorer people?

At a certain point, most animal rights people ultimately fall for the mistake of anthropomorphizing animals and assuming they're just humans who can't talk. This is foolish, naive, and childish

jesus christ how are we still talking about this.
A vegan diet reduces the chance of cancer, but it increases the chances of being skinny as fuck and weak.
people can survive on both diets with very little effort.
morally it's obviously a better choice, but we are shitty people who like our big muscles so fuck animals.
being vegan won't make you jesus, but it won't kill you either. the same with eating meat.

It's stupid to think that sometime the vegan people will rule the world, thus meat industry will be doomed. It won't happen, the same ammount of meat will be produced.

The whole vegan thing is just a silly joke, for those that want to be entitled and call themselves "Vegans", or those that take morality to a new point, those foolish persons that think that moving their little finger will change the world.

It's time to grow up and notice that the world wont change by such nonsensical stuff, it's time to grow up and see that the world is a wicked place, even more wicked than everyone eating dead animals.

>torture meat
commit suicide as soon as possible.

Gook detected.
I knew one of you sub-human fucks would show up. There's is a fucking hierarchy in this world and animals are above you, that's why people care about them and couldn't give 2 shits about you slanty eyed fucks.
Enjoy working in a nike factory with conditions worse than what the animals get.

t. is short for "terveisin", which is Finnish for 'regards'. So it's a perfectly common Finnish way of signing letters/emails that got turned into a meme. So "Regards, a vegan" is what I meant.

Of course not, but given the commonly accepted morality of a general rule of "don't harm things that can suffer unless absolutely necessary", killing an animal just to eat it isn't acceptable when you don't have to do it. We make exceptions for a few animals, but that is cultural habit and not logic or ethics; this is why the majority of people would be horrified at eating certain animals while they're cool with others (and which is which depends on culture).

>The only thing that is morally wrong here is that people like you are allowed to exist.
But this contradicts what you just said about there being no one morality? You seem like a very bitter and hateful person who has a poor understanding of reasoning, and your claims of "evolutionary superiority" reveals you as both uneducated and insecure. The post you replied to didn't even advocate veganism, in fact it defended meateaters and claimed that they aren't ignorant or immoral, they just don't feel a pressing need to change.

To clarify the point on evolution, there are no legitimate teleological notions in evolution; it tells us HOW things happened, not WHY or where they are going. One cannot draw morality from evolution, that is a fallacy. And there is no biological notion of "superiority" without context (i.e. adaptability or fitness, which are the terms actually used). "Superiority" is used only by pseudo-scientific social darwinist types, of which I am guessing you are one. In the name of such beliefs, then, please end your life.

This is a good point, only large-scale political change coupled with agricultral reform and innovation in food and nutrition science could decrease animal consumption globally. Veganism is at best a personal statement; a protest of sorts. I'm vegan myself but I have no illusions about it changing shit in the grand scheme of things.

>Meat, dairy and eggs cause Alzheimer's
Disproven pseudoscience
>A vegan diet reduces the chance of cancer
Quit spouting disproven memes.
It's perfectly possible to eat meat yet recognise that, ideally, it's not the best moral choice.
Eating meat, like eating plants isn't a moral choice
>Have you ever seen the conditions in which the animals are held? They suffer for all their short life. Why support that when you could easily just not eat meat.
>What is free range and organic
>people just need to start eating meat less (2 meals per week)
>Stop liking what I don't like and do this because I say so
>who has a poor understanding of reasoning
>reveals you as both uneducated and insecure.
Someone like you who believes in a shitty sub optimal disproven meme diet, and keeps on spouting pseudoscientific bullshit has no right to say anyone has a poor understanding of reasoning or is uneducatedc and insecure. Go shill your disproven bullshit somewhere else.

Second for it being a better moral choice. I'm not vegetarian/vegan, but it's mostly because I'm lazy and don't care enough.

>being this autistic

Hes right though

You are not very smart are you?

Seeing what meat is doing to your brains and sense of empathy / morality I am really tempted to go vegetarian or vegan (if not for the meat in the oven right now)

>Seeing what meat is doing to your brains and sense of empathy / morality
Not wanting to deal with idiocy and quack science, rather than meat, is the cause of "lowered empathy" you're seeing. And although I'd say it's a bit much, there's also only so much empathy one can have for idiots who refuse to do any research and shill bullshit. If you don't wan't to be proven wrong and piss of intelligent people, don't post quack science
>I am really tempted to go vegetarian or vegan (if not for the meat in the oven right now)
So feeling butthurt about a disproven meme would cause you to abandon meat? Don't be a emotional bandwagon jumper

Vegans make up 1% of the population
If everyone did meatless Monday, it would have 14 times the impact that veganism currently has.

Shit, if everyone would use that top-of-the-food-chain brain to get their protein from plant sources for one meal per week, it would have five times the impact that veganism currently has.

Global warming would be dramatically impacted (decreased methane production)

Energy crisis could be easily solved (less land spent feeding livestock and more land spent on renewables)

Do you guys even want to Make America Great Again?

Fuck Earthlings. Cowspiracy is one that reaches across aisles.

Get a load of this guy

>morally it's obviously a better choice

There is no objective basis for morals, faggot. Morality doesn't exist. It's a fairy tale we tell each other for various reasons: genetic, cultural, historical, etc.

>observe the dyel that thinks himself a lion because he can go to a store and buy factory farmed meat prepackaged and weighed for his convenience

>there are no legitimate teleological notions in evolution
>He doesn't know about the natural law
>B-but it's invalidated b-by modern science!!


Typical scientism. You're a complete retard that swallowed the full 10 inches of the positivist cock.

Animals have no value outside the one we abscribed to them. They suffer, and their suffering means nothing.

All the posts I quoted whinged that eating meat is not a morally worse choice which it clearly is. This has nothing to do with science, only with human decency

Except it isn't.

How does it feel to have devolved?

>Says the vegan


>Implying im a vegan
I would be but I like eggs milk steak and gains far too much
I do appreciate veganism because it is the right thing to do, even if I'm too weak (lel) to commit to it

I really fail to see what makes it more morally correct than eating meat.

Animal suffering is a non-issue

I don't give a fuck about cows or pigs senpai, it's not like they are only alive because we eat them or anything.

I wouldn't eat a cat, but if you really care about dumb animals like pigs or cows then you're a fag.

>veganfags will respond to this

Eating meat is so fucking stupid.

>Le I wanna be as strong as an ox

Where the fuck do you think the ox gets its nutrients from? Energy goes from the sun to plants to the ox. Cut out the middle man and just eat plants.

Try eating grass for a month see how that works out for you

Why not just be powered by the sun?

>torture meat
This nigga

>t. is short for "terveisin"
It is also short for typed by

Ma nigga

>Lions also eat the young of their rivals, so I don't think as humans we should learn our moral lessons from them?

Would be great, I could date a single mother and not be a cuck if this was viable option.

>somatic cells (commonly known as pus)
Somatic cells are any cell of an organism that isn't reproductive cells. So of course there'll be somatic cells in milk.
Why do vegans need to spread information to get their points across? It's almost as though their beliefs are unscientific...

>morally it's obviously a better choice, but we are shitty people who like our big muscles so fuck it

Survival instinct must be weaker in vegans

Look at how big trees get, and they don't have to kill anything.

Imagine that.

Typical small and starved beta-vegan.

If I could make atmospheric nitrogen biologically available and produce energy from water and sunlight I'd get fucking huge too.

>Typical roidet

I'm a white American, buddy

>Animals have no value outside the one we abscribed to them.
I'm pretty sure the phytoplankton who are responsible for most of our oxygen have objective value while shitposters on a anime forum do not.

>he's big so he's on roids

Typical small minded thinking from a carnist

>how to superman mode?

>if you eat shitty bland boring food your entire life there is a slight increase in your chance of living to 90 instead of 87

oh boy, what a great deal

>Not having photosynthetic symbiots implanted under the skin.
>Making it.
LOL dyel forever, mate.

Plus imagine the GAINZ.

Vaginal gainz trynna start broccoli within the yt "fitness" to stay relevant lmao

Actually I'm opposed to positivism in life sciences and scientism in general. I'd say that trying to apply science to ethics is a case of scientism itself. But no, teleological notions have no place in serious biology and agreeing with this has nothing whatsoever to do with positivist methodology.
Argue otherwise if you like but don't just make retarded insults because you have no arguments.


Not even just morally but as a collective not eating animals is in our best interests (to limit global warming).

Having said that I want to be stronger and that would be harder being vegan. Also like most Americans I am short sighted and dont give a fuck about anyone else.

>you die at 87
>two years later, a way to permanently store your consciousness to a bio-mechanical brain has been perfected

>commonly accepted morality of a general rule of "don't harm things that can suffer unless absolutely necessary", killing an animal just to eat it isn't acceptable when you don't have to do it.

your morals are peasant-tier
humans evolved to be omnivores, so it's amoral for us to eat meat, just like any other omnivorous animal
we're all just animals

>torture meat

Modern day men sicken me

You're a fucking retard.

Morality only applies to humans and is a social construct. Eating is a natural function. Our choices of what we eat have as much to do with morality as what we drink and where we breathe, shit, etc. Since animals are not members of human society, morality has nothing to do with them.

If animals were above us, we would still be competing with them. If they were above us, they wouldn't be in cages at the zoo. Harambe would never have been in the cage in the first place.

>implying morality has anything to do with logic
>implying it isn't logical to eat weaker organisms for nutrition

>people still think being vegan is just "eating lettuce and shit"
Just type "vegan" in front of your favorite foods in google and you'll find thousands of recipes.

Do you lick your own butthole and eat other animal's feces too? Lions do that.

I bet you do nothing for 18 hours a day like lions do though.

>implying this isn't what fatties say about fit people in general

>killing animals to eat / use them is immoral

How about making animals immortal to eat / use them?

The cow, pig, sheep, dog, turkey and chicken will NEVER go extinct as long as humanity exists, as opposed to all other races of animals on this planet. This is assured 100%. The perceived "suffering" of singular animals is irrelevant. These animals have traded the flesh they do not need in death, and after breeding plentifully, for infinite existence. Servitude in exchange or protection. Is that not a graciously made trade, from the infinitely more superior race to their lessers?

It is a social construct, yes, but there is no reason to assume it only applies to humans simply because only we possess the capacity for it. That's not how morals work; we can't just go "it's our thing so only we count", it's not self-evident that it's limiting in that sense.

> Our choices of what we eat have as much to do with morality as what we drink and where we breathe, shit, etc.
But these things DO have to do with morality. For example, I don't get to shit in your livingroom or drink your scotch.

>Since animals are not members of human society
They are not members of the human race, but use of animals is a fundemental part of human society - where would we be without horses or dogs? Or without having raised animals for food? Our society developed differently because of animals; so why not show them consideration now when are able to for the first time? (Yes, I acknowledge that eganism is only possible in the modern era, and that old-timey humans HAD to eat meat.)

>morality has nothing to do with them
Except if I ate your dog, when someone killed Harambe, whenpeople cry when a pet dies, Alexander naming cities after Bucephalus and ancient Egyptians burying cats like they did their kings, police dogs getting proper police funerals, etc. etc. Animals are and have always been subject to human moral considerations, respect and empathy; we just makes exceptions for a few of the delicious ones.